Thursday, 25 June 2015

Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

A couple of the most common yet devastating mental illnesses that silently eat away at people undetected. Or maybe unnoticed... If you notice someone is down, the light in their eyes is gone or you just don't see them as much try to lift them up. Make them feel special, show them you care because they hide themselves and nobody cares to notice. Bring round food or send care packages because it's a lot of energy to cook and move around when you're depressed. It's also easy to starve yourself and just sleep all day with the curtains tightly drawn while you waste away and get sick with stomach ulcers. 

Look up ways to care for your loved ones that need help- there are several guides. Don't leave them alone, show them the world can be kind and cherish them like you should all of your loved ones who care for you. Don't wait until it's too late, don't leave them alone with the mind that destroyed them and continues to push them to that final, permanent release. 

Just give some love. 

Take care, I do love you lots for taking your time to read this. I really hope you listen and help where you can... You could really change someone's life and when you're down it's awful to have no one there for you. 



P.S- I'm here for you, if you never need me you know where to find me. Even just for a random chat or because you can't sleep at night. 

Thursday, 18 June 2015

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Sneak peek...

But, as someone brilliantly pointed out, can we really play both sides of the fence? We need to embrace our human existence and all that comes with it. Well what also comes with it is a human time line, (most of us will be dead by 80 so do we spend a life time figuring it out then drop dead?), and a human conditioning of where your life should have been by now. So hence the rush sets in. 

Some things operate at soul level which has a universal timeline all of its own. So how do we live straddling the two? We want to mend ourselves so we can start living in this life time. But then also be taught that there is no rush and it all takes time. This is no criticism of what has been posted. Just a question about how do we juggle both approaches in our day to day lives. 

This is the challenge. finding the balancing point between taking it seriously enough to jump on in, and yet not moving so fast that we cannot actually integrate the transformation. The art form of transformation. Just be true to yourself... Do things in truth, honesty and love. 

This is from one of my favourite books and it really resonated with me. How we can have the chance, feel the urge to change ourselves or our lives for the better but we can turn our backs on it and live in regret. I know people that live like this and it breaks my heart. Opportunities are fleeting but regret is forever... Our soul doesn't forget such pain. 

Stay safe,


Monday, 15 June 2015

This made me laugh so hard!! If I was God, I would so do that. And then get someone to walk past looking at them like this:


Take care! 
Enjoy yourself, smile and don't be an arsehole! 

I love you!


Sunday, 14 June 2015

Sunday musings...

People who love themselves, don’t hurt other people. The more we hate ourselves, the more we want others to suffer.”

- Dan Pearce

Trust me my friend, it's far easier to love than hate. 

So love! Share it, spread it, accept it, and save some for yourself. :-) 

You deserve happiness but sometimes you have to fight for it, sometimes love alone is not enough, but it's a start. From there, you can go towards your peace and happiness. Don't ignore your heart-space, and your feelings. Your ego will lead you astray. You have the answers and more- you would know what they are if you'd take a break from your head and just feel for it. If you keep thinking for an answer you'll be perpetually confused because you won't find it in your ego, you'll find it from your gut and in your heart space. Take a break from your mind and feed your soul for once, there you'll find some peace and stability. There you'll find true freedom. There is a reason that the best things are found when you aren't looking ;-) 

Love you like always,



Saturday, 13 June 2015

So if you're very confused or lost about a situation, that might be why. 

This breaks my heart, I know exactly how she feels and she truly is so beautiful. Why are people so nasty? Why can't people be kind and spread love? Why can't people just be nice instead of bully or just be mean? Why do people push people to the edge, to mental and physical illness? Why do people withhold their love? Why do people ignore the signs? 

All this and more I guess I'll never know... Some things are beyond me. 

I don't feel that there's enough love and compassion on this planet and many suffer because of it. 

Friday, 12 June 2015

Rocking dat sunburnt chest!

Follow up to my previous complaint post. 

Wear sunblock guys and dolls!

Still seeking remedies D-: please!

Look after yourselves! :-)



The power of MAKE-UP

Hats off to Nikkie. I 100% agree with this video and what she stands for.

There is so much pressure to look beautifully airbrushed naturally and some are even shamed for trying to hide their flaws (ever seen any of those 'take a girl swimming on the first date' memes?). Some people see celebrities with a ton of natural looking make-up on and think they actually look like that commenting: 'Goals!' Or 'I need a girl like that!'

It damages the confidence of everyone... Insecurity has no gender, race or age barrier and now it's getting easier and easier to find new 'faults'  in ourselves and be pressured to 'fix' them. The media has almost brainwashed us into thinking we have to seek permission to be ourselves because first, we must be whatever they tell us that we want to be...

They have made billions out of our insecurities that they've highlighted to us, and mocked us with until we buy into their products. I'd go as far as to say advertisements bully us. They've turned into that child in the playground that points out your tummy sticks out!, your ears stick out! or your teeth are uneven! Opening us up to the cruel world of insecurities.

