Saturday, 13 February 2016

Spotted at the bus-stop

Amen. More often than not-particularly if you like to keep your hands clean, when people shun you for no reason or are arseholes to you, it's just because. Well, it's how they've decided to be-even if someone upsets you it doesn't mean you need to go ruin their day or make them feel bad. How you treat others is always a choice no matter what. I don't think there's ever a reason to be horrible, if someone has hurt you, tell them and be honest. If it comes across as insulting maybe it's because their actions were and they struggle to hear about it, or you need to be a bit more tactful. 

You can forgive, tolerate and teach someone that doesn't understand any better, but silence is an indicator of guilt. And if one knows they've wronged you, or are just ignoring you in general there's something wrong. However if you've done your bit by being kind, and doing the right thing- whatever that may be then that's all you can do.

 Remember when people treat you badly it's reflective of themselves and not you; so although it's hard, try not to take it personally. You can only truly change the behaviour of yourself because you are the only one that can truly know your heart- providing you've sat down and listened to it or given it a chance to speak to you. 

Others will change when they're willing to make an effort for themselves, and those who suffer under their poor behaviour. This change isn't something you can cry or make into existence for anyone but yourself. 

So, if someone is horrible use it as an example of how you do not want to be, or leave people feeling instead of being sad that they're horrible. Lead by example because words are seldom enough and two wrongs don't make a right. 

Have a lovely weekend! ^^ 


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