Wednesday, 30 July 2014

“There is nothing I would not do for those who are really my friends. I have no notion of loving people by halves, it is not my nature.”

- Jane Austen

Monday, 28 July 2014

Being heartless seems to be the in thing, but nothing makes you look more lonely.. Emotion and feelings are natural, you fucking alien. 

Anyone for cuddles?

Sunday, 27 July 2014

"And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul? Is anything worth more than your soul?"

-Mathew 16:26

Every man carries a treasure about with him—a divine soul. And that this jewel should not be undervalued, our Savior here sets a price upon it. He lays the soul in balance with the whole world and, being put in the scales—the soul weighs heaviest. "What is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"

The world is a stately fabric, enriched with beauty and excellency; it is like a meticulous piece of tapestry, set about with various colors. It is a bright mirror—in which much of the wisdom and majesty of God is resplendent; but as glorious as this world is, every man carries a more glorious world about with him—a precious soul. It would bankrupt the world to give half the price of a soul; it will undo the world to buy it, and it will undo him who shall sell it. If we can save our souls, though we lose the world, it is a gainful loss. But if we lose our souls though we gain the world, our very gains will undo us. "For what is a man profited if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?"

The words branch themselves into five parts:

1. A supposal of a purchase—"if a man shall gain." The proposition is hypothetical; Christ does not say he shall gain—but puts forth a supposition; it is not a certain purchase, it is only supposed.

2. The purchase itself—the world.

3. The extent of the purchase—the whole world, the world with all its revenues and benefits.

4. The terms of this purchase—he shall lose his soul. Not that his soul shall be annihilated (that would make him happy)—but he shall lose the end of his creation. He shall miss glory—if he shall lose his soul.

The loss of the soul is amplified by two things:

First, the propriety. It is his own soul, that which is nearest to him, that which is most himself. The soul is the most noble part; it is the man of the man.

Second, the irrecoverableness of the loss. "What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?" What shall he give? It is as if Christ had said, "Alas, he has nothing to give; or if he had something to give—yet nothing will be taken for it." The soul cannot be exchanged; there shall be no bail taken for it. "What shall a man give in exchange for his soul."

5. Our Savior's verdict upon this purchase—"for what is a man profited?" It is as if Christ had said, "He will have a hard bargain of it; he will repent of selling it at last. It is but the fool's purchase!"

DOCTRINE: The soul of man is a jewel more precious than a world. All souls are of one price; in this sense that maxim holds true: "all souls are alike." The soul of prince and peasant are equal; and every soul is of more value than a world.

For the illustration of the doctrine there are two things to be demonstrated: First, that the soul is very precious; second, that it is more precious than a world.

1. The soul is very precious. What Job said of wisdom, I may fitly apply to the soul: "Man does not comprehend its worth. It cannot be bought with the finest gold, nor can its price be weighed in silver. It cannot be bought with the gold of Ophir, with precious onyx or sapphires. Neither gold nor crystal can compare with it, nor can it be had for jewels of gold." (Job 28:13, 16-17).

The soul is the glory of the creation. The soul is a beam of God; it is a sparkle of celestial brightness, as Demascen calls it. There is in the soul, an idea and resemblance of God, an analogy of similitude of God. If David so admired the rare texture and workmanship of his body (Psalm 139:14-15: "I am fearfully and wonderfully made.") If the cabinet is so curiously wrought, what is the jewel! How richly and gloriously the soul is embroidered! It is divinely inlaid and enameled. The body is but the sheath. Daniel 7:15: "I was grieved in the midst of my body." In the Chaldean version it is "in the midst of my sheath." The most beautiful body is but like a velvet sheath; the soul is the blade of admirable metal. The soul is a sparkling diamond set in a ring of clay. The soul is a vessel of honor. God Himself is served in this vessel. The soul is the bird of paradise which soars aloft; it may be compared to the wings of the cherubim; it has a winged swiftness to fly to heaven. The soul is capable of communion with God and angels. The soul is God's house that He has made to dwell in (Hebrews 3:6). The understandingwill, and affectionsare the three stories in this house. What a pity it is, that this goodly building should be rented out—and the devil become a tenant in it!

The preciousness of the soul is seen in its intrinsic worth and in its estimative worth.

The soul has an INTRINSIC worth, which appears in its spirituality and its immortality. The soul is a spiritual substance. It is a saying among the ancients, "Our souls are tempered in the same mortar as the heavenly spirits." The soul is spiritual in three ways: in its essence, its object, and its operation.

