Saturday, 4 July 2015


When life gets rough it takes all our strength to push through the days, seconds, hours, weeks, months etc... 

Don't turn your back on the world because it's hurt you or people are shitty towards you because let's face it, sometimes (or often until your deciphering skills get good) that is the case. With no reason or anything people will just try and make you feel like shit or let you down but it should never stop you from seeing the beauty in the world. It's easily said, and to do this will take effort at first on your part but soon it will get easier. I'm still working, I'm still learning and I feel like I've learned the biggest thing which I've often shared with you. That is just to love and accept love if it comes to you. Don't become a slave to negative energies, people and situations, because time spent being sad is time you could be spending making life better, relaxing or being happy. It's time where you don't grow and stay stagnant or drift lower. But everyone deserves happiness. By being a better version of yourself you may probably lose some, or many people in your life that don't lift you higher and aren't positive and it's up to you to have enough respect for yourself to say and accept that you deserve better, the best and you'll settle for nothing less. The same for the ones that will come because they're jealous and they want what you have which isn't ways physical, and often your time, energy, and to drain you of love without giving any back. Don't go for things that don't uplift you and others. It's as simple as that but so many people don't know how to make that decision. Pain and shit like not being an arsehole is easily done so just do it. Please. I can't cope with much more and I'm sure you're pretty fucking done too... So just be kind :3 

I'm sending happy and positive vibes and I hope that you get loads of good things in your life and you cherish them and show that you're grateful so they multiply!

:-* big hugs and kisses to you!!!

-Dalanda :-) 


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