Wednesday, 29 April 2015
Friday, 24 April 2015
The great taboo
Mental illnesses.
I saw this post on tumblr and I thought I really had to share it because I've seen and heard some very ignorant things about mental illnesses. It's a lot deeper than what you see on the surface or what is sometimes very irresponsibly portrayed in the media. These are just a few and there are sadly a wide range of illnesses that effect the mind and interfere with ones day to day life.
Don't make generalisations or guesses about what people are going through, even if you've had the same, everyone experiences them differently but to everyone it's crippling. If you know someone or suspect (as it's pretty taboo to talk about mental illnesses-hence the title as people don't like to mention their struggles for fear of being dismissed, not taken seriously or being seen as crazy amongst other things) someone is suffering with something or many things, don't turn your back on them. Even if they push you away or lock themselves up keep trying. To reiterate the-inspired-lesbian, depression drains your energy and can leave you confined and sequestered, not getting back to people or talking to them, never fulfilling your potential as you hide with a constant ache, pain and emptiness in your chest. Anxiety makes you scared to talk to others and think everyone hates you & you're being judged constantly, it wreaks havoc with your stomach, chest and life. PTSD gives you those terrible nightmares and flashbacks that make you do anything not to fall asleep. Triggers are all around and you're scared and defeated because you're so damn tired but unproductive and you really can't trust anyone. Anorexia is the very thing that nourishes you & gives you energy becoming the enemy. Never being satisfied no matter how thin you appear to others... Binging, purging, hiding, becoming secretive & tearing yourself apart. All whilst you have to smile, and pretend to be 'normal' because you can't really talk about it and people probably wouldn't even take you seriously anyway.
It's not easy, not at all and these are just a few illnesses. People hide or mask themselves- look at famous and tragic examples like our childhood film hero Robin Williams who could give everyone joy but he lacked it himself, or the icon- my dear Marilyn Monroe who also suffered depression and ended her life... That is why you must always be kind. Make people feel special and reach out, be a good person and/or a good friend. Don't play games that will mess with peoples heads and make things worse or trigger something. Mental illnesses are a nightmare to live with so if you know/suspect someone, call to see if they're okay, talk to them, send care packages, write them letters and messages, let them know they're special and they have your love because mental illnesses are the loneliest thing ever and sometimes even people that want to be there for you don't know how so I'm giving some suggestions which I think will help greatly. Be a ray of light. Show them how life can be beautiful because you lose that vision when you're living in the shadows. And if they reach out to you, for God's sake grab them.
Finally, don't lose patience... These illnesses don't come up overnight and they won't be healed overnight. Be understanding and encouraging. Don't give up on the sufferer, try your hardest and then some. Don't just disappear one day like all the other disappointing people or things in their life that have let them down and possibly helped trigger their illnesses. That's really not cool, I'm not saying take on everyone's burdens because that will make you ill, but help lighten the load with simple, random acts of kindness. Make time for people, work will always be there but people won't.
I'll say it again, always be kind. After some time, people become very good actors/actresses and liars. Don't confront them about their illness... Just be supportive. It really does make a difference no matter how small. There's nothing worse than feeling alone like no one cares, like there's no one you can trust and people turn away from you for things you didn't even realise you did wrong like accidentally pushing them away because the sadness was overwhelming.
Remember, people aren't their illnesses. Try and see the person they once were or could be that's hiding behind the person they have become. The ones that seem strong are usually the weakest, don't be fooled... You never know when you could have been someone's saviour until it's too late.
Take care, and if no one else is, I'm holding your hand. I'll walk with you, I promise. You're not alone even though I know it feels like it. You know how to find me & if you don't want to, I'll keep sharing things that may help you live a better life like I always do... It's just finding the strength to start which you do have. You're not forgotten.
London Town
A great article on reasons to love England xD
Happy St George's day!!
