Sunday, 4 August 2013

OMG, my sister came to visit for the weekend and she got some snacks for us (and a large tub of Nutella for me ;D) ... One of which are these biscuits which are soo yummy! I'm not a huge biscuit person, but I do enjoy these so if you ever go to France, try these out!

I still miss some good old German milchschnitte tho... Like O.M.G, it's the stuff of dreams for me (yes I've dreamt about milchschnitte before, don't judge me! XD) sadly, they only sell it in Germany and because of that I've not had any since my birthday and I'm craving it like mad! :-( ah well I shall snap out of miserable fat kid mode and end this post here as I'd like to do a bit of reading!

Till next time my darlings,

-D xx

I love you! 

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