Saturday, 12 December 2015

The sun. 

A single ball of light, a light so powerful, it illuminates the entire world. 

As there is a sun and daytime, there is also a moon, stars and night time so that there is balance and cycle as that's how the world operates. 

One of the reasons we need night because it helps us to appreciate the day, and light more, vice versa. 

What I find marvellous is that during even the darkest of nights, there is light from above without fail... Be it the moon, or the stars- you just might have to look a bit closer. 

The moon and stars are a becon of light that guide the way of those lost in the dark. It is also a symbol of hope, because it brings with it the promise that the sun will always rise again. 

When you have faith, see the night through and learn not to fear the darkness anymore; a new day will shine a light on everything, and you will see the scary shadows and darkness were actually beautiful flowers, trees and other harmless things. It's true what they say, 'you have nothing to fear, but fear itself.'

But, if you fear the dark and succumb to it, it grows because of the energy you have pumped into it, and you might get lost or begin to fear the light and lock yourself in darkness... 

If you open your eyes and look up at the night sky you'll see the moon, the stars, and sometimes even other planets.

It's the same as in life. There may be negativity all around you, and it can seem suffocating, but it only seems so. There's no such thing as absolute darkness or absolute evil. 

The negativity around you may seem powerful and intoxicating, it may feel like everything around you is crumbling but it's not if you have faith.

Remember that it's always darkest before the dawn, and that darkness can not enter you without your consent. It is you that entertains it, and feeds it with fear and poor decisions not made in love. Don't make allowances and exceptions for that which is not from the light, and remeber you aren't and cannot be bound by darkness- you can cut off at any time. It takes strength, intent and getting help if you need it. You'll be guided to where you need to be, just switch your intuition back on. 

Start looking up and admiring the beauty that dwells within the light. There is no comfort in darkness, isolation and fear. The darkness will sell you dreams, possibly come in the form of everything you thought you ever wanted (on a superficial level), and then take away everything that's real, and that money can't buy as payment if you're not careful. 

I used to fear the dark, but now I don't because I am strong. I can appreciate the beauty in even the darkest times because I know I have nothing to fear and it will work out. I know I am far stronger than anything negative that will try and harm me, and when it gets hard as it often is, I hold in. That's how I can use my pain to help people, I'm an injured optimist.  Partly because of this, night time has grown to symbolise a lot to me. 

Think of the moon like your faith, and the stars as those little signs and nuggets of information that point you in the best direction for your life. 

The dark times may appear to be all engulfing and vast, but if you would just simply look up, you would realise there's hope, help and your fears are not real at all- no matter how real they seem. People usually only realise this after the situation has passed or resolved, get a head start and know that as long as you're doing the right thing, you're good. Don't worry. The darkness that sought to steal from you and destroy things will make you stronger, better and wiser once you overcome it. 

Just like the darkest, coldest nights will always bring with it the promise of a new day. 

The darkness like night time is always there and it is you that decides how you deal with it. 
Negativity and darkness like night time might spark your paranoia and try to play tricks on you.. Your shadow splits into two, or gets bigger, birds, trees, and houses look more sinister too, you feel watched, all under the illusions and darkness of the night. 

As much as all these illusions seem real and scary, they aren't and we shouldn't allow illusion that creates negative, fear based energies to dictate our actions- lest we find ourselves even more lost in the dark. 

We all know the difference between right and wrong, good and bad but it's important to make choices based on the fact that we understand that distinction. 

We shouldn't do wrong, and look down in the hope that our wrongs get hidden in the same darkness we managed to lose ourselves in. The sun will rise again, bringing everything to light. I promise you, nothing can ever be hidden by darkness- only masked. Even so, masks will always fall away. 

Light gives you a chance to get a good look at things, and will always guide you towards more light- just like darkness leads to more darkness.

Once you make the right choices and overcome your fears, you will have no buisness inviting negativity into your life again. If it does come through no fault of your own as it often does, in form of a challenge or lesson you will be able to recognise it and deal with it in the best way possible without any fear. 