Love always,
P.S - if you wanted to visit- particularly London, this time & the rest of summer would be a good time, I read articles saying it would be hotter than Greece! :-D
Thursday, 23 April 2015
I'm going to Paris for a week as a belated birthday celebration/get away on the 29'th. I'm really excited, are there any places you would recommend for me to visit or see or any good restaurants? You know how much I love my food and I'll be alone for some days to explore so I would like to do cool stuff... Message me or let me know somehow, I would really love to hear from you. :-)
I have some Levi shorts for sunny picnics in the park! If you're in Paris, you're welcome to join me xD
Anyways, enjoy your day/ night! Take care, relax, be good and smile!! (Lol, coming from me)
Lots of love!!
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
Today's mantra
Im sorry, there's a bit in the middle that isn't very clear I've tried for ages to change it but
it isn't working, please highlight it to read it, it's important. :o) - well, only if you wish to...
Painting by Pablo Picasso.
I think we all find ourselves guilty of that... I think hey, maybe if I just get through today with enough hope, my dreams will come back to me tomorrow. Maybe tomorrow I'll have the motivation, the luck. But so far it's seeming like that tomorrow never comes. But fool that I am, I'll keep hoping... Maybe soon good things are coming and in the time being I'll try my best to enjoy life because it is a blessing, even if sometimes you feel as though you've been cursed. Our lessons are what makes us stronger and every cloud has a silver lining... Or golden, because I prefer gold. Silver washes me out. But I digress...
This quote kind of reminds me of the very end of Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.
'Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter—tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther. . . . And then one fine morning—
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.'
So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.'
It's so true... so many people romanticise the past or stick with negative things and/or situations in their lives that pull them back like those strong waves. Waves of sadness, regret and things that you need to release but you cling to firmly and go on and on like the waves... Letting yourself fight until you're tired and just sit back and allow yourself to drift further and further away from that green light that you truly want in your life or need to complete you.
You talk yourself out of jumping on the boat to save yourself and instead choose to suffer fighting a losing battle, and why? Why can't we have the courage to go after our dreams anymore? The dreams that truly scare us yet fulfil us so much at the same time? Sometimes you've just got to take the first step to make it happen. Look it in the eye and go after it, don't turn away, don't ignore it if it's something you think about everyday. If it's something your heart drifts to. Don't let your false dreams, your past or your failures rob you of your future. There's nothing worse than standing there watching, realising you have what you wanted but you didn't have what you needed so it's like everything has turned to shit because you ignored what was truly the most important thing to you. There's a quote for that too in TGG " The loneliest moment in someone’s life is when they are watching their whole world fall apart, and all they can do is stare blankly." Don't be that person. It's really not nice.
Here's a hint- those things of true importance will never be your obligations. Career or work goals and life goals are different. All goals are important and you shouldn't ignore any. They are part of your superficial happiness but are usually socially constructed by the lives we are told to live.
I'm quite tired now but I think you understand. I hope you do because all of this is important... I just really want for us all to be happy, to have joy in each other and for each other because that is when we see true contentment and true happiness. If you don't know what to do or how to do it, look at my old posts (I'll change the format in a bit so you can see archives) or ask yourself- you have the answer, I promise you that you do but you've told yourself you don't because you're scared... It's not easy, I know but the most blatantly obvious and clear thing is what you should do. Relax and the answer will come to you. Try not to overanalyse everything... You're just stirring up the current or in some cases swimming away from that green light with your body when your soul is still fighting towards that beautiful light. Follow your soul. Then you will know what happiness really is and it's so much better and more fulfilling than finishing a job. You realise this, you know, your soul knows, and yet still you do nothing? My dear one, it's time to change that.
Be kind, be generous and be courageous.
I love you and I hope the words I am sharing with you help you and inspire you and mean as much to you as they do to me. I try the best that I can for you all and I just hope that you've been able to make positive changes in your life because as I said I just really want happiness for all of us and if you can bring that, why not? You're all my friends here, even if you don't speak to me. I feel you and I pray for you and I love you always. You're not alone, I promise. I'm here for you even if you're not here physically for me. :-)
Take care of yourself,
Here's an old kiss I forgot to share with you
Saturday, 18 April 2015
Booo , it's my birthday next week Saturday, & I've no idea what exactly I'm doing... It'll probably involve food, alcohol & dancing...
