Saturday, 31 October 2015

Thursday, 29 October 2015

I saw this yesterday and thought it was a nice message. 

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.”
-Chinese Proverb

Think about that for a bit. 

You will never be at peace if you ignore yourself, your truth, and who you really are in favour of pretending to be something or someone you are not. You can never please everyone, or make yourself into someone that you think everyone else will like without making yourself very unhappy and empty in the process. 

Each time you ignore yourself, and you pretend to be someone that you are not, you're actually telling yourself the real you isn't good enough. You're damaging your own self esteem and poisoning yourself with untruths. 

Self-sabotage is the worst kind.

Being your authentic and genuine self is more than good enough. You're not here to be liked, or make people like you. If you are yourself, and on your path you'll naturally attract your tribe and the things that are meant for you... In other words, you can end up ruining or turning your back on the blessings in your life. 

We are all here to learn and grow and you simply won't manage that if you can't be true to yourself. When you remain untrue to yourself, you silence your inner voice strength, and personal power. 

 It's hard to say fuck it, be who you want to be and share who you really are- which doesn't need to be a massive rebellion, style change or anything to do with how you are perceived. It's all internal and vibes don't lie. 

Remember that your life is your own journey for your personal growth. You may share some- or many of your experiences with others- which you may well grow and learn from. But it's your life and you have to live with the consequences of the decisions and choices you make. Seeing as the decision and choice are yours, don't make the choice to appease people or because they want your life to be a certain way. They won't be the one left empty, regretful or hurt because you turned your back on something you never should have. 

You should be in the driving seat of your own life. That is one thing I really wish I realised earlier... I should have never listened to the advice of others when I knew it was against my heart and what I wanted to do. It's too late for that but at least now, I'm very much like fuck it. I won't let people pressure me into decisions that I should make that affect me and my life- big and small. I'm not saying don't listen to advice, it can be useful and life changing- like when I advise you for example (I'm so modest, wow) but it isn't always. Or some people think they know what's best for you but they don't. Only you know that and you need to sit down and think about it because the answers all lie within you.

We are all works in progress, so if you don't like something about yourself then work on it and improve it into something positive. Don't beat yourself up over it or just ignore it and accept any kind of negativity in your life as 'just there', or 'just a part of you'. No, that's fucking bullshit. Like seriously, I had someone say that to me and my face was like >____________> 
Anything that's not positive has come from negativity, doubt, fear, and you've fed into it and allowed it to become bigger and take you over as a personality trait. YOU have control of you and you decide what you keep in and out of your life. It's time to break harmful and unhelpful thought patterns.

Many people hold on to negativity and things that drag them down. Try to realise when you're doing it, cancel, clear, delete and let go. When you hold on to negativity, you leave no room for blessings in your life. You turn your back on your blessings when you turn your back on yourself. 

So be honest and be your best you. If there's things you need to improve onor tackle, then do it and don't neglect yourself. Life sadly isn't like when you're a child, you can't close your eyes and tell everyone you've disappeared, or cover up your face (well, you could but they might look at you a bit like you've lost the plot, and I wouldn't blame them). If you ignore things in life, it aggravates the situation because problems don't go away without being resolved and put to rest. 

Resolving things is what puts them to rest and grants peace of mind. 

Take care and look after yourself,



Tuesday, 27 October 2015

When you try to tell a joke but nobody gets it

"Your body is a temple, so never let a man in that doesn't take the proper time to worship you because you are a goddess that is truly worth sacrificing for" 

Sunday, 25 October 2015

Anxieties, paranoia and past hurts are terrible things; particularly when you see them from a negative perspective. 

Often people look to the hurt in their life as just that- hurt. It's so easy to lose yourself in detrimental feelings, experiences and mistakes. Dwelling on them can end up leaving you too overwhelmed to move forward which is why so many people hold on to their hurt as burdens. 

Instead of seeing the lessons and strength that your hardships bring, you end up spending far too long poking at your wounds, drawing blood. Putting off the bandages for yet another day. 

But one must remember that there is growth in being free, and in no longer allowing yourself being chained by your past because you hold the key. 

