“The humanism bypass. I did it for years. I saw glimpses of someone’s potential, their beautiful soul, their loving heart, and told myself that this was who they truly were, ignoring all the rest. But the rest was what destroyed.
The rest is where they lived most of the time. The rest was no illusion- it was them, too.
This self-destructive pattern was birthed in two places: (1) my deep desire to see the best in my difficult parents. Not for them, but for me. I needed to believe that there was something kind and caring living inside of them; (2) a misplaced projection from my own self-concept work.
I held the belief in my own potential, as a way of overcoming the shame I carried. But I made the mistake of assuming that everyone else was just as eager to find their light.
Of course we all have glowing potential. At the core, we are all magnificent beings with profound capacities. But how many of us fully actualize it? At this stage of human development, not so many.
The trick is to hold the space for two things at once- a deep belief in everyone’s possibilities, and a deep regard for your own well-being. It’s okay to pray for everyone’s liberation without joining them in prison.
Pray from outside the prison walls, while taking exquisite care of yourself. It’s okay- you can’t do the work for them anyway. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries… don’t leave home without them."
- Jeff Brown
This is very important to remember as it can be difficult to accept people's negative behaviour and/or treatment- particularly when you don't expect, or want to believe it.
Wanting to see the best in people, and ignoring nefarious traits because of it can never be truly beneficial. It will only lead to you getting hurt, used or betrayed... And all from something as seemingly minor as giving someone the benefit of the doubt.
It is good to have faith, trust in people, and give them a chance but be honest and realistic with yourself and them. Your power and energy is your most precious commodity and when you give your power over to negative, opportunistic people they can and will exploit you. What's worse is if they're clever you mightn't even be aware of it until you're left with all of the consequences that they've brought to your life- if you are ready and willing to face up and admit to them. Many also don't realise people aren't good for them or the other way round which is why the self-reflection, and honesty are such important tools. You'll end up seeing if there's changes and cuts that need to be made. It's hard, but not as hard as being a mug (as the Brits would say).
It pays to pay attention to the people and energies you allow close to you.
Look at what you've brought to their life (in more than just a material sense) vice-versa, and see if you feel like you've become better/ happier from having them in your life; or you feel drained, anxious, the need to try to impress (you'd be surprised at how many people are overly sycophantic or buy things so people will talk to them/ want to go out with them), and like you have the pressure to be something or someone you're truly not. The relationships in your life should not feel forced and/or unnatural, and your approach to them should not be just or for the sake of having people around. People will smell that desperation and pretend to see your friend so they can take advantage.
It doesn't need to happen like that though, because the time and energy used entertaining them could be better spent on bettering yourself so you don't end up with more shitty people. Like they say you need to master being alone without distractions to know who you are without being defined by others.
If people aren't on your vibration you shouldn't try to force anything because people will rise when they're ready, and it won't always be with you. If someone isn't willing and ready you're just preaching to the choir. People don't always seek to understand other views outside of their perspectives, and some are just in a bubble and not ready to let go of any illusions (cognitive dissonance). You can't deprogramme that because it's something people have to be open to, and decide for themselves- we all have free will. You may see some living in the worst ways for themselves, and if you care but you know they're not willing then say your piece and let it slide- they'll either wake up, or get burned, remember you and hopefully change for the better to prevent further negative things.
Most importantly for you, they could just end up dragging you down to lower than what you started from when you tried to help them- consciously or not.
It can also end up making them worse than they were to begin with as you may be that person they have readily to manipulate, lie, sell dreams to, use as a lapdog, etc to further their nasty, messed up ways and mindset with.
If something doesn't feel right, or people prove themselves to be not right then you need to take the disagreement with your spirit as a warning- not a challenge or opportunity to be helpful!
Ideally we wouldn't have to be so cautious. People would just not be shitty and we would be able to trust, but not everyone is so decent. The world has a lot of duality... People do bad things, people make mistakes, and people can be selfish. It's best to accept this but not their behaviour as a fact in your life. We all deserve better. Know that even if people don't always make the best choices in regards to themselves and others, it doesn't stop you from doing and being better. Lead by example and learn from the negativity, don't walk around holding it because negativity can be like a seed for your growth if you let it.
Stand firm in your light, integrity and healthy boundaries. They are traits that aren't as common as you might think because you can't buy them; and you get more (in just a material sense) from the opposite because of how things are set up in our society. They want to perpetuate being miserable and unsatisfied so you validate yourself through external things... Many people now live for things that don't truly mean anything.
Don't allow yourself to be fooled, 9/10 if you take a good look at your life you'll see that you have, and have had everything you needed for a long time- it's your wants that disappoint and distract you from what's truly important. And guess what? They will continue to make you feel miserable and inadequate even more so if you let society and popular culture dictate what your wants are to you.
Think about it... Seriously.
For example: because someone decided that a clear piece of rock would be known as precious and worth a lot of money; people lie, cheat, fight, kill, and manipulate their way into truly shallow, joyless lives to get it. It's still a rock at the end of the day, and yet man has decided it's worth more than people's lives and peace because it's extra shiny and old??
