Tuesday, 18 June 2013

"Part of me is afraid to get close to people because I'm afraid that they're going to leave." - Marilyn Manson.
Yeah, people have a bad habbit of being there one day then the next day they're gone without even a goodbye. But hey, people come and go and hey, they never wanted to be in our lives in the first place as if they did, they'd stay, show they care, make sure that you were okay and be there for you if you're not. I feel you can only really find out if someone is okay by talking to them because no one really makes their pain public, and maybe they mightn't want to talk about it but the option should be there.
 I'm not sure if people that up and leave deserve second chances. Unless there's a VERY good reason as to why they left without a trace, it's not fair to leave someone that thought of you as a friend/partner/parent-  no matter what or how small you may have THOUGHT your role was in their life, it's just not done to someone if you truly care about them.
 You can only really check on someone by talking to them, and it's never too late to right your wrongs if the person still wants you in their life.  Shyness is NOT an excuse.

-D xxx

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