Friday, 31 July 2015

Prince Adam (the beast) real life representation by artist Jirka Väätäinen. *__*  he did a real life representations of princes collection and this is my favourite... check out his work, he's amazing :-)

Thursday, 30 July 2015

Tea solves every problem

We seldom realise, for example, that our most private thoughts and emotions are not actually our own. For we think in terms of languages and images which we did not invent, but which were given to us by our society. 

So when you're out there following this dream that society has shown and idealised to you such as money, cars, fame, sex, alcohol etc, don't forget what your soul is crying out for. Your inner self, soul or whatever you want to call it has cravings too and those have nothing at all to do with man-made hedonistic lifestyles. The things that will calm your soul, make you feel happy, content and at peace deep within can't ever be purchased. 

So focus on the things that make you grow and happy as a person instead of as a kind of character. It's always something that has perplexed me as I have written before ... I seriously don't get people not being themselves- or as true to themselves as possible, and people wearing masks because it's just so exhausting trying to be something you're not. You could just be you, and guess what? If there's things you don't like about yourself, you can change them to make yourself a better person instead of swapping masks. You shouldn't be a coward! You can take all the positive traits you want to be and make it part of your character instead of just beginning a completely different act and killing your true self off in the process. I see some people act so differently sometimes and it's like what are you doing? What's wrong with being you, it's awesome. It's beautiful. We want sincerity, the only part of one's character worth exploring is their true self. 

Don't lose sight of what's important and I don't care what anyone tells me, in no way, shape or form are the important things in life that which you can buy or receive with money. I know right at this very second, I would give all the money I had to buy something as simple as happiness but I can never, I have to try and find it by myself. And before you ask, I can't not buy happiness because I'm not rich enough lol, it just can't be bought... you see it from the life of people who have so much money, fame, fortune but don't have the magic 'h' word... Amy Winehouse, Robin Williams, River Phoenix, Whitney &'Bobbi Huston... I could go on. Some had people around them they thought were close friends but usually when one is just looking to follow a hedonistic lifestyle, your inner circle will never be people that care about you more than they care about money. 

You can even use your logic to know you can't buy joy. Have you noticed, whenever you get something you really wanted you get bored or and used to it after some time. It becomes way less special  because you're over the initial excitement, but loved ones like friends or maybe family if you have a good relationship with them will always make you smile in different ways and give you different types of happiness so you will never be sad, bored or lonely. And most importantly, if you are, you won't have to do it alone in private. There's nothing worse than having to try and fight your corner, and being the only one there that's fighting for you and picking yourself up. 

So just take care  and don't forget yourself. Be the best version of you, it's never too late... People learn and grow every day! :-)



Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Can you cope with how fab Jeffree is? His make-up and hair is always amazing & OMG, I want... no need those sunglasses and that lipstick so bad! Sucks they're only available in America >___> it's a sad day! (First world problems) 

Anyways *cuddles*


Tuesday, 28 July 2015

- Hardy
I came across this interesting post today whilst I was 'all up in the interweb' to quote Ninja. 

Mr JB (Jeff Brown) I swear, I'm not slacking for content and being lazy but he just always nails it. BUT, I will say I'm not sure it's ever healthy to run unless that relationship/person is no good for you... In which case, leave out of respect for yourself & give that person time to heal. :-)

For some, accepting love when it has been denied their entire lives from those who matter most to them is a completely foreign concept. They almost programme themselves to never heal or experience the wonder of love... A kind of twisted self-sabotage because you lose by holding back- probably more than you would get hurt from love. Also, you hurt more than just yourself. 

It ends up being a cycle, someone hurts you, you hurt someone else even more because you're hurting, they hurt others and themselves because you've really hurt them etc etc. Why not start a cycle of healing instead? 

I saw this in the comments and thought it was perfect:

Linda has it... Completely! And she points out something I also often like to reiterate- love yourself... Heal yourself so you stop hurting the people around you. They're great nuggets of advice & I'm definitely on board. 

