Friday, 9 September 2016

End the stigma

It's been far too long since I have shared some poetry, so here you go. 

Sweet Irony- a Confession

Forgive me Father, for I have sinned.

I have loved a man more desperately than I have loved God. 
I have looked to a man more reverently than I have the sky. 
There in the sulk of his bottom lip, 
I find myself talking about a heaven which only exists when he is looking at me. 
Father, he has not been forged between the dip of my teeth, 
I am not of his rib, or his left side: I am his entire stomach, I am his spine. 

I have been searching for prayer Father, but I have found that I can only say his name and I am left speechless...

Dear God, let me have him

Dear God, let him rest with me 

Dear God, let the sky turn red from how we burn. 

The roses in our back garden have withered Father, because I have not seen the sun for five days. 
I have been worshipping at the cradle of his hips.
He has cleansed me with those hands, and those eyes.
I do not know how to turn unless it is towards him, 
I do not know where to go except in his direction.

Father forgive that which made our false religion,
Let our souls fly back to where we found a touch of you.
Take me home, rest and renew the time torn souls 

Peace of mind lost in the noise 
Hearts made into toys
Everything and nothing leading away to empty homes.

God forgive me, hold on to my hand, 
Turn our faces towards our new religion
Don't let let the tears flow.
You took my heart so grant us peace, 
Grant us freedom 
And bring us to a life everlasting
With You.


Thursday, 8 September 2016


A throwback to some old Lady Gaga which I'm sure we could all relate to at some point xD

I hope you're all having a blessed week. 



Tuesday, 30 August 2016

For real though. 

Negative things have no power other than that which (if) you choose to feed into it. 

Archangel Michael kicks arse. 

Always starve the negativity and be grateful for all blessings- big, small and to come. Don't treat the good like the bad because it's that doubt which fuels negativity and gives it a chance to have a hold over you and your life- or make it feel that way. 

If you feel weak or powerless then pray, believe, keep the faith, take a step back, and see that only you can hold your God given power unless you choose to surrender it. It's never too late to better yourself. 

People may be able to try physically holding you down (the system does with things like money), but you are always your own person who is responsible and accountable for all the decisions you choose or have chosen to make. 

In staying true to yourself mind, body and soul you can find true peace. Chaos is only there to help you recognise and appreciate the peace, hate makes you realise the true beauty of unconditional love, etc. 

Once you realise these things the lesson in negativity has filled it's purpose, and you don't need it anymore. Anything after or other than that is self-sabotage. Even if it doesn't seem like it at the time, we create our own heaven or hell with our thoughts, actions and words. Without light you set yourself up for true failure in a world that makes you feel like you're winning. 

I'm grateful to have discovered this because I know I'm looked after in the most important spiritual ways by God's light in all forms, and when I die I'll be well looked after. 

Where there is life there is hope, and there is hope beyond that too with more than just what you can see. In fact, looks can be and are very deceiving. Trust in your initial feelings, those are God given. Light will always guide you if you give it a chance to shine. God sees souls before bodies. 

Peace and loving blessings,


Monday, 29 August 2016

Don't project your negativity on people, especially those that want to share the light. We are human beings, everyone can be cruel but if someone wants to be kind you shouldn't trick them with your own insecurities. 

There is no need to play devil's advocate with your relationships because embracing people and being kinder is the only step actually that needs to be taken. Adding anything else is a recipie for disaster because like they say, 'if you keep knocking at the devil's door, someone is going to answer you'. If you're looking for things to trip you up, you'll walk off of your nice path and into a self-imposed downward spiral with no one to blame. 

There's no such thing as too good to be true when it comes to people, because every single person is unique with unique gifts and it can be amazing when you meet people you have a connection with. You should trust yourself in your dealings with yourself and others to know that if there was something truly bad you'd sense it and your true self would be repelled, not scared because fear is energy manipulation. This is why it's not real. 

Fear can put up one of the greatest barriers between two which is misunderstanding and once that's up, there's no point till an effort to understand each other is made. You can be the loveliest person to someone but if they want you to be bad then all they will see is bad, all they will do is try and make you fit into the negativity they've created in your head

 Remember how you view the world is a reflection of yourself, and you should have faith in people instead of thinking they'll be as horrible to you as you can be to yourself. If you don't trust yourself and others, you could end up alone and hating yourself which is no way to live your life when there are people out there that are kind and don't want to see you suffer. 

