You are no one's property.
The bonds of love, friendship, or any kind of relationship in your life don't mean anything if you're being treated poorly. When you're treated poorly, love and respect turn into bastardisations of themselves, and give you all the opposites of what you would expect from love.
No matter how deep your feelings are: if you are not shown any love; you are dealing with someone who won't make an effort for you; or you suffer someone that runs in and out of your life or uses you as they please then you need to take a step back- for the sake of your sanity and self-respect. If someone doesn't give you the respect that you deserve, give it to yourself by cutting their disrespectful self off.
It's hard but necessary because if you don't take that step back, you will only end up very hurt, very embarrassed and pretty messed up from the whole experience. Being treated badly- particularly by people you care about, or people you thought cared about you damages your self-worth and self-esteem at the least- often it's deeper. Even if you're very strong and confident to begin with, it still hurts a lot, you just understand a bit better.
Just remember that it is you who dictates your worth and not anyone else. That's why it's so important to stand up for yourself, and not take any bullshit. There are plenty of people who will appreciate you, and treat you right if the people already in your life aren't.
Self-respect and self-love are vital- especially if you've been treated like someone not worthy of them. It's simply not true- respect, love, time and affection are things we all need and deserve. It's just that someone is just too silly to appreciate you which is their loss. You can't please everyone, and you won't be everyone's cup of tea- such is life!
Just remember again to love yourself (not in an egotistical way, but a healthy way where you have respect for yourself, and you treat yourself well), and love others- if you're lucky, they'll love you back and treat you as such which is great. But if they don't, know that there are many who will already do. Someone (like me) and something always loves and cares about you. I can't give you anything physical because it's on a virtual sphere, but if I could I would. All I can offer you is advice, inspiration, laughs, virtual hugs, and the hope and tools to create a better life for you and those around you. I really do care about sharing these things with you all, because I have love for everyone, especially you that takes the time out to read what little old me has to say.
I know maybe you want time and love from one or a few people in particular, and not me specifically but my love is there anyway, and you can trust me and the advice I give to you- I'd never be dishonest or not try my best to be as helpful as possible. Heck, my long posts are so long because I like to explain everything in detail so you follow me (I hate being misunderstood).
Also, like I said yesterday: trust your intuition! Those chills, tingles, feelings or deep inner knowings are powerful and if you listen and follow, you can be assured that you are on the best path. So don't delay... Even if it goes against what you think you might want. Nobody knows what's best for them anyway, that's why seeking and following the guidance within you and around you that resonates is important. There's always a reason in life, things don't just happen. That's why leaving toxic influences behind are important- they'll take you off your path and away from where you need to be.
Sure you'll still care, but if someone proves less than worthy of a spot in your life for whatever reason, then don't give them the privilege of one. They don't deserve it, or you if they're gonna treat you like crap.
Maybe if you're lucky there'll be a change and growth later on down the line with those people or that person, but you have to deal with the here and now in life.
Someone is what their actions show them to be, and until they decide to make a change it's all they are. I'm not saying you shouldn't give people a chance, but be careful and learn how to recognise genuine attempts at change, and manipulation to keep you around.
Be courageous, and remember you are strong enough to face anything. You have no reason to run and hide from anything in your life, you're great. Face it, maybe suffer a bit now but be assured that if you do the right thing it's gonna be okay.
P.S- here's a saying that is used a lot, I love it, but I couldn't fit in so here : 'practice what you preach'.
It's all about integrity and respect for yourself and others. When you go against yourself, you're demeaning yourself... Your words lose their power, and people lose their respect for you because you don't show any respect for yourself.
One of the most damning things you could do for yourself and your image is to willingly go against what you know is the right thing to do. There's honestly never a good enough reason to not do the right thing; and in turning your back on your morals, you're also turning your back on your true self. That's fucked up, and it can turn you into a selfish and heartless monster if you're not careful.
I respect those who stand up for what they believe in and do the right thing. From the single mother working three jobs, instead of making fast immoral and/or illegal money, to the child that refuses to change despite being bullied because they want to remain true to themselves regardless of what anyone else thinks or says.
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