I'm not one to run from love but I don't pursue it either... I'm more a member of the healing collective. An important thing is you shouldn't chase & be desperate for love, the right person will come when the time is right. It sounds cliché but it's true... It's one of those things you don't find by looking but rather stumble across by complete accident. Just make sure you're ready, and pray s/he ready too so you don't have to deal with pushing someone that loves you away & damaging them or the devastation of your love running from you. Either way it's pretty shitty, love isn't meant to hurt its meant to be a beautiful, healing experience and we should all strive to make it just so. :-) 

Anyways, take care, love yourself, love others and be STRONG! :-) remember are very strong, you've survived everything up until this point, including the days where you felt your world was going end and you were gonna die... You've got this, honey!! 



My hair went reaaaaly weird... I won't even explain what happened because you'll laugh and call me silly xD

But, I thought meh whatever, let me pretend like I intended for it to look exactly like this... *sighs internally* *tries to find hairdresser for tomorrow*

I made some kisses to send to you guise because you're totally cute for popping by!

Wellp. This post already has too much of my face in it, but before I go, I'll share a rare sighting. 

^ you can now see why I don't smile very often. (Ama, this one's for you xD) 

Okay, I'm done reacquainting you with my face and questionable hairdo. 

Take care! And also if you can, please send me lots of good vibes, I'm very much in need of some of late and I've got tricky things ahead! I have to do things alone so I need strength & good fortune so I don't have to fight as hard. 

I'm still praying for the best for you all obviously! :3 I hope things are working out in the best possible way for you...


Monday, 27 July 2015

In which case, follow Meryl's advice whilst you taste ALL the apples :-)

Have a happy, blessed & beautiful Monday.

Prayers for love, light and peace are being sent over to you!


Sunday, 26 July 2015

Seeing as it's Sunday and a day of rest, have some inspirational words to act on this week and always. :-)

(It should say cherish THEM** but I didn't make this) 

You are a STAR my dear, go rise and be fabulous. Go boldly in the direction of all your wildest dreams. 

All my love,



Saturday, 25 July 2015

Beware of the fuckboy!

If you are a man and you are reading this, for the love of God don't be a fuckboy. It affects women badly, think about the women in your life you have feelings for and think of how you're treating them. If you wouldn't be happy with someone treating your mother like that then I think you need to reconsider your fuckboy existence and become a decent guy. 

"Don't be an arsehole." - Dalanda 

All the best!


D xo

Marilyn and Arthur


The aforementioned post I wrote some days ago... 


And being the one that is honest will not make you popular because the truth isn't always pleasant but it usually gets you the right people. The ones that turned their back on you because of your honesty will remember you in their quiet moments when things go wrong because of their arrogance. 

There are 'yes' people that either go along with everything you say or don't tell you when you're fucking up. All this does is lead you to make/continue to make bad decisions and ruin things for yourself as they go on happy because the world is still turning for them, they still live their life, have their things, get paid and whatever. 

You need to cut those kinds people off if you want to progress to the person/place you want to be. No company is better than bad company, you can uplift yourself instead of being drained by others or around fake people that tell you what you want to hear instead of what you need to hear. 

If co-dependency or something like similar is your issue maybe sort that first  instead of having people that are feeding your insecurities. 

Use your head and use your heart. You know when situations aren't good for you and when you're giving too much or being used instinctively. You need to find the strength to say enough is enough. 

Be wise,



. המוות הוא רק ההתחלה

מוות מתוק


Have a good weekend... Be safe, take it easy, hug your loved ones and let them know that you care. 

אני אוהב אותך

Sorry I've not posted as regularly as usual I did make a post on the 20'th but it didn't publish >.> I'll try again later. I have a lot I could write about but I'm not sure anyone would want to read it so I've just taken a bit of a break. 