The soul is spiritual in its essence. God breathed it in (Genesis 2:7). It is a spark lighted by the breath of God. The soul may be compared to the spirits of the wine; the body to the dregs. The spirits are the more pure refined part of the wine—and such is the soul. The body is more vulgar; the soul is the more refined, sublimated part of man. Do not mistake me when I say the soul is spiritual, and that it is beam of God. I do not mean that it is of the same substance with Him, as Servetus, Osiander, and others have held; for when it is said that God breathed into man the breath of life, they erroneously thought that the soul, being infused, conveyed into man the spirit and substance of God, which opinion is absurd and sinful. For if the soul should be part of the Divine essence, then it will follow that the essence of God should be subject not only to change and passion—but, which is worse, to sin, which would be blasphemy to assert. So when we say that the soul is spiritual—we mean that God has invested it with many noble endowments. He has made it a mirror of beauty, and printed upon it a surpassing excellency. The sun shining upon crystal conveys its beauty, not its being.

The soul is spiritual in its object; it contemplates God and heaven. God is the orb and center where the soul fixes itself upon. The soul moves to God as to its rest. Psalm 116:7: "Return to your rest, O my soul." He is the ark to which this dove flies; nothing but God can fill a heaven-born soul. If the earth were turned into a globe of gold, it could not fill the heart; it would still cry, "Give, give." The soul being spiritual, God only can be the adequate object of it.

The soul is spiritual in its operation. Since it is immaterial, it does not depend upon the body in its working. The senses of seeing, hearing, and the rest of those organs of the body, cease and die with the body because they are parts of the body and have their dependence on it. But the soul has a nature distinct from the body; it moves and operates of itself though the body is dead, and has no dependence upon or co-existence with the body. Thales Milesius, an ancient philosopher, called the soul "self-moveable." It has an intrinsic principle of life and motion, though it is separate from the body. Thus you have seen the soul's spirituality.

The preciousness of the soul also appears in its immortality. There are some who say that the soul is mortal; indeed, it would be well for those who do not live like men—if they might die like beasts. But, as one well observes, it is impossible for anything of a spiritual, uncompounded nature to be subject to death and corruption. The souls of believers are with Christ after death (Philippians 1:23).

Oecolampadias said to his friend, who came to visit him on his death-bed, "Good news! I shall be shortly with Christ my Lord." And the devout soul shall be forever with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4:17). The heathens had some glimmerings of the soul's immortality. Cicero said that the swan was dedicated to Apollo because she sings sweetly before her death; by which emblem they intimated the joyfulness of virtuous men before their death, as supposing the Elysian delights which they should always enjoy after this life. And we read that it was a custom among the Romans, when their great men died, to cause an eagle to fly aloft in the air, signifying hereby that the soul was immortal and did not die as the body dies.

The soul's immortality may be proved by this argument: That which is not capable of being killed, is not capable of dying. The soul is not capable of being killed. Our Savior Christ proved the minor proposition, that it is not capable of being killed. Luke 12:4: "Fear not those who kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do." Therefore the soul, not being capable of being killed, is not in a possibility of dying. The essence of the soul is spiritual: it has a beginning—but no end. It is eternal. The soul does not wax old; it lives forever, which can be said of any other created thing. Worldly things are as full of mutation as motion, and, like Jonah's gourd, have a worm eating at the root.

The soul has an ESTIMATIVE worth.

Jesus Christ has set a high value and estimate upon the soul. He made it and He bought it; therefore He best knows the value of it. He sold Himself to buy the soul. Zechariah 11:12: "They weighed for My price thirty pieces of silver." Nay, He was content not only to be sold—but to die. This enhances the price of the soul: it cost the blood of God (Acts 20:28). 1 Peter 1:19: "You were not redeemed with corruptible things, such as silver and gold—but with the precious blood of Christ." Christ must die that the soul may live; the Heir of heaven was pawned for the soul of man. What could Christ give more than Himself? What in Himself was dearer than His blood? O precious soul, who has the image of God to beautify you and the blood of God to redeem you! Christ was the Priest, His divine nature the altar, and His blood the sacrifice which He offered up as an atonement for our souls! Now reckon what a drop of Christ's blood is worth—and then tell me what a soul is worth!

Satan values souls; he knows their worth. The king of Sodom said to Abraham, "Give me the people—and take the goods to yourself." So Satan says, "Give me the people." He does riot care how rich you are; he does not strive to take away your estates—but your souls. "Give me the people," he says. "You take the goods." What are all his warlike stratagems, his subtle snares—but to catch souls? Why does this lion so roar—but for his prey? He envies the soul its happiness; he lays the whole train of temptation, to blow up the whole royal fort of the soul. Why does he lay such suitable baits? He allures the ambitious man with a crown, the covetous man with a golden apple, and the lustful man with beauty. Why does he tempt you to Delilah's lap—but to keep you from Abraham's bosom? The devil is angling for the precious soul. To undo souls is his pride; he glories in the damnation of souls; it is next to victory to die revenged. If Sampson must die, it is some comfort that he shall make more die with him. If Satan, that lion, must be kept in his hellish den, it is all the heaven he expects to reach forth his paw and pull others into the den with him!

