Saturday 10 January 2015

So for those of you that didn't witness my annoyance in real life (or on snapchat). 

There was a winter ball/meal at a 5* hotel I was attending and despite getting express delivery, my dress didn't arrive on time. I can't even. I was at the ball with a plain black dress. T_T

In fact, it's annoyed me so much, around Christmas time when I was out shopping I bought myself a full length ball gown for the Summer balls that should be happening, or next years' balls. But knowing me, I'll probably end up buying a new dress for that too... Gah. I love clothes and shoes too much. 

This is the dress I was going to wear, but then again it's a bit loose on my waist so maybe it's a blessing in disguise because now I can get it taken in at the waist if I so choose. I mean, the fit isn't that bad but if it's a dress, unless it's intentionally loose I like it to fit properly or it makes me look kinda fat or bigger than I am-as with any garment that's fitted but too big. 

Because of my body proportions, clothes don't normally fit me right and I have to get them bigger which makes them fit in some areas and baggy in others. So when I'm in a dress, it has to fit properly to make up for all the baggy times xD (it makes sense to me). I get the same problems with dresses but just not as bad so I can't complain...

I wish you many success in picking the right fashion choices for yourself. May you always look good and have a nice hairdo. :-D lolol

Love, light & warm hugs,


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