Today, I was watching a YouTube video and I saw a Clearasil advert showing a man with a paper bag on his head, hiding because he had spots. After using their products and miraculously having perfectly clear skin, he took off his bag of shame in triumph and headed off to a group of swooning girls. Apparently, from this it seems as though it's very shameful to have spots, it's unnatural, no one gets spots. If God forbid you do, hide it! Hide yourself! Don't come out until you're perfect. Nobody will want anything to do with you unless you're perfect.

What's wrong with being you though?

Nothing. You're beautiful, gifted and loved and you shouldn't believe anything or anyone that tells you otherwise (or tries to shame you in to thinking otherwise so you buy into whatever they're selling).

Most importantly, don't forget that it's the best to feel flawless as just you in all your glory. It's the best to love yourself as who you are, count all the little blessings in your life and be grateful for them. After all, beauty is really only skin deep.

Don't feel pressed to change for anyone, if you want to look extra sparkly and flawless by putting some make-up on, do it! As much or as little as you want... Even just a cheeky red lip could make all the difference to your confidence. Boy or girl, make-up is FUN, so experiment! Don't be pressured into thinking you have to play along to what society says a man (or woman) should be, wear and think. We are all human beings at the end of the day, the only barriers are those which we have created ourselves.

Take care of yourself, and have a beautiful day/night whatever you're doing!

Love and light,


Thursday, 11 June 2015


You shine even in darkness like the moon, you're more powerful than you realise and you are doing way better than you realise. If you're not happy about something change it, or change the way you look at it. 

You can shine and you are shining. Don't hide your light, darling. 

Take care,

Love you,


Wednesday, 10 June 2015

I wasn't even in the sun for that long >_>

I swear, I burn quicker than my really pale friends. Ouch :-( trying not to touch or scratch it. 

I've got a bit of Arab and Tibetan in me as well as mostly African and my skin burns like a bitch even though I thought it was pretty sunny in all those places but such is my luck. No wonder I'm such a strange colour to begin with xD a strange face too, because of my features no one can ever place me. If you know what Africans look like, I don't look African- to other Africans too but because I'm not super light (funny story- burned in Africa and didn't get my original colour back) they know I definitely have some black in me but it's not clear where from... Now you know. Would you have ever guessed? Haha

I usually call myself African for ease of explanation because my mix isn't clear as  it's not 50/50. 

I hope you're having a great day or night. :-)

Love you lots!


PS- let me know any remedies! 

The day after...

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Basically, I want all of the cute chubby puppies for cuddles. Preferably the ones that scowl so we can frown at the current  state of affairs in the world together. I love doggies far too much, it's kinda sad and I miss having one. 

If you would like to be close to me, you should ideally have a dog, send me pictures and videos of your dog and invite me over to play with it. Oh, and feed me without me asking- but that goes without saying because you know how much I love food. I don't eat that much either so I can come over loads to play with your doggy and not empty your fridge :3 how considerate of me! Lmao, I would like to say I'm joking but I'm kinda not, I love dogs far too much (it's okay, I'll bring some snacks too xD). :-D I love most fluffy mammals. Animals are just such cuties. :3 I want to pet a monkey! I got to feed monkeys in Germany once and they were adorable! I would love to do it again... The Black Forest needs to be revisited by because it's amazing! (The monkey sanctuary isn't too far from the Black Forest and I went when I visited there) if you have a partner or best friend, it's a lovely, relaxing and quiet place to be. I love to be in nature because I'm an earth child so to be surrounded by so many trees and scenery is pretty magical for me. 

Woof woooooof *lick*! ( that's take care, I love you, kisses! In dog) ;-)


Sunday, 7 June 2015

Consider yourself told. ;-)


I snorted way too hard at this 

You must remember my dear:

People can be and will be selfish, you have to depend on you and figure it out. You know what to do, it's just going after it and actually doing it. 

We was so much time waiting for the perfect moment which doesn't exist. As Joshua Clarke said: "our lust for future comfort is the biggest theif of life". Stop looking forest and deal with you and the present. If you do that everything takes care of itself. :-) 

Good luck!
Happy Sunday


It's crazy... The way people can avoid your gaze because they see something in you or you see something in them. It's nice to be open and surrender. Don't be afraid to lose yourself in someone's gaze... Embrace it! Be glad that someone has that effect on you... Many people search their entire lives for someone to spark something so great in them! Don't run from it :-)

Have a lovely day my dear!! 

All the best, hugs and kisses!

-Dalanda xo

I won't stop praying for our healing. 

We will smile... Soon. 


-D :-)

בעיקר לא

Saturday, 6 June 2015

Before the truth can set you free you need to recognize which lie is holding you hostage.

Which lies have ransomed your heart?

Which percentage are you in?

Happy anniversary David & Iman!

My two faves! :-)

All the best for them & many more to come!