Monday, 23 December 2013

Ask yourself this question: am I really happy, or just really comfortable?


  1. WOOOW this reminds me of someone I know. A huge procrastinator. I'm asking myself that question now, don't much like the answer... thanks for posting!

    1. Hey Star,
      We all know someone like that, someone content or even unhappy but doing nothing about the situation... I guess petty fears or not knowing what could be on the other side scares us into not doing anything which is silly. When we're unhappy long term, it can become our routine and we get used to feeling that way leading us to make not make any positive or daring changes in our lives, but it's what we need the most to fill that gap, or longing. Often when we look deep inside ourselves, we find things we don't like and things that scare us... It doesn't mean we should stop looking though as one can always make a change and decide to be us. We are the masters of our own fates.

      Thank you, thank you for reading & commenting, it's great to hear from you. :-) xxx

    2. Ahh that's so true. Sometimes my petty fears get magnified. It's really strange because the person I'm thinking of was 'really comfortable' for so long that suddenly in the last month, he became really depressed and said that he didn't know what he'd been doing with his life. As for me, I will go through fazes of being scared and motivated, so sometimes I really feel happy and sometimes I am just really comfortable. Urgh, oh well.

      Thanks for replying! You got a cool lil blog up in here! =]

    3. It's part of being a human in this world... We become slaves to routine. Any break from it cause fear.

      That happens, often when we don't follow our hearts, our gut instincts or what we feel we are meant to be doing in favour for the 'safe' option, we can wake up one morning and realise we are miserable and we should of followed our dreams when we had the chance... But it's never too late to be the person you could of been... Take time to sit back, reflect and think about what really makes your heart sing and that you just feel is right for you and peruse it in the faith it will all work out, if you have faith, you will be led to the right people, places and opportunities... But it's up to you to pursue and it won't be easy, and it won't instantly fall into your lap, because that's just not how life works... But eventually you'll get there and you will be happy, and going out to get it will be a labour or love and passion. Just don't do nothing about it and sit down waiting for the world to change. You have to be the change you want to see in the world.

      Maybe focus on you and becoming happy and accepting yourself for who or what you are, ya know... Own your insecurities before they own you, then focus on being better and healthier inside and out because with confidence and self loving instead of self loathing comes happiness and you can attract good in your life. You know, if you're negative you'll get loads of bad things come to you, but if you're positive and good you'll attract good so bear that in mind. It always works out for the best in the end if you have a good heart and you follow it, maybe not immediately but it most certainly will.

      It's not easy at all, but nothing good ever comes easily...
      Good luck and have faith in yourself. You're greater than you realise!

      It's always a pleasure to reply to you :-)

