Thank you Kira Brandon, couldn't have said it better myself... People, please take note.
Know your worth. Don't treat people like crap. There's never really a good enough excuse and it's never okay to inflict emotional scars on another human being... Especially not one you claim to have feelings for. Seemingly little acts to you could be huge to others and this could be either positive or negative. Both decisions make a big difference to someone so you should choose compassionately.
I can't speak for everyone but in my experience I find that it's not the callous acts that upset you so much but the fact that someone could treat you in such a way. I have love for everyone I have a relationship with (of any kind) and when I love people, I don't hurt them or do things that I know will upset them. It is shitty to know that some won't grant you the same courtesy back but at least you know the true people who truly love you.
And if someone claims to love you, but treats you like crap or won't make an effort leave. And don't believe they love you, because if they had true love in their heart for you, they would never hurt you, leave you to face things alone, or be one of the causes of your pain and problems. People fight for what they love. For some you can see their priorities are clearly in the wrong place.
And I speak of relationships of any form because it's nothing to do with titles or who's there for the longest but how they treat you. The behaviour of some friends, partners or even family members can be disgusting and you shouldn't stand for it or feel obliged to keep them in their life if they're hurting you. Similarly, you can just have met someone and they can care more for you than any close friends ever did.
In terms of love relationships, I was going to post this but separately but it all ties in:
Don’t be selfish. If you do not love the way her hair curls at the ends or her nose wrinkles when she laughs then let her go. If you don’t see her as a fucking masterpiece then let her go, because someone else will. Don’t be selfish. If you don’t love the way she sneezes or the way she dribbles the toothpaste down her chin when she brushes her teeth then let her go. If your heart doesn’t almost beat out of your chest when you wake up and the first thing you see is her soundly sleeping on your shoulder. Someone else would kill for that. Being with someone when you know you don’t love them is cruel. It’s not only cruel it’s holding them back from someone that could give them everything. Someone that feels waves breaking in their ribcage when they see her walk around the corner. Someone that has had the worst of days, but rainbows suddenly appear at the thought of her. Someone who hears the sound of her voice and it soothes the darkest of nightmares. If that is not you, let her go. She is wonder, she is magic, she deserves someone who believes that every single day, not just on certain days.
Love someone completely or not at all, who the hell wants to be half-loved? Who the hell wants the knowledge that the person they're in love with doesn't see them as a priority.
Be present in any way you can and if the love is there, put your heart into it and share it. For any relationship... Feelings are there for a reason and should be acted on and not supressed. Maybe someone really needs your love...
Take care, I'm with you all in spirit :-)
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