"Take control of your life, Be assertive but not forceful, Remember that you are in charge, Show them who is the Boss, Ascend your throne, When you show belief in yourself others will too, Go for it!, Take a chance, Think Big, Where is your sense of adventure? You can beat the rest and come out on top, Come up with, some new ideas, Find a novel approach, Express your originality, You must have the enthusiasm, energy and motivation to finish what you start, Dare to be different, If you believe in it don’t be put off by the negativity of others, It doesn’t matter what others think, You have the experience that is required, Respect must be earned and not expected, Stand on your principles, Be the hero in this situation, Make a grand gesture, Set a good example, Others are looking to you for guidance, Lead the way, Motivate and enthuse those around you, Look to the future, See the Big Picture, Share your experience by mentoring someone, Stay healthy and strong by exercising, Get out and about,
Do I finish what I start? Do I feel in charge and in control of my life? What are my goals? Do I use my power wisely? Do my staff respect me? Am I a good team leader, How can I inspire others? Why do I always have to lead the way? How good am I at delegating? Do I want to do it all myself? Is there someone who could benefit from my experience? Do I feel enthusiastic and motivated? When is the last time I helped anyone? Do I get enough exercise? Is my position safe?"
All things to think about & remember in life. Take control, don't be led by fear.
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