2. Having shown you the soul's preciousness, the next thing to be demonstrated, is that the soul is more precious than a world. The world is made of a more impure lump; the world is of a coarser make, of an earthly extract. The soul is heaven-born, of a finer spinning, of a more noble descent. The world is a great book or volume, wherein we read the majesty and wisdom of Him who made it; but the soul is the image of God (Genesis 1). The soul is a studied piece; when God made the world, it was but, "Let it be," and it was done. But when He made the soul, all the persons in the Trinity sat together at the council table. Genesis 1:26: "Come, let us make man in our own likeness." The soul is a looking-glass wherein some rays of divine glory shine; much of God is to be seen in it. Though this looking-glass is cracked by the fall—yet it shall one day be perfect. We read of "spirits of just men made perfect" (Hebrews 12:23). The soul, since the fall of Adam, may be compared to the moon in its wane, very much obscured by sin. But when it is sanctified by the Spirit and translated from hence, it shall be as the full moon: it shall shine forth in its perfect glory.

If the soul is so precious, see then what that worship is, which God expects and accepts, namely, that which comes from the more noble part of the soul. Psalm 25:1, "To You, O Lord, do I lift up my soul." David not only lifted up his voice—but his soul. Though God will have the eye and the knee, the service of the body—yet He complains of those who draw near with theirlips, when their hearts are far from Him (Isaiah 29:13). The soul is the jewel. David not only put his lute and violin in tune—but his soul in tune to praise God. Psalm 103:1: "Bless the Lord, O my soul." His affections joining together in worship, made up the concert. The soul is both altar, fire, and incense; it is the altar on which we offer up our prayers, the fire which kindles our prayers, and the incense which perfumes them.

God's eye is chiefly upon the soul. Bring a hundred dishes to the table, and He will carve none but this; this is the savory meat He loves. He who is best—will be served with the best. When we give Him the soul in a duty, then we give Him the flower and the cream. By a holy chemistry we distill out the spirits. A soul inflamed in service is the cup of spiced wine, and the juice of the pomegranate (Song of Solomon 8:2), which the spouse gives Christ to drink. Without the worship of the soul, all our religion is but bodily exercise (1 Timothy 4:8), which profits nothing. Without the soul, we give God but a carcass. What are all the papists' fastings, penance, and pilgrimages—but going to hell in more pomp and state? What are the formalist's prayers, which even cool between his lips—but a dead devotion? It is not sacrifice,but sacrilege; he robs God of that which He has a right to—his soul.

If the soul be so precious, then of what precious account should ordinances and ministers be? Ordinances are the golden ladder by which the soul climbs up to heaven; they are conduits of the water of life. Oh, how precious should these be to us! They who are against ordinances, are against being saved.

And of how precious an account should ministers be, whose very work is to save souls. Their feet should be considered beautiful. Their labors should be precious. They labor with God, and they labor for your souls; all their sweat, their tears, and their prayers are for you. They woo for your souls, and oftentimes spend their lives in the suit.

Their liberty should be precious. If indeed you see any of them who are of this holy and honorable function, either idle or ravenous; if they do not divide the Word rightly, and live uprightly—censure them and do not spare them. God forbid I should open my mouth for such! In the law, the lips of the leper were to be covered; that minister who is by office an angel—but by his life a leper, ought to have his lips covered; he deserves to be silenced.

A good preacher—but a bad liver, is like a physician who has the plague: though the advice and prescriptions he gives may be good—yet his plague infects the patient. So though ministers may have good words and give good prescriptions in the pulpit—yet the plague of their unholy lives infects their people. If you find a Hophni and Phinehas among the sons of Levi, whose unholy life makes the offering of God to be abhorred, you will save God a labor in ejecting them. But be sure you distinguish between the precious and the vile; while you let out the bad blood, have a care to preserve the heart-blood; while you purge out the ill humors, do not destroy the spirits; while you are taking away the snuffs, do not eclipse the lights of God's sanctuary. It is a work fit for a Julian to suppress the orthodox ministry and open the temple of the idol. The Romans sacked the city of Corinth, and razed it down to the ground for some incivility offered to their ambassador. God will avenge the affronts offered to His ministers (Psalm 105:15). Oh, take heed of this!

If souls are of such infinite value, how precious should their liberties be, whose very design and negotiation is to save souls! (1 Timothy 4:16; Jude 23)


Exhortation. If the soul is so precious, take heed of abusing your souls. Socrates exhorted young men that they should look at their faces in a looking-glass, and if they saw they were fair, they should do nothing unworthy of their beauty. Christians, God has given you souls that sparkle with divine beauty. Oh, do nothing unworthy of these souls; do not abuse them.