Your pain, mistakes and bad experiences shape you as a person, but they don't make you who you are. The courage, self-control, wisdom and fight you have because of all of the things you've thorough is who you are. You've been hurt, but you're still breathing, you're still here and where there is life there is hope. 

When you're anxious, or scared of giving those past wounds that final clean and dressing; it's very easy to find yourself trying to solve your problems all alone without anyone of any support. But look at this:

We all need at least somebody, hard as it may be to accept! We do need to know how to be in our own company too. But when you need someone to talk to just for fun, or things get hard it's important to have somebody there for you- even if it's just to check up on you and see you're okay. If you have issues or problems no one can fix them for because you have to make the changes yourself; however there is no motivation, guidance or help when you're fighting your own corner. 

So don't feel like you should or have to be alone. Don't feel like you can't be there for someone too. Don't feel like it's not okay to discuss your emotions so that you can heal. Dont feel like it's not okay to be brave, and say fuck it to the fears that hold you back from your dreams. Don't feel like it's not okay to hurt because that is part of the healing process too. 

Just don't forget to move on and learn your lesson once you're done licking your wounds. 

You're far stronger than you think, and you'll realise that as you start allowing yourself to heal and let go of that which no longer serves for your highest good, and happiness. You're a soldier. 

All my love,


Saturday, 24 October 2015

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Buffalo Charge

This song is great fun and the video is life xD 

I like Dub Phizix (the guy that made the beat for this song) and Strategy (the MC). I saw them at well good do and Strategy gave me a couple shots and shouted me out, he's a cool guy! 

Enjoy his song and have a great day :3

Love as always! 


Friday, 16 October 2015

Omg these are so cool! Imagine them with different lights and colours! *_*

I remember loving my little light up shoes in primary school, and these are like a cooler adult version that make you taller too! Perf ^_^ haha!

I hope you have a nice day, and a great weekend. Focus on the good and positive things so that you can create a great weekend for yourself.

Take care



Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Still not enough sleep! :-0 I hope you're week is going better than mine xD

Hugs! :-)
It's been a long time since I shared a silly picture and I don't know why... I've encountered a fair few but just not posted them which is bad of me because everyone needs a pick me up at some point. 

I thought it might make my blog a bit too sporadic in content but honestly, it is anyways. Also, when I first remade this blog I decided to make it a bit of fun and also an exploration of my mind in terms of how I think or feel about certain things. 

However if my blog is to be anything like me, it'd actually be more jokey than very serious because I do like a good chuckle and I'm a pretty playful person. But I think I end up swinging more towards the more serious side as Icouldn't have most of the conversations I have here in real life. I also don't think there's many I could discuss some of the things I talk about here, so this is the next best thing for me. 

It's like a diary, mood board and messages for you all- even if the message is just the infamous 'don't be an arsehole' :-P. It's so important to be kind and not cause people pain where you can. 

But anyways, I'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason, or as some call it: fate. I don't believe in coincidence and if one stumbled across something randomly or by accident they probably needed to see it. I've had experiences like that myself so I know it can happen. If I do actually help people, then I think it's great that I've been able to give back, and share the love, support and advice that I wish I had been given instead of having to learn the hard way and we are always learning, but if I can help you lighten your load and have a slightly happier life then that's amazing. But I digress... On to the nonsense! 

Soooo, this picture has cracked me up every time I've seen it for almost a month now so I have to share it. 

I think it's extra funny because the chicken is unseasoned. It's just so silly yet actually fairly accurate xD I'm giggling at my phone right now. Tee hee ^_^

If you're Caucasian and reading this, you're welcome for the mental images whenever you um... as the Brits would say 'do the dirty'. 

Have a great day! And should you decide to do the dirty, don't forget to be safe! ;-) 

Love always (and some cuddles),


Tuesday, 13 October 2015

When you've had no sleep, salad for dinner and turn into a hangry zombie.

Blergh and merp.


Saturday, 10 October 2015

I pray that one day soon, the sleepwalkers awaken. I hope that there's things, people and experiences that breathe life into them. No longer will there be that struggle through life in a jaded haze. No longer will we become slaves to dreaming about better days. 