There is good, but good people from the perception of someone plagued by negativity is far worse than straight up evil. This is because you'll have kindness and on the other hand you'll have bastardisations of it being projected most onto the one that tried to fix it. It's bad for the negative person too because it's doubt that creates misunderstanding and often people are actually seeking out the good things they run from. We can create a living hell for ourselves just based on shoddy perceptions. 

 I'm hyper-sensitive to energies and have always been, but it can get hard to deal with because often I pick up on insecurities as that's what people often focus the most energies onto when it comes to themselves. I find it sad because it's not how I see them but people take themselves far too seriously so I always try to look for the light in people. However just because I see it doesn't mean they acknowledge it and some inner monologues can be hard to hear, and it's why I distract myself with music when I'm out and about because it's something I can completely zone out and engage with.

However you can still pick up on some very painful things and this is why I realised the hard way that healthy boundaries and where you put your trust just as important as raising people up. Just because you can see the light in someone (and I have the gift and sometimes curse of being able to see it in everyone) and what they could be, doesn't mean that's what they are or what they want to be in that moment. I've been attacked very badly energetically and physically from just trying to help people recognise light in themselves because of their own self-doubt. I wrote a lot about healing because I needed it to stop, and I needed to start trusting myself.

If you could see and sense people the way I do (which you could if you cared to try), and the damage negativity does you'd never want to be mean to anyone ever and that's from the heart. I know from experience it can and does make you physically and mentally sick. That's why I focus so much on being kind, it's so painful and damaging not to be, but people just ignore it because it takes courage to feel. That for me is proof that people can be and are sensitive but they choose not to be and modern society ignores kindness because it doesn't make the kind of selfish profits. What's sad is people seemingly get away with it, but I personally don't see the fun in cheating yourself out of true happiness. It is what you do when you give in to doubt, but few people will admit it to themselves like that because we're told to never make mistakes. We all do, especially when we are being misguided. 

I try my best and we all should because you don't know who you're dealing with-there are more mentally ill and suicidal people out there than you would think. Everyone just wants to be happy and that's a fact of all souls, and why people are so risk-aversive. We needn't be, we should just be less guarded but to trust takes more balls than throwing things away and holding on to a negative status quo (for some). 

 You find what whatever you look for in life, but your journey and results vary based on your mindset. Teach them with kindness is a legitimate thing but make sure you come with understanding too and you can start with trusting yourself and your ability to sense things. 

When there is good in your life, trust in it. The truly difficult act in life is going against your true self and true friends and you don't need to. You've never needed to. 

The caution you should take in life, is to not follow the negativity. We all know what's right or wrong, it's whether we listen and act on it and that all comes down to you

Bright blessings,


Sunday, 28 August 2016

Rocking fruit (my lips were red- I had another non-themed party or I would have gone fruitier), and partially shower soaked hair (from a minor mishap xD) with some awesome people. 


I Think She Knows

Justin Timberlake

Friday, 26 August 2016

This image reminded me of how I've learned to understand healing in life. There's light along the way, the need to trust with the bridge, light to lead the way and more light should you choose to move away from the places with less light. 

Healing can be a never ending journey, and this is because we can always be better but we can also trap ourselves in stagnant energy, or pain cycles that don't further our growth as souls and human beings. 

Healed turns into healer when it is a state of being- and we can all be healers. There is no trick in light things just are. Even whilst in pain you can be a healer, and in so heal yourself providing you don't focus on ignoring, feeling or escaping the pain but accept what is, work with the lessons from it and allow yourself to grow. Not all change is inherently good, but it can give you scope to learn more, be more and do better if you approach it in the right way. Then you can be better. 

All we ever truly have in life is our perception of reality which is the present moment, it moves forward with every heartbeat- but even that stops one day when our soul leaves our bodies for that final time. As they often say, 'life is no dress rehearsal'. We don't get any time back, and the past can't be changed or altered. 

