Tuesday, 30 August 2016

For real though. 

Negative things have no power other than that which (if) you choose to feed into it. 

Archangel Michael kicks arse. 

Always starve the negativity and be grateful for all blessings- big, small and to come. Don't treat the good like the bad because it's that doubt which fuels negativity and gives it a chance to have a hold over you and your life- or make it feel that way. 

If you feel weak or powerless then pray, believe, keep the faith, take a step back, and see that only you can hold your God given power unless you choose to surrender it. It's never too late to better yourself. 

People may be able to try physically holding you down (the system does with things like money), but you are always your own person who is responsible and accountable for all the decisions you choose or have chosen to make. 

In staying true to yourself mind, body and soul you can find true peace. Chaos is only there to help you recognise and appreciate the peace, hate makes you realise the true beauty of unconditional love, etc. 

Once you realise these things the lesson in negativity has filled it's purpose, and you don't need it anymore. Anything after or other than that is self-sabotage. Even if it doesn't seem like it at the time, we create our own heaven or hell with our thoughts, actions and words. Without light you set yourself up for true failure in a world that makes you feel like you're winning. 

I'm grateful to have discovered this because I know I'm looked after in the most important spiritual ways by God's light in all forms, and when I die I'll be well looked after. 

Where there is life there is hope, and there is hope beyond that too with more than just what you can see. In fact, looks can be and are very deceiving. Trust in your initial feelings, those are God given. Light will always guide you if you give it a chance to shine. God sees souls before bodies. 

Peace and loving blessings,


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