Thursday, 25 April 2013


Hey sweethearts,

So it's my Birthday today! Well, it's past 12 so neh, more or less my Birthday, if you're in the wrong time zone... Come back in a couple hours! (Kidding)

So, I'm 18 today, GAH, the big one-eight, I'm not sure what to feel about this... I mean usually I don't get too excited about birthdays (Well, I did up until last year) but I got excited again this year, not so much for the birthday itself but for the fact that I'm going to be legally classified as an adult, well in other words, I CAN DO PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING LEGALLY IN THE UK! They're so bloody strict here, and yet when I get to the rest of Europe, they couldn't give two shits- espescially with clubbing/drinking!

I don't even really like alcohol or clubbing, but it's annoying if you 're invited but you can't get into the place, even if you're not planning to drink (much- thank God for 20's!). I'm so tempted to buy a random alcoholic beverage (as it's law to ID anyone that looks under 25 in the UK) So they'll ID me, and I'll be like HERE YOU GO *insert cheesy grin here* ! And they'll be like oh, thanks happy birthday! And I'll be like *le happy derp face* Thaaanks! :D (don't judge me xD).

There's also the shitty things that come with not being a child anymore like responsibilities and losing a lot of benefits you got from being a child, but I think I shall just enjoy the fun side of being young for as long as I can before these responsiblilites come down on me like a ton of bricks! Just because I'm getting older doesn't mean I (personally) have to or need to change as a person... unless I'm like 50 and going around looking like a teenager- in which case, I'd need to reanalyse my life. I think, despite being a little crazy and immature in my choice of humour, I'm generally quite mature as a person and how I think so the legal title of adult might help people take me more seriously as a person and not dismiss me to be a child and therefore stupid/immature/lacking knowledge. Well, in actual fact, it's ignorance like THAT that displays true stupidity, but I won't go into that today, that's for another rant...

Anyways, not really sure what I'm gonna do today, just go with the flow I guess, and hope the teachers will be extra nice to me at college cause it's bad luck to make the birthday girl cry! (Okay, well, I don't know if it is, but I've written it, so it is now! ;-D)

I've opened one present so far as it was sitting there staring at me from my table and it IS my birthday now, and I love it! It's two incredibly thoughtful gift and card! - The gifts even included a purple (fave colour) betty book for blog ideas or as Mica amazingly put it "A muse can grip you at any given moment, and I hope with this pathetic excuse of a gift, you catch that bitch before she escapes you..." (If you reading this Mish, thank you again, it's perfect and I love you! :-*)

So yeah, definitley a great start! I feel the lurrve and so on! Hopefully it only goes up from here, despite the fact that I have some essays to write, I'm gonna go straighten my hair and paint my nails and deal with that all stuff later! Yes, I did just put off doing the most responsible out of the three things first despite legally being classified as an adult, meh!

Rule #1 of being a birthday girl- Don't look rachet. (Or so I say)

Anyways, I shall enclose a picture of Le 16 and 17 year old random Birthday snaps at the bottom for you to laugh at. :-D

Till next time folks,

Love your adult online friend! - Okay no that sounds wrong, let's try again!


Dalanda! :-) xxx

P.S- Contrary to popular belief, no, I am not secretly thirty...

LOL, I have the same Birthday as my History teacher from last year so we blew out the candles together :-)

PPS- Thank you to all you lovely readers! It means a lot to me that you take time out of your day to read my ramblings! I'm sending you all lots of love and I hope you have a great day, week, month, year etc!

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