I don't really tell people when it's my birthday so unless they're a close friend, they don't know until Facebook tells them xD I remember on my 17'th birthday I went around sharing sweets with everyone but I didn't tell them it was my birthday, hahaha! I do that on most birthdays actually...
I don't know why I don't tell more people, your birthday is your only day that is just about you and for you to be appreciated so I should milk it for all it's worth, because who doesn't love a bit of praise? Who doesn't love to feel special?
I guess I probably just have a fear from times gone by that not many would actually care then that would be awkward and sad and I won't feel special....
I don't know what I'm doing but I hope it will be good... I really hope I'm made to feel special, but I'll try to be happy regardless for the mere fact I've lasted another year on this planet. It's not an easy task at all, it's really hard, but I've survived up until now and that's something. To me anyways... I'll say goodbye to my teen years fondly for they have taught me a lot & I will welcome my 20's with an open heart & mind. I hope they'll be kind to me. Fingers crossed.
I've not shared any African music or Afrobeats in a long time, I kept meaning to post this song ages ago but I forgot so here... P Square & Don Jazzy- Collabo. Enjoy! You even can dance to it on Saturday night & think of me xD I really like this song!
Thursday, 16 April 2015
Throwback Thursday!
I've not done this in a while, teehee.
Anyways, the state of affairs on this planet had pissed me of from day one- as demonstrated in this image.
(Little Dalanda)
Yes, I always look like this. Unless I have something to be happy about, and usually I don't because I'm on this planet and this planet sucks. I don't have resting bitch face, I'm just irritated. Speaking of irritation my stomach fucking kills and I can't sleep, like seriously. You need to calm yourself and stop cramping so I can sleep instead of being woken up by pain.
I want some chocolate but I can't be bothered to go up to the kitchen :-( ugh, first world problems. This is where I need a nice person to take care of me and make me happy so I can smile. But instead I just have me, myself and I. Meh, I am pretty awesome, except for when I can't be arsed to do things for myself because ouch.
(Big Dalanda)
Another throwback, I think this is some months old... As you can see, I do smile... Maybe like twice a month or something.
Wednesday, 15 April 2015
Say no to PETA
So many people and especially celebrities go around blindly supporting and promoting causes without looking deeply into what they actually advocate and carry out- which baffles me because people can spend so much effort on their 'brand' and image but won't even look at what they're slapping their names under in some aspects. PETA is one of those things, they make these horrible scaremongering videos saying that we should all be vegans and it's meat murder is murder (whilst only showing extreme cases) etcetc when they're doing the same or worse to animals themselves. It's a cause I will never support because I look into things before I support them because I'll not compromise my integrity and what I believe in and I do believe animal abuse is completely wrong. Abuse of any living thing especially those without a voice is wrong. When you support PETA you're supporting extremists that actually murder animals- not even for food or some kind of other or cause, but just because. To me that's far worse. Not only do they murder but they do things like send people HIV infected cloths and they dug up someone's grave... Anyways they're fucked up and I don't agree with their tactics.
I eat meat but I'm not American, the meat standards here are much better and the animals have better lives. I believe in humanising the slaughter industry as a means to find a middle ground because it would be nice if no animals died, but now realistically it just won't really work. There's not enough resources anymore for us to not have to trim down the population- of both humans and animals actually and so instead of them starving or meeting a worser fate we need some kind of control behind it. I mean take Denmark for example, there are more pigs than humans. Also the massive corporations like Mc Donalds, Burger King, Subway, KFC etc. They take a massive chunk of the worlds meat and I'm glad that at least in the UK (I can't speak for anywhere else) they use free range, reputable farmers etc, so it's more expensive than in other countries but it's not as bad. But one can still be vegetarian if they want. I think it's a good personal choice, I won't because it has absolutely no effect on how many animals are killed (I studied food and the meat industry and looked into these things a lot, only if one of those massive companies like Mc Donald's or KFC became vegetarian would you see a difference, and I don't see that happening any time soon, or ever) so the animal would have in vain and it's a waste which I think is bad, and I enjoy meat- well white meat more than red meat so I'll keep eating it...