I find trust and light in our creator, mother-father God and in the gifts, mysteries and mercies I see all around me in life. From even things that some would consider simple or take for granted like breathing, going for walk, hobbies. 

In this world where we are bred to cater to others whilst being selfish; this conflict can lead us to forget our true selves but we are never lost-just misguided. To think that there is light in every being is comforting, because we are all trying our best by simply being here and where there is life there is hope. 

To see the light you must first acknowledge it in yourself and others because it's difficult to recognise or see what you're not looking for- many good things in life are hidden in plain sight. We must also remember that there is a lot that can trigger negativity to make us doubt the light in ourselves and others so understanding and trust is important. 

Universally we must be the light that we want to see, and if God has granted us the mercy to can free ourselves from things that don't serve our highest good, then why should we turn around enslave ourselves and others? What's the point of holding on to negativity? Jesus who transcended religion gave a message of unconditional love and it's the most important rule to live by because only love solves things. Without love there is no healing. 

Remember your light, and that you are light. It may sound unrealistic, but only because society profits from our insecurities. We should be bold enough to love and embrace our true selves because we are all we physically have. Fighting against ourselves, or others makes no sense. 
Nobody's perfect- but it's not an excuse to sin if in that moment you know better and that's not an excuse to not learn from our sins or punish ourselves and others. 

We all have power, and a choice in how we use our power- we can harm or we can heal. Both paths have something to teach us whether we consciously consent to it or not. Such is life, and life can be really beautiful when you're actually around to experience it all in positive ways.

Something important to remember when dealing with yourself and others as Alexander Pope wrote in his wonderful poem 'An essay on criticism' (1709):

'Ah ne'er so dire a Thirst of Glory boast,
Nor in the Critick let the Man be lost!
Good-Nature and Good-Sense must ever join;
To err is Humane; to Forgive, Divine.'

I was reminded of his words when I saw this today as it's ultimately the same message but in modern English:

Hurt people, hurt people so to facing that with any less than love would be a mistake- just look at all the wars stemmed from greed and misunderstanding. Bring people higher and raise them up but don't neglect yourself or you could end up with not the best advice or decisions. Grow onwards and UPwards. It's hard, but the seemingly easy way out in a bad mindset spells disaster. 

It's only you that can grant yourself true peace of mind. 

Love, light and bright blessings,


Never Too Late

Siddy Ranks

Monday, 22 August 2016

Sunday, 21 August 2016

Friday, 19 August 2016

The stages of trying out a new bubble tea flavour

I didn't even realise I was being documented at the time, but I saw the genuine reactions after and thought they were quite funny. I didn't realise how responsive my face is to taste

1) tea coma 

2) taste analysis/ wondering why I'm being stared at 

3) realising the jelly that didn't compliment the flavour very much. 

4) resolving to trust my own choices in the near future

5) going for light instead (I took this one myself :P)

Overall it was satisfactory. Rose flavoured bubble tea is quite yummy though! I would recommend that; I would also recommend light in all ways! I've found that in the dark, and mistrust of the light we make fools of ourselves.  

God bless, 


Touched By An Angel

We, unaccustomed to courage
exiles from delight
live coiled in shells of loneliness
until love leaves its high holy temple
and comes into our sight
to liberate us into life.

Love arrives
and in its train come ecstasies
old memories of pleasure
ancient histories of pain.
Yet if we are bold,
love strikes away the chains of fear
from our souls

We are weaned from our timidity
In the flush of love's light
we dare be brave
And suddenly we see
that love costs all we are
and will ever be.
Yet it is only love
which sets us free

Maya Angelou

Monday, 15 August 2016

Sunday, 7 August 2016

There is light at the core of every single human being.


Saturday, 6 August 2016

Friday, 5 August 2016

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Throwback Thursday!


Back when the peace sign was still in fashion!

I've grown a lot since then in all the most important ways, and my perspective is way different but I still like (minus front-cam) selfies now, and I have learned to love embracing my past ^^

We all should :-P



Wednesday, 27 July 2016


Chin chin! ;-D

Monday, 25 July 2016

Another beautiful message to start our week with that's being demonstrated in a unique way. It was in my related videos, God has a good sense of humour. 