There are four sorts of people who abuse souls:

1. They abuse their souls who DEGRADE their souls. Such people set the world above their souls. "Who pant after the dust of the earth" (Amos 2:7). This is as if a man's house were on fire, and he should take care to preserve the lumber—but let his child be burned in the fire.

Such people make their souls servants to their bodies. The body is but the brutish part, the soul the angelic part. The soul is the queen-regent, who is adorned with the jewels of knowledge and sways the scepter of liberty. Oh, what a pity it is that this excellent soul shall be made into a vassal and be put to grind in the mill, when the body in the meantime sits in a chair of state! Solomon complains of an evil under the sun in Ecclesiastes 10:7, "1 have seen servants upon horses, and princes walking as servants upon the earth." Is it not an evil under the sun to see the body riding in pomp and triumph, and the soul of man, that royal and heaven-born thing, as a slave walking on foot?

2. They abuse their souls who SELL them.

The covetous person sells his soul for money. It is said of the lawyer, "He has a tongue that will be sold for a fee." So the covetous man has a soul that is sold for money. Achan sold his soul for a wedge of gold. Judas sold his soul for silver, and cheap at that! For thirty pieces of silver he sold Christ, who was more worth than heaven, and his own soul, which was more worth than a world! How many have damned their souls for money! (1 Timothy 6:9-10) If you mix these earthly things with your souls and let them lie too near you, they will in time consume and undo your souls.

The ambitious person sells his soul for honor. Alexander the sixth sold his soul to the devil for a popedom. What is that honor, but a torch lighted by the breath of people, and with the least puff of censure blown out! How many souls have been blown into hell with the wind of popular applause!

The voluptuous person sells his soul for pleasure. Heliogabalus drowned himself in sweet water. Just so, many drown their souls in the sweet perfumed waters of pleasure. Plato calls pleasure "the bait that catches souls." Pleasure is a silken halter, a flattering devil; it kills by embracing.

3. They abuse their souls who POISON their souls. Error is a sweet poison. Ignatius calls it the invention of the devil. A man can as well damn his soul by error as by vice—and may as soon go to hell for a drunken opinion as for a drunken life.

4. They abuse their souls who STARVE their souls; these are they who say they are above ordinances. But surely we shall not be above ordinances, until we are above sin. The apostle said that in the blessed sacrament we are to remember the Lord's death until He comes (1 Corinthians 11:26), that is, until Christ comes to judgment. How then can any omit sacraments without a contempt and affront offered to Christ Himself? If Paul and the apostles, those giants in grace, needed the Lord's Supper to confirm and nourish them, much more do we need such holy ordinances who have but an infant faith. But Satan likes these fasting days; he would have men fast from ordinances. If the body is kept from food, it cannot live long.

If the soul be so precious a thing, take heed that you do not lose your souls. What a loss it is will appear in these two things:

1. It is a FOOLISH loss to lose the soul. "You fool, this night your soul shall be required of you!" (Luke 12:20) It is a foolish loss to lose the soul, and that in a three-fold respect:

First, because there is a possibility of saving the soul. We have time to work in; we have light to work by; we have the Spirit offering us help. The soul is like a ship laden with jewels; the Spirit is a gale of wind to blow. If we would but loosen anchor from sin, we might arrive at the port of happiness.

Second, it is a foolish loss, because we lose the soul for things of no value. Worldly things are infinitely below the soul; they are nonentities. Proverbs 23:5: "Cast but a glance at riches, and they are gone, for they will surely sprout wings and fly off to the sky like an eagle." The world is but a bewitchery; these things glisten in our eyes—but at death we shall say that we have set our eyes on that which is not. Now to lose the soul for such poor inconsiderate things is a foolish thing. It is as if one should throw a diamond at a pear tree; he loses his diamond.

Third, it is a foolish loss for a man to lose his soul, because he himself has a hand in it. Is it not folly to give oneself poison? A sinner has his hands saturated in the blood of his own soul. "Your destruction is of yourself!" (Hosea 13:9). "They lay wait for their own blood" (Proverbs 1:18). The foolish sinner nourishes those lusts which kill his soul; the tree breeds the worm, and the worm eats the tree. Would it not be folly for a garrison to open to the enemy which besieges it? The sinner opens to those lusts which war against his soul (1 Peter 2:11), and this is a foolish loss.

2. It is an IRREPARABLE loss to lose the soul. Other losses may be made up again; if a man loses his health, he may recover it again; if he loses his estate, he may get it up again. But if he loses his soul, this loss can never be made up again. Are there any more saviors to die for the soul? As Naomi said to her daughters, "Are there yet any more sons in my womb" (Ruth 1:11)? Has God any more sons? Or will He send His Son any more into the world? No! Christ's next coming is not to save it—but to judge it. Christian, remember you have but one soul, and if that is gone—all is gone. "God," said Chrysostom, "has given you two eyes. If you lose one, you have another. But you have but one soul, and if that perishes you are quite undone." The merchant who ventures all in one ship, if that ship is lost, he is quite bankrupt.