Monday, 20 July 2015

Just don't be stupid in your decisions, it should scare you because it's out of your comfort zone or you care about it a lot not because it might kill you or something xD

(I need to include a disclaimer just in case someone misunderstands xD) 

Internal growth is fantastic and is what life is all about- if you don't mature, grow and learn then it's not really a life lived to the fullest in my opinion because life isn't about being scared and giving in to pressure it's about pushing boundaries till you realise there are in fact no boundaries, connecting, learning, and of course not being an arsehole. This list isn't exhaustive it's just a starting point I hope it helps you along your way. 

May your path be blessed and ever fruitful and may you have the courage to always make the right and best decisions. 



Alongside my thoughts and dreams for a better life, I love nothing more than sharing things on here that make me smile or happy inside so that you might smile or feel a bit better too and dogs totally make me smile!! They're just such excitable cuties and pugs are life! XD 

Pugs, not drugs kids!! :3

Try and feel good today,


In case you're wondering, they taste even  better than they look and they look great if I do say so myself (and I do! Tee hee, l am so modest) 

Life is sweet. 



Oh yes

Busy, busy, busy

Decided to share my most commonly used facial expression for today, possibly life/ whenever I have to interact with people and they open their mouths to speak but they happen to have not thought before doing so and something stupid comes out of their mouth. It's a hard life...

^ I swear it's the most normal picture I have with her xD. Sometimes she gets shocked and overwhelmed that I'm smiling or laughing (you know, the whole bi monthly thing) and can't contain herself. 

Tee hee, I hope you had a good weekend!

All my love,



Sunday, 19 July 2015

“My alone feels so good. I’ll only have you if you’re sweeter than my solitude.”

Warsan Shire

Cuddle, embrace. Extend love & very importantly compassion.

-Jeff Brown

^ He just gets it, and nails it everytime. It's really true though. 

I'm not feeling too good at all right now and so I'm trying to show myself some compassion so I'll hopefully feel a bit better. 

In life it's important to have some self-compassion because from what I've seen of this planet people usually only care about themselves and forget to extend compassion and/or kindness to others. But remember, there is a line between selfishness and looking out for yourself. I feel as though few have that balance, and if you look around you or perhaps in your own life I think you'll agree.

Despite everything, I've managed to fit the equivalent of at least three posts in one, yay! 

I hope you learn something, you think and you make better decisions for yourself so you can be positive to and for others. 

I write sporadically and I don't have a theme it's called 'The Dalanda Archives' because it's like an archive of my mind- what I'm thinking at the moment or my deeper or sometimes lighter thoughts and findings. I don't plan my posts and actually I think for the past year or so all my posts were written on my phone or iPad because they just happen to be close when I think of something (I also only really use my laptop if I want to type an essay for my studies or something- yes even the really long posts are written on my phone usually #Dedication). I just write my thoughts or feelings down and then maybe proof read for typos and that's it because I don't really like to change how I've originally expressed myself when I've been movedto share   something even if it makes no sense. It will maybe make sense to someone and they might need that message... Who knows? The universe works in strange ways, but I digress. 

Thinking about it, I think what I write about most here are my dreams and what's important to me but it's just not always written like that. However, if you have been reading a long time there's themes that crop up very regularly because they're things that plague me everyday. I write how I dream people would act and behave, how I wish I would be treated by people, things I wish I knew earlier etc. This is because I could sit down, rant about how shitty life is, how shitty people are and how awfully shitty I feel but that would achieve absolutely nothing other than to spread a load of negativity on the Internet for people to read and feel bad about. 

 For a very long time I have always thought: well, if I feel like shit I can at least try and make others happy and just because I feel like shit doesn't mean I should bring others down. If it hurts that much, why would you do it to someone else? In fact, it motivated me to try and make people happier so they don't feel like crap. 

I've stayed true to that and I plan to continue till the day I die. 

So if I often rant about similar themes and you've noticed maybe this will give you a of better why. I rant for change, I rant for happiness and I rant for kindness as I think the broken people in this world could heal a lot better if the people in this planet were kind. Well actually, the broken people wouldn't be broken if the world was always kind...

Take care,

