Saturday 15 March 2014

Each and every day you had the opportunity to make things right. Now, did you? Do you??

Everyday we can make it alright, make amends, make our lives better and yet some choose not to, but wonder why they can't fill up the emptiness. 

If you want to screw yourself over, by all means go do it, be stupid and masochistic, it's your choice. 
But don't ever make such decisions when it's affecting others and you know it is or will. If for example, you not fixing something in your life makes you lose sleep or become irritable etc and you're horrible to the people around you or broken inside and your loved ones sense it and get hurt too because you're not happy that's not fair. It's not their fault you've turned your back on the vital things or wishes you hand in this life and become bitter or have a deep internal sadness.

You leave it so long when every single day you have the opportunity to stop the deep pain of yourself and others. That to me isn't fair and very selfish. 
When you're hurt, whether you know it or not, you're not the only one hurting in your struggle, ever.
But every day you have a new start and a new chance. 

A lot can happen in one day. 
Even more can happen when you stop running away. 

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