3. The loss of the soul is an ETERNAL loss. Once the soul is lost, it is lost forever. The sinner and the furnace shall never be parted (Isaiah 33:14). As the sinner's heart will never be emptied of sin—so God's vial shall never be emptied of wrath!

- Thomas Watson

Thursday, 24 July 2014

“I love you as certain dark things are to be loved,
in secret, between the shadow and the soul.”

- Pablo Neruda

Ow -_-

I'll remember sunscreen next time. It's so bloody annoying I'm burned as fuck all over (I've got the invisible clothes look) and the sunscreens they have are all white and so they look really grey and silly on me. I'm mixed so my skin behaves like lighter skin. My friend who's Pakistani (light olive skin) went out in the sun with me, he tanned nicely, I went red, blueish and patchy. -_-

Like seriously, cut me some slack, skin! I'm quite dark compared to what I used to be but it's an amalgamation of my skin being burned- I went in holiday to Africa, got dark and never regained my original colour haha! 

Now I'm just a bit of a weird colour, my friends call me orange. >.> 

Anyways I'm going on a tangent. Hear my warning to you dear friends: DON'T FORGET TO WEAR SUNSCREEN- REGARDLESS OF WHAT COLOUR YOU ARE! 

Healthy skin is happy skin!

Love you lots,

-Dalanda :-) xoxo

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

"When you have been hurt in love you cannot protect yourself by putting walls up. Walls lead to distrust and distrust leads to further heartache and isolation. ***Listen carefully*** The lesson wasn't what you thought it was - It wasn't to stop trusting and to hide your heart away. It was to be true to yourself and become even braver in showing your vulnerability."

-Lisa Fridebourg 

Back to the future hits London Town!

Secret Cinema is hosting a 5D showing of back to the future! How exciting!! Because it's all confidential, I'll post excerpts from some articles describing it...

About Secret Cinema
"Creating large-scale cultural experiences in abandoned spaces, Secret Cinema fuses film, music, theatre and installations. Audiences explore ultra-immersive worlds where fiction and reality blur.

In 2007, Secret Cinema pioneered the form ‘Live Cinema’ by introducing site-specific, immersive cultural experiences. Breaking films – and recently music albums – into their constituent parts and marrying narratives with play-along action, Secret Cinema is a unique participatory social experience. Fuelled by a desire to fill the void left by an over-saturated technological world, it invites audiences to lose themselves in serendipitous, imaginary environments that challenge the way we perceive culture and social interaction." - The Fan Carpet

"If you’ve ever wanted to yell, “GREAT SCOTT!” at Marty McFly, call Biff a butthead or dangle off a clock tower until the local authorities arrive, your day is at hand. Secret Cinema, the events team who have previously recreated the future-LA of Blade Runner, the maddening offices of Brazil and the balmy chambers of Lawrence Of Arabia, have turned their attention to Back To The Future. From July 24 to August 31, fans will be able to immerse themselves in the world of the time-travel comedy, with both of its time periods brought to life in painstaking detail, before watching the film itself. The location of the London venue is secret (duh), but the man behind Secret Cinema, Fabien Riggall, got on the phone to give us a taste of what to expect, as well as the tales behind the company’s most memorable shows…

How busy are you at the moment?
I don't think I've ever been busier in my entire life. It's insane what we're trying to achieve for this show. We're opening Hill Valley stores [on Hackney Road], we're opening Lou's Café (a replica of Marty McFly's favourite diner), we're building a website with a telephone exchange, we're creating a newspaper and a radio station. At the event, each audience member is getting their own unique character and story, so they're written into the script. It's turning out to be a pretty intense summer. But you can't do Back To The Future and not aim high. We've been infected by the spirit of the movie: this strange, innocent optimism. Which is dangerous, because it means we think that we can do anything!

You're building a full-scale replica of Hill Valley for the event. How far have you got?

There are lots of things I want to do... Apocalypse Now down the Thames.

We're just about to go on site to start building the town. It's kind of insane: it's got 30 shops and four music venues. It's great that the experiences are getting more and more detailed and rich. But the schedule is very tight and there are a lot of hurdles. I think we're in a good place.

What level of detail can we expect?
I'm in daily correspondence with (Back To The Future co-writer) Bob Gale — he's just an amazing guy who's so passionate about that film. I made a mistake the other day and called the school principal Gerald Strickland. That's what all the fan blogs say his name is. But he's actually called Siegfried. Basically I've got the entire history of Hill Valley from Bob Gale. I'm shitting myself because this film is so well-loved, so if we mess up anything we're in trouble! We've got campaigns going on in two different time zones — 1955 and 1985 — and our production designer has been looking at thousands of books set in those periods. When the audience comes, they're going to be blown away, I hope, by the level of detail. Bob is going to come experience it as an audience member too, by the way."

