You don't hear much about great POC like him at school... I bet you've not heard of him, it's a shame. I hadn't either till today... Probably due to the west-centric curriculum in our modern education system. Heck, they've managed to infiltrate so much through colonisation that developing countries are mostly denied the right of education. This is due to poverty caused by western countries ruining their infrastructure in a bid to spread their ideals & religion in so called 'poor' countries who ironically sit on the gold, diamonds and oil that adorn our leaders & help us run our 'first world' countries.
What's funny is that even when these developing countries have education, they like us also don't have full curriculums that encourage free thinking, holistic teaching and learning. Instead, we are indoctrinated & shown how and what we are meant to think.
Knowledge is meant to expand your mind but the education system just serves to narrow it down and put you in a box. We're being fed dreams of the wrong variety and sent to chase after them like fools.
Let us learn to think outside the box by exploring ideas, themes & taught beliefs critically... Also, we must trust ourselves. If something doesn't seem quite right and it doesn't resonate with you, it's probably BS. Don't forget you have an inner compass, dear. It's essential especially now at a time when truths are trying to be hidden from the public because less people are (metaphorically) sleeping & more are starting to realise the violence perpetuated through our system on every level. Cases like Sandra Bland, or even more recently Christian Taylor- an unarmed 19 year old black boy shot by the police.
It's scary to think it has been going on for so long and only now people are standing up. You've got shit like the war on drugs to punish poor POC instead of offering help. I'm pretty sure things like the 'war on drugs' have nothing to do with drugs themselves because if it did, all of the police officers would be at places like music festivals where the general demographic is white, middle/ upper class and off their face on all kinds of party drugs. Instead, they are breaking down the doors of houses in poor areas with people selling drugs to make ends meet. Drugs are bad for you don't get me wrong, but I feel like people take them to escape things and so they should be helped, not criminalised. Addiction is a far bigger and more dangerous problem than drug use.
Losing ignorance might not change the world but it will change your perspective. It may help you to understand life better and allow you to not fall into any traps. Soon, if enough people wake up maybe more things will come to light, and truths revealed. Also, like I've said before, don't take everything you're told or fed lying down- especially from the media, mass co-operations and schools. Nothing is ever as it seems.
In the words of my homeboy Karl Marx (yes, I refer to philosophers as my homeboys cause they're pretty fucking cool) 'You have nothing to lose but your chains!'
Have your own quiet revolution until the sleepy ones wake up. If you revolt, there will be a revolution. It starts in your mind...
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