If you want more info because you don't want to blindly follow PETA anymore there's plenty below. I hope it opens your eyes if they've not already been opened. And remember always look into things. Read before you follow, think critically... That's how they force crap down your throat and turn you into mind controlled zombies- no one thinks critically anymore and people blindly follow. Have more sense.
Info from Nathan Winograd. If anyone has any counter arguments suggesting otherwise, I'd love to hear them.
PETA also took in 1,021 dogs of which they killed 788 (a kill rate of 77%). Another 210 were transferred to other shelters. Like the cats, if they were killed or displaced others who were killed, the dog death rate would also be as high as 98%. Only 23 were adopted.
How much money did PETA take in last year from unsuspecting donors who helped pay for this mass carnage? $51,933,001: $50,449,023 in contributions, $627,336 in merchandise sales, and $856,642 in interest and dividends. They finished the year with $4,551,786 more in the bank than they started, after expenses. They did not see fit to use some of that to comprehensively promote animals for adoption or to provide veterinary care for the animals who needed it.
By contrast, the Lynchburg Humane Society, also in Virginia, took in about the same number of animals as PETA but saved 94% and without PETA’s millions. Seagoville Animal Services in Texas took in 1/3 of the numbers (about 700 animals) but only 1/20th of 1% of the amount of money that PETA did, saving 99% of them on a paltry $29,700 budget. In fact, hundreds of cities and towns across America are saving over 90% of the animals and doing so on a fraction of PETA’s wealth.
While PETA claims the animals it takes in and kills are “unadoptable,” this is a lie. It is a lie because employees have admitted it is a lie. They have described 8 week old, 10 week old, and 12 week old healthy kittens and puppies routinely and immediately put to death with no effort to find them homes. It is a lie because they have been caught stealing happy and healthy animals and putting them to death. It is a lie because rescue groups, individuals, and veterinarians have come forward stating that the animals they gave PETA were healthy and adoptable and PETA insiders have admitted as much, one former intern reporting that he quit in disgust after witnessing perfectly healthy puppies and kittens in the kill room. It is a lie because PETA refuses to provide its criteria for making the determination as to whether or not an animal is “unadoptable.” It is a lie because according to a state inspector, the PETA facility where the animals are impounded was designed to house animals for no more than 24 hours. It is a lie because Ingrid Newkirk herself admitted as much during a television interview: when asked whether or not PETA kills healthy animals, she responded, “Absolutely.” It is a lie because PETA staff have described the animals they have killed as “healthy,” “adorable” and “perfect.” It is a lie because PETA itself admits it does not believe in “right to life for animals.” And it is a lie because when asked what sort of effort PETA routinely makes to find adoptive homes for animals in its care, PETA had no comment.
In fact, PETA lied in its reporting to VDACS. On October 18, 2014, in Parksley, VA, PETA stole Maya, a happy and healthy dog, from her porch while her family was out. They killed her that very day. According to a spokesman for Maya’s family, PETA came to the trailer park where the family lives, where most of the residents are Spanish speaking with few resources. The PETA representatives befriended the residents. They got to know who lived where and who had dogs. In fact, they sat with the family on the same porch from which they later took Maya. Waiting until the family was away from the home, PETA employees backed their van up to the porch and threw biscuits to Maya, in an attempt to coax her off her property and therefore give PETA the ability to claim she was a stray dog “at large.” But Maya refused to stay off the porch and ran back. Thinking that no one was around, one of the employees—who was later charged with larceny—went onto the property and took Maya.
When the family returned and found their beloved Maya missing, they searched around the neighborhood before checking the video on the surveillance camera. That is when they saw the PETA van on the film and recognized the woman who had come to their house on prior occasions to talk to them about Maya. They called PETA and asked for Maya’s return. According to a family spokesperson, PETA claimed it did not have the dog. When PETA was told that its employees had been filmed taking the dog, they hung up. Shortly afterward, a PETA attorney called and informed the family that Maya was dead. PETA had killed her. She may not be the only one. On the day they stole Maya, other animals went missing as well. Had a surveillance video not been available, the killing of Maya would have remained unknown, as are the fates of the other animals. Yet in its reporting of Maya to VDACS, she is listed as a “stray.”
