Thursday, 12 May 2016

With some friends at the School of Social Sciences ball on Friday. It was a night filled with wine, laughter, terrible food, pretty garments and questionable music. 

^ this picture really cracks me up because the photographer took it just as my friend and I saw each other after a few months; and we were having a little 'aaaaaaaah!' Session :-D

I wasn't going to go to the event because it sold out very quickly in March, but I managed to get a ticket on the day because someone dropped out. Luckily I had this dress which I could only really wear to an event like that and it proved to be a good spontaneous last-minute decision; and also a good example of why those equally spontaneous clothes buys are a good idea! 

However I do regret being served the starter and main, because they were abominable. There was a dry, tasteless pâté (I don't remember what meat the menu claimed it was) that tasted worse than any supermarket one I've had; with a few sprigs of rocket salad in a sauce that somehow managed to make it taste more dry. The chicken wrapped in bacon which was served as part of the main was very dry and tasteless. 

Look at how pale, dry and unseasoned that looks. They didn't even add any herbs and spices, or turn the chicken over when they were cooking it to add a bit of colour. 

I find it sad that chicken were killed to be enjoyed as food only to be sprinkled with water, wrapped in waterlogged bacon, overcooked and served to unsuspecting diners that were promised some flavour. The chef couldn't even sprinkle some courtesy salt on the chicken for us! But we all smiled out of politeness as we handed over our mostly full plates, didn't complain to the establishment, and were discrete with our dislike for the food in true British fashion. 

I could have done without eating any of the aforementioned courses, but the lemon tart we had for dessert was tasty and the chef got the pastry just right so the meal ended on a good kind of sour taste.

As you can see, I take food and flavour very seriously and find it punishing to eat things that taste bad- I end up noticing how bad it is and how much I dislike it with every chew and it's like an internal sensory overload. But for this meal everyone agreed with me and from what I'd heard floating around the room itt ended up being a good conversation starter. Good friendships often begin over some kind of mutual disdain! 

I hope you're all having a good week. 


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