Sunday, 21 April 2013

Boyz II Men

Hello beauts,

So I've been meaning to write this post, and I keep putting it off, but I'm on a break right now, so I've decided to write this!

Okay, so Boyz II men are one of my favrioute artists, the lyrics, the melodies, the harmonies  are goosebump inducing, they're just *shudders*. When you listen to them, eyes closed, they can most certainly take you somewhere else, you can really lose yourself in the music and they've definitely gotten me through some tough times! That's what I love about music, reading and other (legal) means of escaping reality it can give you and your mind a break and you can be someone else for a little while... I tend to often lose myself in my reveries.

The joy and good feelings I get from good music really is indescribable, I think they technical term is 'musical frission'? But anyways, I read somewhere (I can't remeber exactly where) that the feelings one gets from really good music is the same as one gets from orgasming and people from musical backgrounds are more susceptible. It's an interesting study and it explains why people get addicted to making music, performing music, listening to music and can dedicate their lives to it. It's such a beautiful form expression and release, you can say what you can't say with words with music, guess that's why I love playing the blues so much, there's a certain pain in it that you can put across when you play. I don't think anyone can listen, and I mean REALLY listen to good music and not be moved.

But I digress, here's some of my favrioute Boyz II Men's songs. I hope you enjoy them! :-)

Ergh, they're mostly crappy quality, but I'd definitley reccomend you get them from iTunes, they're so good!

Girl In The Life Magazine

Four Seasons of Loneliness

Color of Love

 I'll Make Love To You

They also do amazing acapella covers!


Silent Night

I really hope you enjoy and appreciate this, and I love sharing the music that I enjoy with you all so that you can feel some of those goosebumps and warmth in your heart that I do from when you hear a song or performance that is just...genius.


Till next time!

Dalanda :-) xxx

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