When you are living in light, those in dark will try their damnedest to drag you down because misery loves company. 

Please remember that light is always more powerful than darkness, it's the natural order of things- hence I always tell you to follow it. It does not make any sense to follow or fear that which is weaker than you. How will you ever become great?
The dark some believe is in all of us never is and never will be all engulfing, it's just lower energies made stronger by your ego and fears which are perpetuated by our society. The 'dark side' in everyone is actually just free will, which allows us to make consciously make choices. It's the possibility that you could choose to go against the light, and not act in the best way and it comes from fear, not evil. People panic because the right thing is sometimes hard to do. "He who becomes a beast takes away the pain of being a man." Fucking cowards. 

You are not and never will be darkness. There is always a chance for someone who is really willing to try because no one is too lost. Especially not in a fight against something we are naturally so much stronger than.  

More often than not, you're not even properly in the darkness.... You were just tricked or scared into closing your eyes. 

As a result of this, there are many souls who have blessings floating around right in front of their faces, but they can't grab onto it, or even know it's there because they've got their eyes so tightly shut. They become so consumed in their own self-created world of darkness, that they think it too much of a leap to just open their eyes and finally take the gifts that are meant for them. 

However the sun, moon and stars won't stop shining because no one is looking at them. Similarly the light you have is incredibly powerful, and it will never die or go out- even if you neglect it. It stays burning waiting for you to rediscover that flame and make it grow. 

Many look to the ground, and to the empty, hopeless darkness instead of up to the light and to hope. To freedom! Away from the darkness and the negative things which were once strongholds in  your life. Here you will see all the things you've dropped and left behind that you may thought were lost the for good in the darkness. Or there will be something better, in life there are always extra blessings for you to enjoy! :-) Celebrate your triumph against the things that you once let hold you captive. 

A single sun lights up the entire world. Despite the fact that space is vast and dark, and seemingly impenetrable, the sun still shines through for us all. 

That's why it's important to always keep looking to the light and not allow yourself to be overwhelmed by the darkness. 

Be mindful of your actions.

The worst thing you can do for yourself is make decisions for your life based on the reactions from negative emotions, and things not from the light because I promise you, it never leads you to a good place. It will take you further away from where you need to be, all whilst making you think you're doing the right thing for yourself. Again, illusion.

If you're doing the right thing for yourself, it will feel right. If it feels wrong, and you think you're doing the right thing you might want to go back to the drawing board and try again. The main motivation behind your plans should always be love, honesty and doing the right thing- if you do that you're taken care of in all ways even if it doesn't immediately work out. 

However if your main focus is shallow, then shallowness and negativity are all you'll attract into your life. It's up to you which one you pick... I would recommend looking up and choosing happiness and peace. Life isn't ever easy, but you make it a lot harder for yourself when you turn your back on the things that are best for you. 

When the sun rises as it always will, everything comes to light- including all the things you may have tried to hide in the cover of darkness. It's important you do the right thing so when light is shed you have nothing to hide and you are not shamed. 

If you think you are lost in the dark, look up... The moon is bright, the stars are bright, and if drop your fears and follow the light you'll be home in time for sunrise.

If you ever happen to find yourself in the dark again- which is inevitable as night will always fall; just look up to the skies and remember your strength is greater than any obstacle. 

If you look up for long enough, you might even forget about all the darkness around you, and remeber that you're safe and a new day is coming. Until then, bask in the little blessings and bits of light that have been left behind just for you. 

All it takes is a little spark. 

Take care of yourself and follow the light!



P.S- I started writing a short story / analogy to demonstrate this. It was fun to write but my fingers started to cramp (I was on my iPad because I didn't plan to start writing, it just happened). So I stopped and I might finish it but I'm not sure if I'll publish it or not. I shouldn't be writing short stories xD, I have so much to do and I'm very much struggling to get my head in the game but whatever. At least I can organise some of my thoughts. I hope you enjoyed this more concise version of events though, and if you do want short stories please let me know! :-)

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