-From Empire Online (

"The 1955 Hill Valley Fair will be the central narrative around Secret Cinema presents Back to the Future, inviting the audience as Hill Valley residents to attend the fair with their new alter egos. As part of the fair, livestock beauty contests, country music and tractor demonstrations will be hosted at Otis Peabody’s Twin Pines Farm, the iconic location of Marty’s first entry into 1955.

Other interactive elements to the show are also announced on the website for the first time – including: the Hill Valley Telegraph, Hill Valley Telephone Exchange, Hill Valley TV and Radio stations and Postal Service and Hill Valley’s Tourism Campaign which will promote life in Hill Valley.

Hill Valley Telegraph
The town’s own newspaper will be announcing daily stories on developments for Hill Valley in the lead up to and during the Secret Cinema show.

Hill Valley Telephone Exchange
The Secret Cinema presents Back to the Future show set will have a phone system with a physical network of 45 phones around the site at all major locations and buildings and audiences will be able to communicate with other characters on the night. Every audience member will be supplied with a name, profession, address and phone number. To contact each other, audiences will call the Hill Valley Switchboard, they’ll then be able to dial in the individual’s number and leave a message. Audience phones will be confiscated as part of the event, leaving the Hill Valley Telephone Exchange as the only form of communication on site.

Hill Valley TV and Radio stations
The TV and Radio stations will seed in main stories from the Hill Valley Telegraph – adverts, reports, news bulletins and audiences will be able to become part of the show by sending in their own film and radio reports.

Hill Valley Postal Service
As part of the Hill Valley Stores - off site and on site with its own location - the Hill Valley Postal Service accepts and delivers handwritten messages, letters and postcards from members of the audience to their fellow attendees. Without mobile technology as part of the event, this will increase audience interaction and allows for a personalised experience."

- The fan carpet (

How amazing does that sound? And I love how it's going to be technology free so we can actually just enjoy and fully immerse ourselves in the 5D experience, or with friends without checking our phones or having that annoying person that is always pulling their phones out instead of talking to you. There's also the idiot that walks right into you because they're texting their friends. Heck, according to the fan carpet it looks like they have even brought the art of letter writing back! AND you get to dress up, look suave (I've always loved older clothing) and have another identity. :-D

I can't wait!

If you wanted to get tickets a lot are sold out now (they sold out in four hours! :-0) but they've added more dates etc and the site is here your best bet is the week 14-22 in August it'll be lovely and sunny too!

It's actually really sunny, I've been out in the sun a lot and I'm burned and two shades darker... My skin has a blue tinge but I can't complain, I love sun and we are getting it now in London. Summer has begun, no more rain & cold, yaaaay!

Anyways take care & I hope you're enjoying your summertime!



Tuesday, 22 July 2014


Transcending space & time
Back to a place, before you were mine
I lay wasting, waiting for your hidden rhyme.

Forever lost, drowned, unkind
Till stars align and it's my dream this time
It sparked a chord and the flame began
Marvellous, exciting.
A kaleidoscope of colours, inner dreams.
We stand apart, revelling in its balmy heat.

Yet your half rejects
"Don't you enter this mess"
And so, the flame grows
And I fight it all alone

The embers burning brightly
But the heat resides inside you

The flames are kicked
It blinds me, makes me sick
The burning on my forehead
The melting of my wings

No eyes, lost within the confines of reality
As you take you fill triumphantly
"Never mind her pain, as long as you aren't left in shame"
Cold summers. Hot Springs. Cold heart.
You, the broken soul.

How could you let this happen?
Like you don't know pain...

But the flames, they keep burning.
And you, you'll keep yearning.
My eyes, they'll keep turning,
And yours do too.
Stuck. Pulled apart. Away from

Right back to that sweet, sweet time...
Before you were mine.

Monday, 21 July 2014


If this doesn't put a smile on your face, I don't know what will! 

I love goats! :-D

-Dalanda xxx

Don't stay dreaming if your view is less than ideal & you tire from it. Instead of running away or trying to delude yourself, change it your heart knows. If you're not happy, don't let it go thinking it'll change. The worst thing to do is stand around waiting or hoping for the world... Your world to change with you doing nothing special to change it. Be that change you want to see, no one is happy without special things to live for that make the view spectacular. 

It can be anything, if you can't change the view or the people, change yourself. 

Been in my head all day...

Honor your need to be alone with yourself, but avoid over-identifying with your inner world to the point that you truly feel alone in a crowd.

Saturday, 19 July 2014

Part of me

"When you are connected to something but you have no control over it."

