Friday 26 September 2014

Higher vibrations

Higher vibrations. 

The things that move us, bring us true happiness & the very thing we are searching for in every low pleasure we seek & 'gain' (I put gain in quotation marks cause it's not really one, all things come at a price, this one happens to be our hearts). 

Higher vibrations are something we all strive for whether we realise it or not. It's something found in the simple, free but meaningful things in life like unconditional love, kindness, joy... They raise us higher and cause us to smile, and have that contentment and deep satisfaction within ourselves... not just on the surface, or to what everyone sees but on the inside. There are many swans in the world... Looking beautiful & elegant on the surface & paddling ferociously underneath because of course, nothing is as it seems. 

I could go into spirituality, and becoming 'one' with one's self but I won't... You could look into it though if you want to or have an interest. 

To me, without trying to trivialise it, it all boils down being good to ourselves & others, loving unconditionally, being honest, treating people as we'd like to be treated, listening to our gut; inner voices and feelings, accepting life's lessons with grace, knowing we are supported always & we should ask for it & trust in it, & not doing things that cause harm, pain or hurt to ourselves &/or others. Raise the collective vibration, don't drop it. 

At the end of the day, we are our own beings, we have our own free will, hearts, souls etc. Because of this, we must always progress on our own for our own development. Your lessons may involve others but they are ultimately yours and you are ultimately here to grow & advance as an individual, mind and soul as we are a soul with a body, not the other way round. 

We all progress at our own pace- of our choosing and we can't force others to grow (by grow I just mean be in a position of happiness where they make the best decisions for themselves and others, not in terms of being more advanced or anything... It's not an ego thing, it's just about being the best person you can be, which is difficult). 

Sometimes, the ones closest to us are not on our vibration. It's hard but it's okay, they'll get there one day... We just shouldn't sink to their low vibration from being around them in order to adjust and gel better with them. Positivity and happiness is always stronger and we should hold are own!  

We can act as guides to help people help themselves & make the best decisions for themselves, but only gently and if they're ready, because we can't force anyone and when one is used to something & it's their habit, they'll protect it with everything which is why some never progress as they always hold themselves back... But being happy? It's a state we all wish for and the quicker those around them wake up, the quicker they'll join... No one wants to be sad and feel emptiness and discontent... No one likes to feel disconnected. It's a safety mechanism of those that switch of feelings instead of facing them, or those that spend so long weighing things up that they end up never progressing and living stagnant, unfulfilling lives with hardly any true emotion as in weighing up, they switch off till they're ready to deal with it (which is sadly rarely). 

Thing is, we can't have it all... hedonism, debauchery... All these things may seem like fun, and 'the life' that we all strive towards because that's how the media portrays it so it's what people aspire to... But it's not 'fun' it's damaging to ourselves, our souls & our happiness. It isn't real contentment or joy but a gross perversion of it... There's no love only lust, no happiness or contentment, only greed, only the dark side instead of a balance. It's saddening to see just how much hedonism & debauchery is promoted in our media with ridiculous music videos, tabloids & music which are quite frankly vulgar.

 When they promote such things and people follow it's like they steal your soul away & let you disconnect yourself from your heart like them, so that you're able to do those soul destroying things too without thinking of the consequences.  I mean, with crap in the media it'll sell, but just for the fact that it's been promoted. A lot of things now are auto tuned crap with repetitive beats, story lines and themes. I don't understand... It destroys several art forms. One can only really touch people and make them actually like them if you do something meaningful & make them feel something. 

People have goals in life but at the same time they don't. How? Because they aspire to be things that they see in mass media, or other negative channels; and it's a dream, an aspiration, yes... But it's not theirs, it's what's been idealised and so they've taken it as their own. Some people grow up and wake up, some people don't and they either strive for that life and end up with the hedonism, debauchery, low pleasures, no soul without the dream or they achieve it and realise it's not really what they hoped it'd be. "The child is grown, the dream is gone." I woke up to the sound of beeping & that song in my head, that line in particular (Pink Floyd- Comfortably numb). But I digress, (as per usual). It's never all it's made out to be, they'll be the first to tell you that in their quiet moments, you see it in their faces, the melt downs, the fake smiles, it's everywhere...

In general, in life you must always be aware... Open your eyes. Really open them and look at yourself and the world around you. 

Anyway, to sumarise, keep your vibration UP. Don't hurt people, don't be cruel to yourself/others & understand that we are human and a mistake is only bad if you don't learn from it. Forgive yourself if you need to & try & right to your wrongs. We can change, if we want to. I'm not saying don't go out, have fun, spend your money and 'Carpe diem', but don't leave your heart behind... there are better ways to seize the day emotionally & one shouldn't use the world to try and buy themselves a soul, because all they'll be doing is trying to buy back what they've already given up freely in pursuit of the world. 

Take care, look after yourself & listen to yourself. Never silence those deep inner feelings, thoughts or voices of guidance, advise & positivity. 

Love you unconditionally,


P.S- Please keep me in your thoughts, I'll keep you all in mine regardless!
Bright blessings

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