Why? Why does PETA steal animals and then kill them? Why do they systematically put them to death? PETA refuses to answer questions: But employees who have spoken out about PETA's killing say it is the result of the deeply disturbing and perverted version of animal activism promoted by PETA founder and President, Ingrid Newkirk. They explain how employees are made to watch “heart wrenching” films about animal abuse to drill into them the belief that people are incapable of caring for animals and that “PETA was doing what was best for animals” by killing them. PETA tells its employees that people can’t, don’t, and won’t take care of animals, that the lives of animals with people is one of neglect and abuse and that living with dogs and cats violates their rights. PETA also claims that animals cannot live without human care, which is why they do not support letting free-living cats continue to be free-living. The animals are, in short, damned either way and thus killing them is a “gift.” To PETA, animal activism means killing animals and to roughly 2,000 animals every year, that is precisely what is done. Over the last 12 years, 31,250 animals have been poisoned to death by PETA, an atrocity funded by individuals who erroneously believe that their donations will be used to help rather than end the lives of animals.
The records from the Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services are here:
When you donate to PETA, you fund these atrocities against animals. Learn more:
Main Photo: This photo, reportedly taken at PETA of needles filled with sodium pentobarbital (the drug used to kill animals), was sent to me by a former PETA employee whose job it was to kill animals.
Addendum: I am NOT deleting comments that disagree with me. I am deleting comments that: engage in ad hominem attacks, use profanity, blame this on "liberals," blame this on "Republicans," blame this on Obama, or refer to PETA as "People for the Eating of Tasty Animals."
First, focus on logic and evidence, not ad hominem attacks. Second, do not politicize this. Third, no promoting of violence towards animals. I do NOT criticize PETA because they try to protect animals. I criticize them because--when it comes to companion animals in shelters--they do NOT. They preach killing. They defend abuse. They fight reform efforts. I am a vegan advocate and former PETA volunteer: If they were sincere, true to their alleged mission, and defenders of the right to life for all animals, I would be one of their most ardent supporters.
Finally, do not believe me. Do not believe PETA. Look at the evidence for yourself:
Here is the data, self-reported by PETA to the Virginia Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services, showing roughly 9 out of 10 animals they seek out are killed by them:
Here is an inspection report by the Virginia State Vet showing PETA kills 90% of animals within 24 hours without even trying to find them homes:
Here is an OpEd piece written by PETA founder Ingrid Newkirk which appeared in newspapers across the country where PETA says it supports a policy that all pit bulls should be killed in all shelters in America:
Here is a newspaper article about the 2007 trial of PETA employees after they were found to be rounding up and killing animals in the back of a van after promising to find them homes:
Here is the news station report of PETA stealing Maya, a "happy and healthy" dog and killing her:
Here is the surveillance video of the theft:
Here is a video made by Shelby County KY shelter volunteers after PETA celebrated when that shelter announced it was going to resume killing after four years as a No Kill shelter:
Here is a letter by the Virginia Federation of Humane Societies asking the State Vet to revoke PETA's ability to take in and kill animals:
Here is a petition to the State Vet that the No Kill Advocacy Center wrote asking the same:
Here is a letter written by PETA to a Mayor telling him to kill all pit bulls, not to foster animals, and not to work with rescue groups:
Here are photographs of animals PETA has killed:
There's more. Much more.
Tuesday, 14 April 2015
I'll always speak my heart... To you and to everyone I encounter. I try to live in my heart, from my heart as best as I can because love is so powerful. The heart, love, that's the thing that will make or break you. Seriously. That's why when they want to hurt people particularly in things like organised crime, they go straight to the heart, the ones you love, your love because living with the pain of them hurt or gone will cut deeper that personal injury and maybe even death would have been more merciful. That's why I'm always preaching love because holding back, hiding, being anything but honest when it comes to love is just really painful to you and the person or people you're holding back from, and also quite mean... some don't even realise what they're doing, how they're destroying someone, doing so much damage, blissfully unaware and it's quite sad. Crossed wires, missed opportunities and paths that just result in regret and pain... There's only one one & you shouldn't settle then pretend to have found true happiness when it's comfort and routine you've found. Don't turn your back on life, love, happiness, peace... Unless it really is time to let go and when it is you will know, and you will also know when it's meant to last forever.