By Mikey Espinosa

And pizza, or dinner or cheesecake mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

I just love a good meal & great dessert, I've got a sweet tooth. <3 p="">
There is no fear in love, for perfect love casts out all fear. And he who has fear has yet not been made perfect in Love. 

Bless you. 

There is beautiful healing in this picture, energies from source & Earth... Enjoy it and accept it if you want it. :-) 

Sweet Nothing

You took my heart and you held it in your mouth
And with a word all my love came rushing out
And every whisper, it's the worst,
Emptied out by a single word
There is a hollow in me now

So I put my faith in something unknown
I'm living on such sweet nothing
But I'm tired of hope with nothing to hope
I'm living on such sweet nothing

And it's hard to learn
And it's hard to love
When you're giving me such sweet nothing
Sweet nothing, sweet nothing
You're giving me such sweet nothing

It isn't easy for me to let it go
Cause I've swallowed every single word
And every whisper, every sigh
Eats away this heart of mine
And there is a hollow in me now

So I put my faith in something unknown
I'm living on such sweet nothing
But I'm tired of hope with nothing to hope
I'm living on such sweet nothing

And it's hard to learn
And it's hard to love
When you're giving me such sweet nothing
Sweet nothing, sweet nothing
You're giving me such sweet nothing

And it's not enough to tell me that you care
When we both know the words are empty air
You give me nothing


Sweet nothing

Sweet nothing

Friday, 18 July 2014

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

We all strive to be as good people as we can. Many of us give to a charity, some volunteer at homeless shelters and soup kitchens. But still, when push comes to shove, many of us hold on to our wealth like our life depends on it. Why? Is it because of fear? Because of the thought “this is mine so you can’t have any”?
This video sadly proves this point and proves it well. Luckily though, we have among us people like the homeless man on this video.
After Sam Pepper went around, asking many many people who were clearly more “well off” than the homeless man to give him a slice of pizza, it was clear that people did not want to share something that they had. But the miraculous thing is, that after the pizza is given to the homeless man, who’s probably way more hungry than the other people at the diner, he decides to share it with Sam.
This reminds us about the simple facts of life and happiness. We gain so much more through giving, than we do by holding on and hoarding.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” 
And remember, “Be excellent to one another!”
Be kind, share. Real wealth and happiness has absolutely nothing to do with how much money is in your pocket and how 'high up' you are in society but with how well off you are inside, and whether or not you are connected to your heart. And I think the people that understand that most are those with seemingly 'everything' be it money, or fame, or the dream wardrobe packed to the brim with beautiful expensive clothes and accessories but are disconnected from the heart because in that case, really they have nothing. They're miserable inside, they long for those human things of the heart that money can't buy... Yet they keep trying to find this happiness with money and forged relationships and feelings trying to grab on to the broken fragments of their life, love... and they end up with shitloads of things and people they don't need in their life. And  worse, pain, emptiness and a constant feeling of something being missing along with the realisation that they'd be happy normal like you and I and they had a heart.
 Some people are really disconnected and they've no idea what real love is. Because of this they hate themselves. They try to change themselves in the hope that it'll make them feel better about themselves and their body and it makes them happy for a minute until they find something else to hate about themselves because everything in life is superficial and of course because this burning they have is insatiable. It often ends with them looking like, feeling like and being the monster that they always feared, and it's always by their own hand. 
If you disconnect from your heart, you lose your humanity and become and empty shell of a human being. able to hurt and wrong people and you then run off negativity,or pride, hurt, hate, chaos, narcissism, or all of the above (btw, that was by no accounts an exhaustive list). All of the opposites of what you would have and what you would feel if you let yourself have a heart.
It doesn't hurt to share the little you have and it doesn't have to be money, it can be your time, resources, and support, and you should do so with genuine and kind intent. Don't fool yourself into thinking you're something your not by doing kind things for the sake of doing kind things so that you look good or appease people. Just do good, there is a quote and I can't remember who it's from but it comes to mind... something along the lines of the greatest thing you can do is to do something for someone that cannot repay you.
Don't get me wrong, it's possible to fix it but it's not easy, living in the heart is hard which is why so many people disconnect. Feeling vulnerable and open to feeling hurt is hard, and some people or situations can hurt you so badly that you just don't want to feel anymore... but it's how you learn and become a greater person. What's life without lessons ey? You can learn for yourself and others so you can spread the message of love, acceptance, tolerance and joy. Although it's difficult, there is support and when you open your eyes more and seek with intent you will find things seen and unseen that will help you. Have the right intent in your heart, seek... and you will find.
In the end though, the decision lies with YOU and you have to be your own saviour, the journey can be pretty lonely too because maybe not everyone with think like you do. And if someone doesn't want to change and they're committed to misunderstanding you, they will most probably put you down for what you do, and that's okay because it's a personal journey and when they see and feel what you have they'll want it to, and they might join you (Or if they're really horrible, drag you back down (in which case you need to keep your distance because yes, people do harm others for no reason)... which is the bane of our lives). You'd be an absolute fool to think that you can rely on a person to be your safety blanket and always be there for you and support you because really they won't and can't. You are the one that has the answers for your own life and you have to be the one that decides things because it's your life and no one else's. And if you rely or are relying on someone that is disconnected from their heart, well, God help you... You'll be waiting forever. Seriously. Get out now and start taking responsibility for your own life. You're not a puppet, you're your own person and no one else can better you and your life but YOU.
Stay strong, be brave and open your eyes...
-Dalanda xxx
P.S- Maybe not everyone would make the decision to live in the heart, because as I said it's difficult (but very worth it), if you don't that's totally your choice. Just don't fuck with the people that have decided to not be cowards and live through the heart. Pretty much ALL of the hardship of not living disconnected is caused by disconnected people being bitter that you're happy that you have peace they search for... Or them simply not having a heart and so they try and fuck with you that does have one because it's amusing for them to watch and feed off of the negative energy, hurt and pain they cause (disgusting, right?). They turn their back to the positivity, and light in the world without realising that light is way more powerful than darkness ever was and ever will be and will give them real joy, and not this sick pleasure they seek. Plus, most importantly, God does NOT like it when you fuck with his people,  you don't have to believe in him to get burned. People that mess with good, innocent people like that pay very, very, dearly... In this life and the next. But whether one believes in it or not, there's a universal law of karma because the world must always retain some kind of equilibrium... you do  good, it comes back to you threefold, not always from where you expect which is why you just do good freely and you'll be taken care off.But if you do bad, it comes back to you even worse and no one wants that. Then again maybe people would learn if they could actually feel some of the pain they caused to completely innocent, blameless people and their lives for no real reason. 
Just remember to be the kind of person you need. And if you want to go down, don't drag anyone with you, even if someone wrongs you, let go and let God...
Remember that, "Let go and let God".