It's okay to laugh because Scarlett was fine afterwards, and she uploaded the original herself. It was because she didn't know if a 'you've been framed' type show would find it funny, but she ended up being one of the first viral videos. And she also can be used to portray positive messages, and just spread laughter like she wanted to. Her fall definitely got her back up... Eventually (you'll understand if you've seen the original) much like life.

Have a great week,


A beautiful message to start our week with that's being exemplified in a unique way. It was in my related videos, God has a good sense of humour. 

It's okay to laugh because Scarlett was fine afterwards, and she uploaded the original herself. I saw an interview some years ago, and through it I found out she uploaded the video because she didn't know if a 'you've been framed' type show would find it funny; but she ended up being one of the first viral videos. It's cool that her video can be used to portray positive messages, and spread laughter like her original plan. Her fall definitely got her back up... Eventually (you'll understand if you've seen the original) much like life.

Have a great week,


Sunday, 24 July 2016

Imagine me

By the great Kirk Franklin 

Happy Sunday, 

I hope you all have a lovely day. I find the beautiful message and reminder in this song helps- and who doesn't love a bit of gospel!  


Thursday, 21 July 2016

Where is the love?

The Black Eyed Peas

I remember this tune when it first came out!

 It shares an important message which from looking at the world around us is sadly still relevant.

Join me in peaceful prayer and meditation for peace, love, freedom, and unity in world, and in the hearts of all living creatures. 


Word up


Thursday, 14 July 2016

“The humanism bypass. I did it for years. I saw glimpses of someone’s potential, their beautiful soul, their loving heart, and told myself that this was who they truly were, ignoring all the rest. But the rest was what destroyed. 

The rest is where they lived most of the time. The rest was no illusion- it was them, too. 

This self-destructive pattern was birthed in two places: (1) my deep desire to see the best in my difficult parents. Not for them, but for me. I needed to believe that there was something kind and caring living inside of them; (2) a misplaced projection from my own self-concept work. 

I held the belief in my own potential, as a way of overcoming the shame I carried. But I made the mistake of assuming that everyone else was just as eager to find their light. 

Of course we all have glowing potential. At the core, we are all magnificent beings with profound capacities. But how many of us fully actualize it? At this stage of human development, not so many.

 The trick is to hold the space for two things at once- a deep belief in everyone’s possibilities, and a deep regard for your own well-being. It’s okay to pray for everyone’s liberation without joining them in prison.

 Pray from outside the prison walls, while taking exquisite care of yourself. It’s okay- you can’t do the work for them anyway. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries… don’t leave home without them."

- Jeff Brown


This is very important to remember as it can be difficult to accept people's negative behaviour and/or treatment- particularly when you don't expect, or want to believe it. 

Wanting to see the best in people, and ignoring nefarious traits because of it can never be truly beneficial. It will only lead to you getting hurt, used or betrayed... And all from something as seemingly minor as giving someone the benefit of the doubt. 

It is good to have faith,  trust in people, and give them a chance but be honest and realistic with yourself and them. Your power and energy is your most precious commodity and when you give your power over to negative, opportunistic people they can and will exploit you. What's worse is if they're clever you mightn't even be aware of it until you're left with all of the consequences that they've brought to your life- if you are ready and willing to face up and admit to them. Many also don't realise people aren't good for them or the other way round which is why the self-reflection, and honesty  are such important tools. You'll end up seeing if there's changes and cuts that need to be made. It's hard, but not as hard as being a mug (as the Brits would say). 

It pays to pay attention to the people and energies you allow close to you. 
Look at what you've brought to their life (in more than just a material sense) vice-versa, and see if you feel like you've become better/ happier from having them in your life; or you feel drained, anxious, the need to try to impress (you'd be surprised at how many people are overly sycophantic or buy things so people will talk to them/ want to go out with them), and like you have the pressure to be something or someone you're truly not. The relationships in your life should not feel forced and/or unnatural, and your approach to them should not be just or for the sake of having people around. People will smell that desperation and pretend to see your friend so they can take advantage. 