In such cases, I'm always willing to fight for you, even if you are not always willing to fight for me... Even if I'm kinda left out and disregarded, I won't turn my back, I can't if it's something I feel strongly and it is a soul destroying thing sometimes, honestly. It's something I feel we often have little control over.
One of my friends said I was cold the other day because if someone wrongs me in such a way that I know they're not someone on my wavelength, or they're really negative and I don't want to be around them anymore then they wrong me, I will actually just never talk to them again and/or cut them off completely, I don't care. I really don't, she was like how can you do that? But I'm a bit like, how on earth can you stay with someone that causes you pain, or is negative and hurts you? I can't form attachments with people like that or let them close to me. I would rather be alone than in bad company, people that say that when people claim that the like being alone are lying I find it's actually the case that those people themselves are co-dependent & possibly need to learn more about toxic relationships because people with that mentality are usually the ones that end up with leeches as friends, or more than friends. They constantly need to be around people to escape themselves so they don't go crazy and I think that's sad, because how can you master yourself and do what's best for you if you're always running from yourself? When something meaningful comes along will you run from that too? Don't be a fool pls. Behave. Anyways, I digress...
As I was saying,
I know many people, I'm a friend to everyone but I don't let many people close to me at all and don't consider myself to have many friends. I like it that way, I can go out, have fun, have a chat or a meal with many people that I know are decent people but I'm just not very close to in terms of them not really knowing me or much about me and that's cool. I don't share much about myself ever unless I like you and we're close... I can share views etc but you really have to know me to know me. People that try to figure me out often call me mysterious, but I don't think I am, I am just not really an open book. I'm quite friendly anyways so most people don't even realise they don't really know me which is absolutely fine by me.
Take care, don't be a cunt & don't neglect responsibilities and the people you love. For the sake of you & them.
All the best,
“Single people want relationships, settled people wonder if they’re missing out on something, traveling types miss stability, stable ones are restless, old friends want new friends, new friends miss old friends, and basically almost everyone my age has some dangling worry trailing around after them everywhere that they’re somehow not doing everything, that what they’re doing is not altogether the right thing, that they are missing out. … Do not be ashamed. The doubt is natural, and everyone you know – yes, even that person – carries it sometimes too. Allow yourself to be peaceful. Allow yourself satisfaction in what you have. If you really don’t like it, allow yourself permission to make changes.”
-Lillian Schneid
I'm in here
I'm in here.
Can anybody see me?
Can anybody help?
I'm in here.
A prisoner of history,
Can anybody help?
Can't you hear my call?
Are you coming to get me now?
I've been waiting for
You to come rescue me.
I need you to hold
All of the sadness I cannot live with inside of me.
I'm in here.
I'm trying to tell you something.
Can anybody help?
I'm in here.
I'm calling out but you can't hear.
Can anybody help?
Can't you hear my call?
Are you coming to get me now?
I've been waiting for
You to come rescue me.
I need you to hold
All of the sadness I cannot live with inside of me.
I'm crying out,
I'm breaking down,
I am fearing it all,
Stuck inside these walls,
Tell me there is hope for me.
Is anybody out there listening?
Can't you hear my call?
Are you coming to get me now?
I've been waiting for
You to come rescue me.
I need you to hold
All of the sadness I cannot live with inside of me.
Can't you hear my call?
Are you coming to get me now?
I've been waiting for
You to come rescue me.
I need you to hold
All of the sadness I cannot live with inside of me.
I'm in here.
Can anybody see me?
Monday, 13 April 2015
Frozen grapes *_*
If you've not done this before, you should... They're so good!
I hope you are having or you will have a fantastic day :-)
I'm about to start actually writing my essay after this break (keep sending those good vibes, thanks if you already have been). Hopefully it shouldn't take too long because I drafted a plan before my break. Laziness and procrastination are terrible habits guys, don't do it if you can help it. Work hard & do well. Don't be like me who never actually studies for anything and does most of what she needs to do very last minute but I'm lucky, I get on alright this way... Quite well actually. But because I don't always put loads of effort in (if I can't be arsed and it doesn't enthuse me I will not do it at all if it can be helped or I won't make much of an effort) I always know I could do much better even if I have already done well.