It brings nothing to your life but the rock... which you get satisfaction from owning because you were told it's precious, or you might sell it for some money which if you aren't clever enough to understand the value of you'll use to buy more rocks, or other equally useless things in adundance because you can? I find it funny but at the same time I feel sorry for people that live that way and the destruction people cause from those lifestyles to themselves and others. Also there's far better uses of time and money, but people don't enjoy and appreciate what they have properly so there's always discontent. People are always fighting or being shitty for the sake of stuff that doesn't mean anything.
I feel like the people that own big companies, etc must laugh so hard as they wait for the next thing, or concept to throw in our direction so we can rip each other apart like vultures over it. I don't even blame them... Honestly, half of the time they're probably like 'let's see if we can get away with this, and they're stupid enough to lap it up'. And surely enough we do because it's usually a form of escapism. People look everywhere but within themselves to find distraction from a world that we've neglected by following these false, dictated (whether you realise if or not) needs. Can you smell the irony?
Why not live a life you don't have to, or feel the need to run from?
It's really that deep... people can do the most horrible things for extra money they don't need so they can say they are rich. I don't believe should be a character trait but I've found if someone refers often refers to themselves as such for one of their most defining features it is usually: Those with old money that are super tight, and super entitled but may splurge every so often or, the 'nouveau riche' who are overly extravagant with the money they've accumulated- to the point of looking, and being silly with their purchases; but still beliving they're super impressive and superior because of all their brands (as brands equals status and shows someone's worth in their minds). What I find funny though, is they're usually thrown together really badly- particularly if they don't have much of a fashion sense, or a stylist- it's a bit painful to watch actually. You see people wearing thousands of pounds worth of clothing, and yet they make it look cheap and tacky because they're only eager to show name brands off, or just spend a lot of money which is, and unsurprisingly ends up looking super distasteful. Maybe there's a style memo going around telling people it's stylish to appear as though you got dressed in the dark (if there is, I missed it. Happily). Regardless, one's clothes shouldn't carry you, it should be the other way round if you want to feel and look good, and have actual confidence. True confidence comes from within, not from what you're wearing.
We've all seen it in real life, beauty halls (Selfridges in central London is bad for it), boutiques, worst dressed celebrities, etc. It's never a good look.
It's not just rich people that can be victims of consumerism either, this lifestyle is breaking it into the mainstream with the rise of social media. There are now people that go as far as to steal, lie, and cheat people to have or look like they have all of these things. It's sad because social media could be such a positive tool to spread real values... But I'm doing my part here! :-P
Don't get me wrong there can be and are many people with money that don't let it mess with their heads- thus not falling into the two aforementioned categories. The money doesn't always have to equate to evil in the slightest, it's the mindset. There are those that are ethical and/or do ethical things whenever they can in order to use their wealth and any influence positively.
But there are also so many that serve to further push people into toxic mindsets, and set foolish examples so you need to be careful.
Everyone deserves to treat themselves - I believe we all should, and am a firm advocate of it as long as you treat yourself for you and not for your ego; because then it simply becomes something you did for approval. Understand the actual value of things, not just the price and don't let those trying to make a profit from you dictate that worth (call me crazy, but they might be just a tad biased).
What use it it killing yourself with work to spend it all shoes just to flaunt on social media; staying in a shitty, loveless, or abusive relationship because of financial security; going against what you believe/ know is right for extra money for frivolous wants; or going out and doing things you won't even fully enjoy experiencing because you're miserable and constantly looking to cure the inner restlessness.... by indulging in the very thing that serves to distract you from the true remedy.
Be aware of the lies you are sold in popular culture so you aren't be swept up in a detrimental way of thinking.
Keep a tight grip on reality, and what is true in your life.
Brown wrote of boundaries, and honestly the healthiest, most important boundaries you need to keep are those for yourself.
If you don't respect yourself, others won't and may take advantage. If you don't respect others, you disrespect yourself, your reputation and your integrity by showing you aren't decent.
Spiritual uncleanliness will make you feel the most dirty, and be the biggest barrier to positive progress in every area: seen, unseen, acknowledged and unacknowledged.
There are countless examples demonstrating this fact in life if you look around you at society, and also in the arts because as we know life imitates art.
I'll use an example from Shakespeare's Macbeth to demonstrate this: the infamous first scene of act five.
Here's the smell of the blood still: all the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. Oh, oh, oh!"
Lady Macbeth was clearly suffering with some kind of PTSD (before it was known as such) because she thought she could deal with the (not fully considered) gravity of her actions. The notion of being queen distracted her so much she didn't even acknowledge how her spirit would rebel as it always will when you defile/play yourself by following frivolous, hedonistic desires. What is interesting is she didn't say anything of regret, or ask forgiveness- possibly to avoid fully coming to terms with what she did. She prayed instead to be harsher with thicker blood earlier on in the first act. It made matters worse though which as she lost her sanity because she was so full of repressed guilt, and the harsh realisation that life's joy goes deeper than that which you can acquire.
She shows that realisation when she acknowledges that even with the sweetest, most expensive and exotic perfumes money can buy, she'd still be dirty, still smell the blood and still be guilty no matter how much she tries to deny it to herself.
It came out subconsciously and then spilled into reality with her behaviour as with anything that is repressed.
This shows us that the heart and light within you can never be truly silenced, and so you owe it to yourself to remain true if you want real happiness.
Give yourself the best of you, and be honest with yourself-which means embracing the good and bad. No one is perfect, but we are all trying somehow. However in this life, you must seek to try effectively or you'll be pulled away from wherever and whatever is best for you.
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