Tuesday, 30 July 2013

My friend has too much time xD 

but am I the only one seriously creeped out by how I look with blue hair (and teeth!)? XD I sense disturbed sleep...

-D x

I hope it's beautiful where you are! ❤

Cara looks SO fierce here, I love this ad!

Monday, 29 July 2013

Want a kiss?

I'm (not so) secretly the hulk!

My friend made this! Hahaha!
I usually get laughed at when I say I tan quite badly, but look at how dark I get! And I never really go back completely to my original colour so I just get progressively darker. First pic winter, second summer. :-)

None of these are filtered btw!

-D x

Sunday, 28 July 2013

Saturday, 27 July 2013

The maimed vest and I

Lesson learned Dalanda

Don't go emo on your clothing or, you'll arrive at your final destination; fail

Friday, 26 July 2013

Not every guy could pull this off but I think it's quite an interesting print...



I'm bad xD (le blue person)

Yep, typical conversation between us! XD

(Le friend that features on my vines)

Thursday, 25 July 2013

OMG a blue eyed dachschund! He's beautiful! 

Gaaaah I really want a dog! XD