Wednesday, 23 October 2013

I don't want you to always be there or available... If you can't, I'll understand. I just want you to care like a good friend should. A good friend should be there and make sure that you never feel alone, but you don't constantly have to be there to show it, I just need the knowledge. You just need to be there when it matters most and/or when you can but if you can't, that's okay. If I know you're trying your best but it can't be constant, who am I to say it's not right, or enough, or you're never there? No, I'm not that unreasonable and I will not drop you or move on to another group of people or another person because of personal circumstances... That's simply wrong and I am not that kind of person. If you think I am... well, I'm offended.

Regardless, I'll always be there for you when you need it. Knowing you're okay is enough. I'll never let anyone down and I'll try my best to be a good friend and a good person, whether it's returned or not because I'm not looking for anything back. I just want you to be happy because it's a basic right, not soley for human beings, but for every living thing. Everyone and everything deserves to be happy and I think that people need to be nice and supportive to one another to make that easier. Nothing is worse than negative people and people that damage your self esteem and make you feel worthless or inferior. It's simply astounding how much a negative or mean person can break you as a person, leave scars that never quite fade and leave you fighting and internal battle against your mind, body and probably worst of all, your soul. Most of the fucked up things in the world are cause by a lack of love for our fellow man.

I know that life is hard, and often people can hurt you, make you feel small and rob you from your happiness, but not everyone is evil and I'll give you the love if no one else will. You're not alone if you've got a friend in me because I won't dessert you. I'll help as best I can and if you'd like to do more for me but can't that's okay, at least you're trying. Don't fear, I won't leave you if that's the case. I can be alone. Look after you.

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