I hope you had a Bowie Christmas! ;-)
I can't believe the year is almost over, so much can happen in the space of one year, so much can change... Things falling into place, people changing etc. Last year, things were different. We were different, positively or negatively different, only you can decide.
I hope the Christmas spirit is in our hearts now and forever because it's about being loving, kind and generous. It's also about miracles, hope, dreams which we all believe in to a degree and should pursue because anything could happen!
I love you so much, look after yourself, take care & have fun responsibly.
Be open, because the festive is a good time to do so... Instead of drinking loads to get the bad taste someone or something has left out of your mouth, why not resolve it? Or if it's a chapter that should remained closed focus on being a better you and listening more to your heart & intuition.
But whatever you need to do, your heart will know, I can't tell you or make you... It's all down to you at the end of the day and whether you're strong enough and brave enough to do whatever plagues or or whatever it is you need to do. I hope you are, I hope you find that courage. Everyone had it, but it's whether you're going to use it or not. Don't ever let life and opportunities you feel you should have taken pass you by. At the same time learn to say no and trust what you feel if you need to because you must know how to rely on yourself. Not everyone has your best interests at heart at all times, even those closest to you.
I'm blowing you Christmas kisses!!!!!!
- Your Dalanda
P.S - sorry I didn't post earlier, I've not been too good...