Some people act so fucking stupidly it's unreal.
Okay, so you have a problem with trusting people, and you seldom let anyone new in your life for fear of them screwing you over, okay, fair enough each to their own! Better to be safe than sorry, pick who you trust etc etc. Cool, fine, lovely.
THEN, you finally trust again, but you go and trust the wrong people... and go back to your URGH I'M NEVER TRUSTING ANYONE EVEN MORE NOW mindset when it's your fault for trusting the WRONG people in the first place.What?! That doesn't even make sense to me!
Or even better, you're still friends with the leeches now. ¬_¬
People can always screw you over, just not in the way you initially think. They can be using you without you even realising- or trying to realise. You must always ask, what's in it for them? Espescially if they're people that won't usually make friends with someone like you; or it's a bit strange as they are hugely different from you yet are still trying to be your friend. Ask yourself, why would they make friends with me in the first place? Of course they're going to be nice to you and make you feel happy and accepted, duh! They want your favour so you trust them. They can stand there, waiting for your stuff to fuck up so they can go ohhh dear, that's no good, hey maybe I can help, maybe I can do this for you cause I'm such a good friend! When really, it was their plan all along, those are the friends that make those 'AWESOME' suggestions... For a small (or not so small) fee. All a real friend wants to do is help you, and trust that you'll do the same for them in return at some stage, if your friend is offering to help you and asking for stuff in return alarm bells should ring. You happiness should really be payment enough, and I know I just want to see my friends happy and see things work out the best for my friend so I won't ever be like I'll help you here's some help, oh btw, now that I've helped you can you do that for me? Or oh no that's not working, I can do that for you but obviously, you're going to have to pay me first. But there are people like that out there and it's shocking, like honestly, are you not EMBARASSED to be using someone like that? :-/
Maybe sadly, they can start off as your friend, but then as they find out what you can do for them, their plans can start to change and they realise, hey, I can do a lot with this friendship! And yet you're too influenced to see that that's the case, cause you've been blinded by all of the displays of affection, all of the seemingly generous benefits they've given you, when really, they've always wanted something in return. They just act like they don't so that when they finally drop it in there, it doesn't seem as unreasonable, but they never really liked you like they should as a friend, they just liked what you could do for them.
If those are the people you place your trust in, they're usually sorrounded with like-minded individuals as you tend to attract those you behave like (or if you're too nice, you attract those kinds of people), and so even the mutual friends will be fake too, and you can end up with this circle of insincere leeches that are using you, smiling to you, and giving you a few minor benefits to keep you happy so that you think they actually like you.
Friendships like that are hard to break because they're seemingly doing nothing wrong, but it's neccesarry if you want to move forward as sometimes those friends can be the ones holding you back, slowing you down and taking you away from what you need to be doing in order to be the best that you can be. It's a good idea just to distance yourself from those people! It's better to be on your own than be sorrounded by the wrong people, or the people that don't want you for the right reasons.
I personally couldn't stand being around someone that was using me, even if they were nice to me because it doesn't detract from the fact that, I am seeing them as a friend they are seeing me as a buisness opportunity, or free counciling, or a bank or a promoter... heck some can see you as all of that and more. They'll never see me how I see them or never like me truly and sincerly like I like them so what's the point? Why do some people do it?
Please, if you have fake friends, for your own good, cut them off and start making wise decisions in friends, place your trust in the right people and watch out. Like seriously, just watch someone and how they act and behave and what they do, it can tell you a lot about who they are and their intentions. You deserve better than someone that only wants you for what you are and not who you are.
If you're using someone, stop, or if you're going to use them, don't make out like you're their friend or you want to be, then use them. Just be honest and say look, I need you to do this for me, or could you help me with that please, you'll be more respected and at least you aren't leading a poor person that really liked you as a friend along.
You don't need people espescially ones that pretend to accept you for who you are, you really don't. you'll always have people like your family or old proper friends that only want the best for you no matter what. There will be fake people everywhere you go, so just be careful and look at someone carefully before you decide to let them in your life, take of the rose tinted glasses and don't be fooled by a few invites, kind words and gifts. Open your eyes to the fake smiles!
Nullius in verba - Take no one's word for it.
-Dalanda xxx
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