It doesn't need to happen like that though, because the time and energy used entertaining them could be better spent on bettering yourself so you don't end up with more shitty people. Like they say you need to master being alone without distractions to know who you are without being defined by others.

If people aren't on your vibration you shouldn't try to force anything because people will rise when they're ready, and it won't always be with you. If someone isn't willing and ready you're just preaching to the choir. People don't always seek to understand other views outside of their perspectives, and some are just in a bubble and not ready to let go of any illusions (cognitive dissonance). You can't deprogramme that because it's something people have to be open to, and decide for themselves- we all have free will. You may see some living in the worst ways for themselves, and if you care but you know they're not willing then say your piece and let it slide- they'll either wake up, or get burned, remember you and hopefully change for the better to prevent further negative things. 

Most importantly for you, they could just end up dragging you down to lower than what you started from when you tried to help them- consciously or not. 
It can also end up making them worse than they were to begin with as you may be that person they have readily to manipulate, lie, sell dreams to, use as a lapdog, etc to further their nasty, messed up ways and mindset with. 

If something doesn't feel right, or people prove themselves to be not right then you need to take the disagreement with your spirit as a warning- not a challenge or opportunity to be helpful! 

Ideally we wouldn't have to be so cautious. People would just not be shitty and we would be able to trust, but not everyone is so decent. The world has a lot of duality... People do bad things, people make mistakes, and people can be selfish. It's best to accept this but not their behaviour as a fact in your life. We all deserve better. Know that even if people don't always make the best choices in regards to themselves and others, it doesn't stop you from doing and being better. Lead by example and learn from the negativity, don't walk around holding it because negativity can be like a seed for your growth if you let it. 

Stand firm in your light, integrity and healthy boundaries. They are traits that aren't as common as you might think because you can't buy them; and you get more (in just a material sense) from the opposite because of how things are set up in our society. They want to perpetuate being miserable and unsatisfied so you validate yourself through external things... Many people now live for things that don't truly mean anything. 

Don't allow yourself to be fooled, 9/10 if you take a good look at your life you'll see that you have, and have had everything you needed for a long time- it's your wants that disappoint and distract you from what's truly important. And guess what? They will continue to make you feel miserable and inadequate even more so if you let society and popular culture dictate what your wants are to you. 

Think about it... Seriously. 

For example: because someone decided that a clear piece of rock would be known as precious and worth a lot of money; people lie, cheat, fight, kill, and manipulate their way into truly shallow, joyless lives to get it. It's still a rock at the end of the day, and yet man has decided it's worth more than people's lives and peace because it's extra shiny and old?? 
It brings nothing to your life but the rock... which you get satisfaction from owning because you were told it's precious, or you might sell it for some money which if you aren't clever enough to understand the value of you'll use to buy more rocks, or other equally useless things in adundance because you can? I find it funny but at the same time I feel sorry for people that live that way and the destruction people cause from those lifestyles to themselves and others. Also there's far better uses of time and money, but people don't enjoy and appreciate what they have properly so there's always discontent. People are always fighting or being shitty for the sake of stuff that doesn't mean anything. 

 I feel like the people that own big companies, etc must laugh so hard as they wait for the next thing, or concept to throw in our direction so we can rip each other apart like vultures over it. I don't even blame them... Honestly, half of the time they're probably like 'let's see if we can get away with this, and they're stupid enough to lap it up'. And surely enough we do because it's usually a form of escapism. People look everywhere but within themselves to find distraction from a world that we've neglected by following these false, dictated (whether you realise if or not) needs. Can you smell the irony? 

Why not live a life you don't have to, or feel the need to run from?

It's really that deep... people can do the most horrible things for extra money they don't need so they can say they are rich. I don't believe should be a character trait but I've found if someone refers often refers to themselves as such for one of their most defining features it is usually: Those with old money that are super tight, and super entitled but may splurge every so often or, the 'nouveau riche' who are overly extravagant with the money they've accumulated- to the point of looking, and being silly with their purchases; but still beliving they're super impressive and superior because of all their brands (as brands equals status and shows someone's worth in their minds). What I find funny though, is they're usually thrown together really badly- particularly if they don't have much of a fashion sense, or a stylist- it's a bit painful to watch actually. You see people wearing thousands of pounds worth of clothing, and yet they make it look cheap and tacky because they're only eager to show name brands off, or just spend a lot of money which is, and unsurprisingly ends up looking super distasteful. Maybe there's a style memo going around telling people it's stylish to appear as though you got dressed in the dark (if there is, I missed it. Happily). Regardless, one's clothes shouldn't carry you, it should be the other way round if you want to feel and look good, and have actual confidence. True confidence comes from within, not from what you're wearing.