I vaguely remeber this...

Monday, 14 July 2014

“It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.” 

- J.K. Rowling
2 girls, no cup :-P

Well done Germany on winning the World Cup! :-D 'twas a beautiful goal from Götze, they played really well & it was deserved!!

I even went & got myself some red velvet cupcakes on my way back home to celebrate! 

I'll be good and not eat both in one go xD

(Okay let's be honest, I'd have gotten cake regardless but now, I have a scapegoat)

I'm super jealous of all my friends watching in the big screens in Hamburg an at the Brandenburg gate, the atmosphere must be amazing right now and to top it off, they're in Germany so they have great beer too! (I don't really like beer, but German beer is quite nice)

Ah, anyways yay Deutschland!! 


And well done Argentina for putting up a good fight! 

Bravo Jungs

Sunday, 13 July 2014

I have no idea what I was so happy about...

I love all our little furry friends dearly ❤️

The First time


The first time your heart was torn from your chest,
You thought you were dying.
You knew you could not live with the empty space.
So you replaced your heart with metaphors
And set out to create a world where the metaphor was unbreakable.

Now look what you’ve done—
You can’t breathe so you write.
You can’t hurt so you drink rum and pour our pirate chanties.
You can’t want revenge so you leave.


When I see you I have two thoughts:
You are the reason The Smith’s wrote songs,
And my god, you are beautiful.

You are so beautiful
Blinking stars go blind.

But I can see this is going to get ugly.
The metaphors don’t make you feel whole anymore.
You sell out your deepest insecurities for a handful of laughs.
This life has you wound so tight you make grandfather clocks look relaxed.
You hold your body like banks hold money—all locked up.
Your shoulders are glass rocks waiting for the next attack.

But you’ve got it all wrong.

You don’t survive history.
History survives you.

There is no breakthrough without breakdown.


If you’re going to break, shatter.
No explanations.
No limp-legged dog excuses.
No messing with this bullet proof vest fury
So popular with the cops and the presidents.

You’ve got to break like Texas.
You’ve got to take the pain from the safety valve of your heart
And return it to your fists.
Fight your better judgment ‘till you’re sinister again,
‘till your body remembers what it already knows how to do—
bend back
and manifest grief.
Scream torches ‘till you embarrass the enlightened.

Please. No more polite conversations with your death wish.
Give it something useful to do.
Change your life.

Cause I can’t stand to see you like this.
So blue, my eyes turn green in your presence.
Listen—you are so beautiful,
Grass pushes through sidewalk cracks just to kiss your feet.


Maybe no one ever told you,
But the heart IS a metaphor.
Yours is growing so strong
You’ll have your rhythm back any day now—

Loving like rumours spread.
Dreaming like lunatic spacemen jump from their suits.
Living like you never forgot how.

- Mindy Nettifee