Thursday, 29 October 2015

I saw this yesterday and thought it was a nice message. 

“Tension is who you think you should be. Relaxation is who you are.”
-Chinese Proverb

Think about that for a bit. 

You will never be at peace if you ignore yourself, your truth, and who you really are in favour of pretending to be something or someone you are not. You can never please everyone, or make yourself into someone that you think everyone else will like without making yourself very unhappy and empty in the process. 

Each time you ignore yourself, and you pretend to be someone that you are not, you're actually telling yourself the real you isn't good enough. You're damaging your own self esteem and poisoning yourself with untruths. 

Self-sabotage is the worst kind.

Being your authentic and genuine self is more than good enough. You're not here to be liked, or make people like you. If you are yourself, and on your path you'll naturally attract your tribe and the things that are meant for you... In other words, you can end up ruining or turning your back on the blessings in your life. 

We are all here to learn and grow and you simply won't manage that if you can't be true to yourself. When you remain untrue to yourself, you silence your inner voice strength, and personal power. 

 It's hard to say fuck it, be who you want to be and share who you really are- which doesn't need to be a massive rebellion, style change or anything to do with how you are perceived. It's all internal and vibes don't lie. 

Remember that your life is your own journey for your personal growth. You may share some- or many of your experiences with others- which you may well grow and learn from. But it's your life and you have to live with the consequences of the decisions and choices you make. Seeing as the decision and choice are yours, don't make the choice to appease people or because they want your life to be a certain way. They won't be the one left empty, regretful or hurt because you turned your back on something you never should have. 

You should be in the driving seat of your own life. That is one thing I really wish I realised earlier... I should have never listened to the advice of others when I knew it was against my heart and what I wanted to do. It's too late for that but at least now, I'm very much like fuck it. I won't let people pressure me into decisions that I should make that affect me and my life- big and small. I'm not saying don't listen to advice, it can be useful and life changing- like when I advise you for example (I'm so modest, wow) but it isn't always. Or some people think they know what's best for you but they don't. Only you know that and you need to sit down and think about it because the answers all lie within you.

We are all works in progress, so if you don't like something about yourself then work on it and improve it into something positive. Don't beat yourself up over it or just ignore it and accept any kind of negativity in your life as 'just there', or 'just a part of you'. No, that's fucking bullshit. Like seriously, I had someone say that to me and my face was like >____________> 
Anything that's not positive has come from negativity, doubt, fear, and you've fed into it and allowed it to become bigger and take you over as a personality trait. YOU have control of you and you decide what you keep in and out of your life. It's time to break harmful and unhelpful thought patterns.

Many people hold on to negativity and things that drag them down. Try to realise when you're doing it, cancel, clear, delete and let go. When you hold on to negativity, you leave no room for blessings in your life. You turn your back on your blessings when you turn your back on yourself. 

So be honest and be your best you. If there's things you need to improve onor tackle, then do it and don't neglect yourself. Life sadly isn't like when you're a child, you can't close your eyes and tell everyone you've disappeared, or cover up your face (well, you could but they might look at you a bit like you've lost the plot, and I wouldn't blame them). If you ignore things in life, it aggravates the situation because problems don't go away without being resolved and put to rest. 

Resolving things is what puts them to rest and grants peace of mind. 

Take care and look after yourself,



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