No. You will live those better days. Fortune will smile upon you and all the sonambulists will have the happiness they deserve. My dears, you'll have the good feelings worth dying for. When you feel them swell in your chest and you feel that spark of life inside of you, you'll never fall asleep like that again. 

Until then... Hang in there. A better ending isn't a promise, but it's hope which is something magical in itself. 

In life, nothing is for certain. Sometimes things go catastrophically wrong, but other times it goes so right and I guess that's what we all live for. 

Yes, I live for a future that isn't promised to me but look around you. We all do.  We all have dreams, ideal scenarios and things that we can't go a day without thinking about.

 A few lucky ones turn their dreams into reality but that isn't without hard work, and being very bold and daring. It takes great strength and courage to follow your dreams but if you make it... Well, no word could ever be sufficient because it's something rare to be felt. 

Just be careful of what you wish for. 

Remember to take care of yourself. It's hard, but try your best. 

Love always,


Friday, 9 October 2015

“At times you may find yourself between worlds, unsure about anything, with no idea what is being asked of you. It is clear some sort of death has occurred and that things will never be the same again. But where is the rebirth? Where is the new life purpose? The promised creativity, intimacy, invulnerability, and joy? Nothing has yet emerged from the womb of Now. No direction for the journey ahead.

While the uncertainty can be disorienting, in another sense you are home. In this realm terror and exhilaration co-arise and weave in and out of one another. There are waves of hope and fear, but they are arising and held in a vast field of awareness. You are no longer able to perceive the fear as an enemy coming at you from the outside, but as a secret emissary of the beloved, a special tour guide taking you into the embodied wisdom of the somatic world.

Yes, the longing can be excruciating at times… for healing, for transcendence, for understanding, for some magical ‘other’ to come and remind you of how whole you truly are. There is a cosmic ache for clarity, for ground, and for some resolution to all the contradictions. A yearning for just a moment of rest and respite from the raging, full-spectrum relentlessness of the unknown.

You might as well just give it all up. For there is no resolution. Only more invitations into the somatic-sensual world. Fortunately, you are seeing that it is not resolution that you are truly seeking anyway. But wild aliveness. These conundrums have been placed inside you by the beloved herself, to open and close the networks of dark and of light, seeding your tender pathways with the fruit of integration.

Dare to see that no mistake has been made. Only more path. Only more naked vulnerability. Only more sensitive revelations of your one raw beating heart.
Right in between your death and your rebirth is the secret place. Stay there and listen. And feel the waves of sweet and fierce love, as they descend and wash through.”

-Matt Licata 

Blessings ❤️

Have a great day and a marvellous weekend. 

Love always,

Thursday, 8 October 2015

I've been thinking a lot these past few weeks about people, connections, technology and how they've made the world tiny despite the fact that we are simply a mere speck. Then yesterday, I stumbled across this missed connection that I thought was both tragic and beautiful (it's here if anyone is interested ). I took this as a sign that I should probably write a bit about how we as people are connected and almost all as one. I also wanted to give you all a little reminder to cherish the special connections in life that feel right, and not walk away or forget to be grateful and kind. You could push very special people away, or into bad things and sadness. We can suppress, we can hide but ultimately we are souls in a body ruled by emotions, energies, vibrations, feelings- feeling a lack of feelings is still  a feeling. Because of this, seemingly small moments can change a person or affect them for a long time. You can leave pretty big imprints on some's heart with small acts- as you've seen in that missed connection. 

We are like little celestial dots linked into one big constellation. We are the stars in the sky, we are part of something bigger and this is both amazing, beautiful and strange. Think of the six degrees of separation theory.

With the rise of technology and a huge emphasis on becoming linked with each other, we've simultaneously become more connected and also more disassociated and disconnected than before. 

The same devices that connect us with people from all over the world alienate us from those just across the room, or those friends and people you care about that are just a few taps away. It becomes easier to ignore people and cut people off- sometimes without even consciously meaning to.

 People forget how fragile people's emotions are , and many trudge along under the illusion that connections are always there and always will be. However, like the stars in the sky it's fleeting, it changes. 

