Sunday, 3 January 2016

Thank you, Jeff. 

Do things for the greater good. 
Act in love and not fear or self limitation. 
Trust yourself and listen to your heart! As I always remind you all, you know what's best for you intuitively.
 Make sure you follow that, regardless of what anyone tells you because it's your life, your journey and your lessons.  If you don't do the right thing, it is you that will suffer and lose out the most. 

Remember people can be quite selfish, or opportunistic so their advice and help mightn't be in your best interests, or helpful to you. It doesn't  matter how close they might be, just because you are kind, helpful, generous or would do anything to help someone and make them happier doesn't mean they are going to return the favour. I'm not saying don't take advice, still listen, but listen with your gut... You'll know what the right thing is, and you'll know when something doesn't come from love or doesn't resonate with you. If you struggle with that  then meditate on your problems, and look/act upon things with a lens of love instead of fear/panic/anxiety, or someone else's negative lens. If someone has something to gain from, you or something they don't want to lose from you, be very wary. 

I hope this year is going well for you so far! It was for me, but now I'm actually quite sick and I've been bored in bed all day not able to eat, drink or breathe properly. No one is coming to my room because it smells of olbas oil (which isn't working), so I'm a Lone Ranger which I don't usually mind, but I do now because I have so much to do.  That's totally not how I wanted to start the year off, but what can I do?! I guess I'll just use this time to sleep and try not to think too much. I hope you're feeling better than me xD I also hope my mum comes back soon so she can make some food, rub my back, give me some more vapour rub and tell me I'll be better soon because I can't adult. 

Anyways, I digress...

Love yourself, be what you love and try to get rid of, or change the parts of your personality aren't from a loving place. When you start to be somebody that is loving, you'll struggle to understand how one could ever be nasty. It's honestly easier than they'd have you believe, and being an arsehole is a lot of work. 

Make life easier for yourself. 



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