I thought it might make my blog a bit too sporadic in content but honestly, it is anyways. Also, when I first remade this blog I decided to make it a bit of fun and also an exploration of my mind in terms of how I think or feel about certain things.
However if my blog is to be anything like me, it'd actually be more jokey than very serious because I do like a good chuckle and I'm a pretty playful person. But I think I end up swinging more towards the more serious side as Icouldn't have most of the conversations I have here in real life. I also don't think there's many I could discuss some of the things I talk about here, so this is the next best thing for me.
It's like a diary, mood board and messages for you all- even if the message is just the infamous 'don't be an arsehole' :-P. It's so important to be kind and not cause people pain where you can.
But anyways, I'm a firm believer in things happening for a reason, or as some call it: fate. I don't believe in coincidence and if one stumbled across something randomly or by accident they probably needed to see it. I've had experiences like that myself so I know it can happen. If I do actually help people, then I think it's great that I've been able to give back, and share the love, support and advice that I wish I had been given instead of having to learn the hard way and we are always learning, but if I can help you lighten your load and have a slightly happier life then that's amazing. But I digress... On to the nonsense!
Soooo, this picture has cracked me up every time I've seen it for almost a month now so I have to share it.
I think it's extra funny because the chicken is unseasoned. It's just so silly yet actually fairly accurate xD I'm giggling at my phone right now. Tee hee ^_^
If you're Caucasian and reading this, you're welcome for the mental images whenever you um... as the Brits would say 'do the dirty'.
Have a great day! And should you decide to do the dirty, don't forget to be safe! ;-)
Love always (and some cuddles),
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