We've all seen it in real life, beauty halls (Selfridges in central London is bad for it), boutiques, worst dressed celebrities, etc. It's never a good look.  

It's not just rich people that can be victims of consumerism either, this lifestyle is breaking it into the mainstream with the rise of social media. There are now people that go as far as to steal, lie, and cheat people to have or look like they have all of these things. It's sad because social media could be such a positive tool to spread real values...  But I'm doing my part here! :-P

Don't get me wrong there can be and are many people with money that don't let it mess with their heads- thus not falling into the two aforementioned categories. The money doesn't always have to equate to evil in the slightest, it's the mindset. There are those that are ethical and/or do ethical things whenever they can in order to use their wealth and any influence positively. 

But there are also so many that serve to further push people into toxic mindsets, and set foolish examples so you need to be careful. 

Everyone deserves to treat themselves - I believe we all should, and am a firm advocate of it as long as you treat yourself for you and not for your ego; because then it simply becomes something you did for approval. Understand the actual value of things, not just the price and don't let those trying to make a profit from you dictate that worth (call me crazy, but they might be just a tad biased). 

What use it it killing yourself with work to spend it all shoes just to flaunt on social media; staying in a shitty, loveless, or abusive relationship because of financial security; going against what you believe/ know is right for extra money for frivolous wants; or going out and doing things you won't even fully enjoy experiencing because you're miserable and constantly looking to cure the inner restlessness.... by indulging in the very thing that serves to distract you from the true remedy.

Be aware of the lies you are sold in popular culture so you aren't be swept up in a detrimental way of thinking. 

Keep a tight grip on reality, and what is true in your life. 

Brown wrote of boundaries, and honestly the healthiest, most important boundaries you need to keep are those for yourself.

 If you don't respect yourself, others won't and may take advantage. If you don't respect others, you disrespect yourself, your reputation and your integrity by showing you aren't decent. 

Spiritual uncleanliness will make you feel the most dirty, and be the biggest barrier to positive progress in every area: seen, unseen, acknowledged and unacknowledged.

There are countless examples demonstrating this fact in life if you look around you at society, and also in the arts because as we know life imitates art.

 I'll use an example from Shakespeare's Macbeth to demonstrate this: the infamous first scene of act five. 

Lady Macbeth was clearly suffering with some kind of PTSD (before it was known as such) because she thought she could deal with the (not fully considered) gravity of her actions. The notion of being queen distracted her so much she didn't even acknowledge how her spirit would rebel as it always will when you defile/play yourself by following frivolous, hedonistic desires. What is interesting is she didn't say anything of regret, or ask forgiveness- possibly to avoid fully coming to terms with what she did. She prayed instead to be harsher with thicker blood earlier on in the first act. It made matters worse though which as she lost her sanity because she was so full of repressed guilt, and the harsh realisation that life's joy goes deeper than that which you can acquire. 

She shows that realisation when she acknowledges that even with  the sweetest, most expensive and exotic perfumes money can buy, she'd still be dirty, still smell the blood and still be guilty no matter how much she tries to deny it to herself. 

It came out subconsciously and then spilled into reality with her behaviour as with anything that is repressed. 

This shows us that the heart and light within you can never be truly silenced, and so you owe it to yourself to remain true if you want real happiness. 

Give yourself the best of you, and be honest with yourself-which means embracing the good and bad. No one is perfect, but we are all trying somehow. However in this life, you must seek to try effectively or you'll be pulled away from wherever and whatever is best for you. 




Tuesday, 12 July 2016

I'd not seen this cutie in ages! He saw my phone and wanted to take selfies, and I can see why because he has the best selfie faces! 