Don't let the ease of technology take away from putting up a real fight for your loved ones and making an effort for the people you want in your life. Don't let technology stop you from doing those things that require real effort, like who sends letters anymore? I know I do but it's a rarity, and just not really on people's list of things to do. 

I can't blame you though, with the rise of technology, no one is looking out for letters when they can't even get a text or message back from someone. 

With a wider scope of people to choose from, we're finding people we truly vibe with, admire or even love which is wonderful. Even I myself have met some awesome people online, and learned some amazing things through the Internet without trawling through several books or travelling through most of the world- although I would love to some day. 

I'm sure it's probably the same with you. Maybe you've even met someone or some people that have changed your life from the Internet. Maybe you've found some information that changed your life, or both! The possibilities really are endless. 

You hear crazy stories of some even getting married to people they've met on the Internet which is amazing I think. Just because the world is so vast, I think that your soulmate or someone you truly love mightn't always necessarily live next door or anywhere near you. And if you live in a small village, you probably would have exhausted all options when it comes to suitable partners by the age of about 20. And no one wants to settle, you want to hold out for someone that sets your heart ablaze not just someone that's will do because you're lonely or you want a partner/ someone there. I'd rather be alone. 

But I digress...

Technology is truly a powerful tool because it is a source of knowledge but  also a source of entertainment (think of all the animal videos! *_* :-D). It also puts people on our path that are meant to be there in a new and different way- like another source of fate, and it reinforces our connection to each other. 

In particular the connection to the people that belong in our space and in our lives that have been put there for a reason. Sometimes we are born and bred somewhere, and it doesn't feel like home, but some people do. If we didn't have technology and a chance at finding those people and places maybe some would feel displaced forever. I know many that already do. 

So, never forget: do not let the ease of communication make you complacent or cause you to stop making an effort. Don't ignore special people in your life. Every single kind of relationship requires communication and effort on both parts.  Now you have even less of an excuse because it's so easy to just shoot someone a message and see how they are. It becomes even worse to ignore people when it's so easy not to, so don't be that arsehole. 

Technology is growing and developing so rapidly, but that's all man made. Don't forget the real things that you can't force or buy. 

The world works in cycles... We see that through seasons, day and night, life and death, etc.

 Few things are constant in life which sucks because people generally like stability and dislike unwelcome change (well, I'm pretty Taurus-heavy and those are my two least favourite things). But, you can keep some things constant. You can have some things in life that are real and that last even when everything around you crumbles and that's why people are so important. No one wants to fight alone but some have to because there's missed connections, another's laziness/ selfishness got in the way, or there were just simply no good people around to help. 

It doesn't have to be that way. It really doesn't. We could all be better people, we could all try harder, be bolder, smile more, spread more love and use our greater connections to one another to be kind, to be a friend and to be help. 

After all, if there was no internet and no technology you probably would have never heard of me or known that I even exist. If you hadn't stumbled across my blog you wouldn't be reading these words now. Maybe they'd stay trapped in my head, or put into a book, song, or poem that no one would ever read. 

And if it wasn't for technology, and me seeing that missed connection all the way from America, I wouldn't even have been inspired to write this piece for you. 

I hope it's worth it, and I hope it's inspired you.  I hope you hold on to the special stars in your life and let them know. Be open, honest and kind. If you do that, you can't fail. Just trust yourself. 

With love and courage from me to you,


P.S- it's national poetry day!!! 

Here's a poem for you from one of my faves. 

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

Monday, 5 October 2015

Sunday, 4 October 2015

The bæ and I

He was so excited when I sat on the floor to play with him, and obvz I was too xD

He gave me lots of kisses :-D

I thought I'd include this because it's funny xD look at him!

Happy Sunday! 


-The Crazy Dog Lady

Saturday, 3 October 2015

I've missed him so much! He keeps crying when he sees me because it's been so long :'-(

I love dogs far too much xD but at least they love me back. Isn't requited love the best?! :-D

Have a great weekend, my loves! Take care and enjoy yourselves :-)