At this stage in my life I have the privilege of studying at a good & reputable university (not trying to be elitist here, to be studying at uni is an achievement full stop. There's loads of jobs out there and not everyone will come from just those 20 Russell group or Ivy League unis... It's about how well you do on your degree and what you do with it) and I am lucky to be in an institution where I am an independent person, but also have room to better and help myself personally and I'm going to start taking advantage of that. I am of the belief that we are souls with bodies and we have had lives before and will probably have lives to come if we have more lessons to learn and help with, but this has been and will be my only life as me, Dalanda. There will never be another me and I won't have another life exactly like my own ever again so I have to make this one in this body count and we all should. So it's hard, but I'm going to start trying to be the best person that I can be by looking after myself better then moving on to other aims and goals I wish to complete & take care of in my life. I wish to have fun and experience as much as I possibly can, & make meaningful connections with lands, people, animals and most importantly my end goal is happiness and contentment. That's very much to do with perception & how we act and the people/experiences we allow in our lives so it means I must work on me first. I still function, I'm still a good person, but I feel like I could do this whole life thing better & there aren't people there that can do it for you, you must do it yourself. Even me to you, all I can do is advise you but as much as I would love to because I know how beneficial it would be, I can't make that change for you, and so you've got to do it for you. I've got to do it for me.
This is a bit personal, but maybe you'll understand and it will resonate with you or maybe you're like me. It's never too late to change, or start again or seek help & live the life you deserve. It's our right to be happy, take it. & help those on your journey, lift them or fly with them as long as you're not pulling yourself back in the process.
These are only words but they're written now and I'll try not to go back on them because I don't know about you, but I'm tired...
Well, from how long this is you can see how good I am at procrastinating and also how much I care about us all and our happiness & right to enjoy life because Lord knows if I didn't care, I wouldn't even give you a full stop, let alone a sentence.
Take care, be good, spread love and joy, enjoy life & be a little reckless sometimes because why the hell not? (Note I say reckless and not stupid. Don't be stupid. I am not a stupid advocate. Don't do stupid things. If you do stupid things, STAHP IT!)
Love always,
Sunday, 12 April 2015
Amen. Let's spare a thought & a prayer for those going through the pain & daily torment of being left behind by their love. Let's also say a prayer for those that run. Maybe, hopefully one day they will be brave enough & strong enough to stop running from the one they love & start loving them truly, actively instead of from afar or suppressing & not at all showing their feelings.
Love will tear you apart, stay strong and don't let it break you or intimidate you into nothingness.
I'm on my knees for you, as always. :-)
PS- Still needing those good vibes please! :-*
God, yes Jeff Brown, yes. Read it & read it again.
It's so hard, life. We all have our problems & hurdles. But the beauty is that we can revel in it, embrace it & acknowledge it as part of what makes us who we are today.
We also need to embrace the truth and stop hiding from ourselves & others. Unexpressed feelings both positive & negative are just poison to the soul. The soul of yourself & the ones that need & deserve your truth, it's not fair to hide it. Express yourself with love, they can take it so let them. You are not a burden & you owe it to yourself & others to be truthful. For the sake of happiness & more importantly peace.
Most people are so confused, afraid and lost because of their feelings, but all you need to do is be honest about them. Write them down if you need to arrange it, then share them with whoever you feel needs to hear it. Face to face, calls, letters, show real effort, respect & heart. Don't push it down. Don't break yourself. Don't break others. Don't repress your emotions. Don't hold back. It's that simple (don't laugh, it is quite simple if you'd only stop psyching yourself up with far fetched scenarios of things going terribly wrong because you were honest & making a habit of internalising everything). Opening up & being honest about your feelings is liberating so don't be scared. Be excited to have a taste of freedom, free yourself from your cage that you've built around yourself & your heart instead & who knows... Maybe you'll end up with great people to share that freedom with too! ;-)
You'll only lose if you hold back.
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