Tuesday, 16 June 2015

But, as someone brilliantly pointed out, can we really play both sides of the fence? We need to embrace our human existence and all that comes with it. Well what also comes with it is a human time line, (most of us will be dead by 80 so do we spend a life time figuring it out then drop dead?), and a human conditioning of where your life should have been by now. So hence the rush sets in. 

Some things operate at soul level which has a universal timeline all of its own. So how do we live straddling the two? We want to mend ourselves so we can start living in this life time. But then also be taught that there is no rush and it all takes time. This is no criticism of what has been posted. Just a question about how do we juggle both approaches in our day to day lives. 

This is the challenge. finding the balancing point between taking it seriously enough to jump on in, and yet not moving so fast that we cannot actually integrate the transformation. The art form of transformation. Just be true to yourself... Do things in truth, honesty and love. 

This is from one of my favourite books and it really resonated with me. How we can have the chance, feel the urge to change ourselves or our lives for the better but we can turn our backs on it and live in regret. I know people that live like this and it breaks my heart. Opportunities are fleeting but regret is forever... Our soul doesn't forget such pain. 

Stay safe,


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