Tuesday, 3 May 2016

This is important. 
Never trust anyone that always tells you what you would like to hear; and don't oppose sincere constructive criticism. 

You'd be amazed at what you can discover with a different perspective. Moreover part of growth is being able to recognise one's folly, and correct it in order to move on, do and be better. 

Plenty can be destroyed from foolish mistakes, pride, ego, etc. People get defensive and don't like admitting to problems or having them pointed out because it means growth and change. Some people become addicted to certain sins. Comfort zones can be very dangerous, and what's more dangerous is many don't realise that they're lost in them. 

That's why you shouldn't forget to be real- if your friend is fucking up you should let them know. Purely so that they realise what it is they're actually doing as some people don't; or they know but don't realise. Be warned that those kinds of people may end up hearing your advice but not really listening. However from then onwards you can leave them to it because they have been told. You can't force people, you can only advise. 

There will for sure be some stubborn train wrecks in life but they'll learn just like you did if they don't save themselves the heartache. Pray for their wisdom, and strength for you if you must watch. 

Pray for your friends and the struggles they may hide; For your friends that are a little lost and for your friends that are doing well. 

Also say a little thanks for the people in your life that treat you and teach you. 

Never understimate the power of good advice, or a listening ear. 



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