I completely agree with this.
The truth can be painful, hard to accept, or just not visible from your mindset. This is why it's so important to have people that genuinely care about us, because we don't always know best for ourselves even when we think we do.
This is hardly surprising, because in order to truly master knowing which steps to take in life; we have to shut down our egos, and trust our intuition instead of the fears that we entertain to bring us comfort.
One's ego can often mask itself as intuition because it can trick us into questioning our intuition and running back to safety. Society puts such an emphasis on competitions, and doing very well, and at the same time plants so many insecurities, and doubts. All it does is leave people afraid of trying their hardest, or doing what they truly want to do because of fear of failure. But if it's what truly enthuses you and it's from the heart, it's a travesty to turn your back against yourself. You're only one you, in your body and you may as well find happiness instead of comfort. This is because comfort is a byproduct of happiness and that's one thing you can't skip the middle-man on.
Our intuition is the truest form of ourselves, and it shows us what would be best on more than just a superficial, level.
But it can be a rather daunting prospect, which can allow some people to lead themselves (and even others) into thinking: 'nevermind!', or 'screw this!'. This safety mechanism of ignoring one's intuition never pays off. This is because unless your head and heart are truly aligned (which takes practice); your decisions will be made out of fear, selfishness, greed and the opposite of what any decent, virtuous human being should stand for.
One's true intuitive feelings should not be remembered in just retrospect.
For fear of confronting oneself, people can often push people, things, and experiences that confront them with things that they don't want to deal with away.
However feelings of discomfort are just the seeds of growth being planted, and I don't know about you but I find the prospect of being stuck in making wrong decisions more unbearable than step out of my comfort zone far more unbearable. At least with stepping out o your comfort zone, you can be proud for pushing yourself. No one can (or should) take pride in being a fool. Donald Trump, Westboro Baptist Church, and UKIP for example are enough examples of foolishness for this planet. This planet needs to chill with the foolishness, and it's up to us- the inhabitants.
I do understand that some would rather stay in the soil, and manure with people walking over them without a second thought; resisting sunlight and the possibility of growth as much as possible. But if one does something for the greater good of themselves/others, follows their intuition/ heart-space instead of fear and survival mode ego- things will be so much brighter.
Your intuition can seem scary to follow, but sure as a seed with soil, sunlight and water will flourish, so will you. Even the shit helps! Remember that when it gets hard, light is there providing you keep ascending.
In life, there are discouraging people, and then there are people care and keep it real with you. No human being is infallible, and any mistake is something to be learned from.
You'll be able to understand a heart message, from a fear message because heart messages will either instantly resonate on a deeper level, or make you question things and start to grow.
Fear-based messages feel like a cop-out, are discouraging and are only really interested in short term and/or selfish means of gratification and goal fufilment. Like sticking a shade over the flower and planting fake ones because you can't be arsed to grow, and deal with the Gardner pouring manure, and clipping some of your leaves of so you can grow better. But if that's seen as too intrusive and hard- for yourself and others you mightn't ever give yourself a chance.
But you never know, each individual is unique, just like flowers and you never know how beautiful you'll become.
True and heartfelt quality in life takes time to achieve and it isn't easy.
Life is limited by time. We like flowers spend all our lives growing. Often underground, and those roots that we have built are what anchor us to be able to soar to new heights.
Sure as day, the flower will break through the dirt, into the sunlight and those days amongst the worms, manure and soil will all be but a distant dream. Or you can choose to remain in the shade, but you mightn't sprout properly, which is a shame because you can't re-use a seed once it's began sprouting.
Your intuition and heart-space are your sunlight and water as souls. If you ignore them you'll starve and stay stuck in the dirt, shit and earthworms.
Our inution knows what we need in life more than we may in that moment in time, and so it makes sense to trust in it because trusting in yourself, and genuinely making yourself proud, and others truly proud is what brings us true happiness.
The kind of happiness that will make us realise we truly don't need more detrimental things masquerading as pleasures in our lives.
Besides, you will end up having to remedy your fear-based decisions by either being denial about fixing them; living with them out of stubbornness; delusion, or the same fear that you let steal your joy to begin with. That's no way to subsist.
Don't be afraid to be brave and go for what will bring you proper happiness, and make you smile from the heart.
Don't ever stop paying attention to what truly moves you.
Not what you think moves you, or just what others had told should move you? but what feels right for you. Life is too short not to be bold, inspired and always pushing to be a decent person for yourself and others as I'm always reminding you.
That's where your real friends come in. They'll tell you when you lose your path, begin fucking up, or run on fear, partake in stupidity, etc. Soon you'll even carry it on and possibly become the advisor instead of the advised.
Do bear in mind that you may be your only true friend until you grow more, and attract the right people with good mindsets. Those that look at things with positive broad perspectives you may have never encountered before.
Being real is so important, because it allows you to look inside yourself and push further. Anything you want can be expressed in the right ways, so you should never feel like you have to tip-toe around someone.
Just communicate with love, light and think about things as a whole. Everyone has their own perspectives and ways of looking at the world, so having the same mindset in every area of your life won't get you very far. Think of others too, and have other people inform- but not dictate your decisions. Sometimes people get it, and are communicating from the heart; but sometimes people don't get it and are sharing advice from their own jaded eyes. Or they get it, but they don't want you to do too well.
It's hard to accept at first, but when you move higher and grow like a seed, you'll begin to wonder why you ever spent so much time afraid of what lies beyond the dirt and shot.
You'll truly enjoy experiencing the sunshine, dew, snow, rain, and people that have stopped to smile at how beautiful you, the flower is. The seasons of the world, like the seasons in your life all contribute to pushing you to be a better person.
These all seemingly uncomfortable and irritating things to the world like rain and lots of hot sun, or cold are all an integral part of a plants growth, and life-cycle. Maybe you're already up there, and you just need to open in your own time from the bud, relax, and enjoy yourself.
Take care and arise. Don't fear the light. Just keep pushing through and you'll grow in beautiful ways! :-)
We have far more control in life than we'd like to think. Start being in the driving seat of your life for real. Don't half-arse it, life is too short to not do whatever your best may be.
I believe in your ability to be the best you, now it's your turn to believe in yourself and act upon it.
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