Thursday, 21 August 2014

Every fucking time. 

You can't be everyone's hero, especially when you can't even save yourself. You'll cut yourself on the broken pieces of them. They'll hurt you whether they want to or not. They will cause you pain & maybe never even make it up but that's life. You have to move on, forgive in your heart and not be bitter. You can not let the darkness & horrible people and events in this world turn you bitter and disillusioned. Have faith and be the person you want to meet and maybe there'll be a domino effect or at least you'll not feel horrible & accumulate bad karma by doing bad things. Don't sabotage yourself by toxic situations that don't make you happy & interfere with your daily life. Don't be a massochist. Emancipate yourself and hold on to happiness, not your pain. Cut yourself free of anything and anyone that doesn't make you happy or causes you more pain than joy the highs and lows aren't worth it. You gotta go for the constants in life, and believe it or not, it is actually possible to just be really totally happy and content with life and not worry etc. you just have to go after that feeling and set the intent & follow your gut- it'll tell you when what you're doing is wrong or otherwise. 

Don't do bad it's not worth it. Never worth it. Ever. If people were kinder maybe the world would be less painful. 

Be good, right your wrongs, apologise, free your heart and be happy. :-) 


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

Monday, 18 August 2014

Thursday, 14 August 2014

“Don’t tell me I’m beautiful. I have already heard the word rubbed raw across the flesh of so many girls before me. Thrown at them like rocks that beat the skin of those we do not understand. “You are beautiful,” we yell with such contempt. “God dammit, why won’t you just believe me, you’re beautiful!” It is not a compliment. It is a victory march of your own self sacrifice. “You’re beautiful,” we say through gritted teeth. “You’re beautiful,” we spit out through tears, looking at a reflection we hate. “You’re beautiful,” we say, holding a body that has never felt the arms of another. “You’re beautiful.” Don’t tell me I’m beautiful. A word like that floats on the surface, give me something with depth. Tell me I’m intelligent. Tell me I’m courageous. Tell me that when I laugh the whole world smiles. Tell me that my voice is sweeter than strawberries. Remind me that my hands have helped flowers grow, painted the ocean, and captured the sky in my phone. Assure me that with a mind like mine, I can change the world. Don’t tell me I’m beautiful. I don’t really care if it’s true. I’ve spent years trying to convince myself that beauty goes through and through. Don’t tell me I’m beautiful. I’ve felt the word splatter against me enough for a lifetime. I am better than the “beautiful” that slips from your lips. I am the ocean, 36,000 feet deep. There are parts of me you have never seen. I am outer space, infinite in your search. I am not simply “beautiful.” I’m a fucking masterpiece.”


Wednesday, 13 August 2014

“Memories are what warm you up from the inside. But they're also what tear you apart”

- Haruki Murakami.

RIP Lauren...

You beauty, you! 

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

I believe he had a lot more to give, but I respect his decision. 

This is why I'm always preaching LOVE, kindness, expressing your feelings and being a kind & good person that doesn't harm & hurt others. Most pain is totally avoidable. 

You never know how much your sincere kindness and support could mean to people. You never know why you feel affection towards certain people, animals, places... But if they put a spark in your heart & you feel something because of it, share it with them as long as that spark is there because it's there for a reason, maybe it needs your love or attention. Don't turn your back on things or run away from that which needs you. Don't stand there whilst you know someone is hurting & not try to be a good friend/partner/sibling/child/citizen of earth, whatever. 

And for goodness sake, STOP doing things that you know will hurt people & don't allow it to happen to them. 

Being a bystander is the same as taking part and if you truly loved someone or simply had compassion in your heart for people & compassion in general for yourself (not to mention a conscience) you would not allow for that person to get hurt or messed with if you knew about it. 

Right your wrongs and be the best person you can be. Good things will come to you that way, even if it doesn't seem like it, it will. It's just that the bad people try and make it hard for us to see the light in the world which is far more powerful than the darkness. 

And don't forget

And it works both ways. X


RIP Robin Williams

One of my favourite actors has passed at age 63 from apparent suicide in his flat in LA, Ca. 


I swear, there's something about that city and that buisness that just sucks the life out of people. There's never a happy ending in Hollywood, even for those that were supposedly 'living the dream' or went to go find it & the lifestyle. 

Well, I hope he's found real peace now, away from all that haunted and tormented him enough for him to take his own life. 

Let's keep our thoughts with him & his family at this time.

x x x x x 

I might watch Mrs Doubtfire again tonight...

Saturday, 9 August 2014

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Precisely. People spend their whole lives looking for their other half or soulmate, then they find them at last and run in the other direction because they're not the glorified dream they thought it would be. They bring out things you don't want to talk about, feel or do & you'd rather forget. But you'll never feel about anyone else the way you feel about them, and if you settle in life with that person who was a bit easier for you to handle than 'the one' you'll never forget him/her. You'll realise that you never really loved till you loved them and you can't love another in that same way. 

And let me tell you, you will be. But my God, is it worth it. 

Sunday, 3 August 2014

Saturday, 2 August 2014