He also enjoys throwing his toys around, laughing, and laughing about throwing his toys around :P

Poor guy! I couldn't roll his eye back... 

Have a good week ^^


Monday, 11 July 2016

Friday, 8 July 2016

(From the two minutes silence at Beyoncé's show last night ❤️)

I don't have many words about these tragedies and senseless acts of violence against black people because they've all left me rather speechless... It's been centuries and there is still no peace, no rest and no real safety for people of colour. I am tired of seeing these stories, and so sad to know that they are just the reported ones. There have been 560 police murders in 2016 alone in a supposedly free and democratic state. To me that's inhuman. It's not right to kill our fellow man and to treat anyone with anything other than love. Misplaced hatred is what brought us to this point and instead of help we have more bullets fired and more violence committed against our brothers and sisters. They are all our brothers and sisters because they are human. 

We are shot with and without guns, evidence, or trial. Accountability is tossed aside, and the maimed bodies are displayed on news outlets and front pages for all to see (completely desensitising us to violence against certain ethnic groups). 

We all have hopes, dreams and the right to fulfil them just like everyone else. Yet in the media people of colour are made into caricatures and stereotypes with no real developed sense of emotion; and people take these portrayals seriously and treat us as such. It's ironic though because for me the real lack of humanity is in how people of colour are treated, and people's lack of support. 

All I can do is pray, help where I can with donations, spread the word and raise awareness which I'd encourage us all to do. When you are accustomed to privilege, equality can feel like oppression but it truly isn't the case. We shouldn't fear taking a step towards freedom, equality and love. 

This is never not relevant. 

Stay woke and take some time out to pray for yourself and others. It can be damaging seeing and hearing all of these awful things. 

Stay safe, don't forget the grieving and don't forget to pray for those that wrong their fellow man. There's clearly something wrong that only light can fix. 


Saturday, 2 July 2016

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

Wednesday, 22 June 2016

Wednesday, 8 June 2016

When you need to get your hair out of your face to do your make-up, but your head-wrap is in the wash :-P


Monday, 6 June 2016

I wanted to wait a bit before writing about Muhammad Ali to see how his life was covered, and I'm happy to see that the struggles he for the greater good were not in vain.

Muhammad Ali was more than just a boxer.  He fought courageously for equal rights and peace, he spoke out against the maltreatment of minorities and refused to fight in a war that he didn't believe in. He was sent to prison and his prime years were lost as a result of him standing up against the powers that be. 

This was in the 60'/ 70's which is remarkable as even to this day, people are afraid to stand up for their rights, what they believe in or just simply the right thing. People with fame,and power like Ali often use it in selfish ways to show off, share detrimental messages and create images of a life that few can have but many will spend their whole life fighting for.Now many with power that will lead you on a wild goose chase into a life that leaves you unfulfilled in the most important ways- if you ever even make it.

This is why despite there being arguments that there may be better boxers out there already, or there may be some in the future (which I should hope so as records are made to be broken)- I don't think Ali can be matched for now. As a celebrity and as a fighter he was one of the few role models that were brave enough to actually spread messages of love, kindness, freedom, acceptance- and actually mean what he was saying as opposed to speaking out in order to be fashionable on social issues. He wasn't out every weekend falling out of clubs, making silly purchases, or doing the general dumb/boring and predictable shit you see celebrities and sports people up to nowadays and I really respect and admire him for that. 

Some normal people wouldn't have been brave enough to speak out- especially with the history of oppression; yet Ali who had more to lose (in the frivolous sense of the word eg- sponsors) took every opportunity he could because his heart knew what was important and he wasn't afraid to follow it. Now look at how much of a legend he has become- aside from his boxing.

His family should be proud and I hope his soul is happy for what he achieved on his time here on earth. The money, fame and flashing lights didn't phase him, he stuck to his morals and integrity. He could have overcome, or ignored the systematic struggle he was born into through his fame, but decided to join the universal struggle with other POC until everyone had a chance to enjoy the freedoms that he could. 

I hope it's not forgotten, and I hope people are inspired and can appreciate the struggles he faced and triumphed over. 

Muhammad Ali. The man, the legend. He will be missed!

Rest in power, brother.
