Most people are like omg, thank you universe, God, whatever they believe in, yes! Then they grab it, and go along their very merry way with their blessing in hand. Life isn't completely perfect from there- because it's life but it's a lot better and easier to deal with.
However, many run away empty handed leaving the thing they were dreaming and hoping for behind. Why? I don't know... Fear? Masochism? Or Maybe sometimes what we wish for isn't really what we want and so when we actually have it, it's easier to just turn our backs to it and hope it goes away. It's easier to kick our blessings instead of taking them and knowing we're worthy and deserving of a happier life.
Sometimes, maybe it's the people around us who are jealous or wouldn't like to see us better off. Sometimes we are sabotaged or given bad advice intentionally by people that are meant to be in our best interests. Be very careful, people around you could be trying to ruin you and be passing it off as a joke or a bit of fun. Some will have you cursing your blessings and ignoring your gut. Misery loves company.
Don't forget, when you get a sudden feeling, it's from somewhere and something beyond you and I. You'd be doing yourself a great disservice to ignore it. At times you have to stand up and know that you deserve better in life. If you put yourself first, you'll be in a better position to help everyone else instead of not being in the right place to help, helping anyway and doing more harm than good. It's a skill to be able to function whilst you're internally fucked and that takes years of practice, discipline and work... Even so, many don't have the strength for it and most don't succeed very well.
But just keep fighting your corner, if you're lucky maybe someone will come and help you out.
I pray you find courage. I pray you appreciate the blessings that lay before you in life. I pray that wonderful opportunities continue to flow abundantly like a beautiful stream. I pray you are wise enough to grab all the blessings & good things meant for you in life because you deserve it. We weren't born to suffer, we were born to learn, grow, enjoy and be happy.
And that is my final wish for you.
Wherever you can, choose happiness because life is over in a blink of an eye... We can't procrastinate and wait for things, sometimes we have to just try our best. If it doesn't work out, we learned, we tried and that's better than doing nothing and expecting the world to change for us because it won't. We create our own reality.
So, create your reality and make it beautiful. Go for the life you've always dreamed of. Take a break if you need it. Smile. Be kind.
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