Thursday 30 January 2014

'Love should hurt'.. 'It isn't love until it hurts'

Nononononononono NO. 

I heard that in some lyrics, saw that written somewhere- in fact, it's everywhere but friends, it's simply not true. Not in the slightest and it's incredibly sad that people think that way. It's a sign of how we've been brainwashed and how we've allowed the dark forces and lower energies (negative people, limiting thoughts etc) in the world to conquer us. 

Love is pure and it's the most powerful emotion on the planet, it heals both the world and ourselves. But naturally when there is light, there is also darkness. But this darkness comes not from love. It's from negative forces & negative people around us. 

Love is strong. When we initially feel it... That attraction, that bliss, that feeling deep within our hearts and our minds that we- our souls are home. THAT is love, and that is all it is. Unconditional, unselfish etc (I've attached St Paul's first letter to the Corinthians below). 

Really that's it. 

But then we as human beings complicate it- we bring in the demons of fear, doubt, selfishness, (the list goes on) and we think no, this is too good to be true so you then try to rationalise it and you ruin it. To love is to lose yourself but some people are too afraid to let go, scared they won't get caught. Not trusting in divine will or just simply themselves. We are sold the idea of love having to hurt by the media. Hollywood lives on our fears, emphasising them, changing how we look at things (how many completely happy love stories without pain have you seen?) and then we expect the same for us when the pain is not our portion. We are sold dreams. Told love has to hurt. It doesn't have to be this way. 

Don't you see... True love isn't wrong and it does not hurt- it's pure happiness yet we doubt, mistrust and get scared. This fear leads us to ignore our hearts and instincts and act on this fear. When you act out of fear instead of love & your gut instincts you're merely left with negativity- anger, jealousy, selfishness etc- the opposite of what love should be. Your reaction and rejection of love makes you act like this and then you blame it on love and say love hurts when in reality, love (well its perception) was twisted by your own fair hands. Negative emotions? Pfft, that's not love!

You break your own heart. That initial feeling of love was never painful, you simply rejected it yourself, brought in things that were never there. The shock of an emotion so strong put you in defence mode & made you feel you were unwilling to surrender and trust yourself. You mess if all up and claim love made it that way. We have free will and YOU chose to listen to the darkness. 

Love didn't make you act that way, fear did. True love will not hurt you if you follow it, trust & believe. If you suddenly do, your only regret would be you didn't so it sooner. 

You don't have to hurt yourself & others because of love, for the only sacrifice in the pursuit of love is surrender. You surrender to the love, you let it carry you and you follow your heart. You ignore those dark feelings, push through and become greater than your fear- which you most certainly are. When you try and stop pain because of love you just cause more hurt to you & possibly the other person because you deprive them and there is no hurt in love. All you do is attract this hurt you think should be there in, in order to 'protect' yourself and the other. Yet rejecting the feeling only leads to pain. No good will come out of turning your back on love. Ever. I, Dalanda can promise you this. Turning your back on true love only leaves you with harsh lessons and pain reminding you you should have listened to your heart in the first place. 

All that's left behind is regret and negativity... From something so beautiful and pure. 
Regret is just so painful... What if? I should have?, God, I wish I'd... Etc. 

Love is beautiful. 
Yet you kick it and blame it for breaking your foot forgetting you were the one that decided to kick it. 

Don't turn your back on true love or your gut. Ever. If there is anything that will lead you home and make you safe it's love. Embrace it. 

True love itself doesn't hurt, stop complicating it for yourself. 

Unbreak your heart 

If they tell you true love hurts, they're lying and they're at a vibration you don't want to enter because you'll be hurting too, along with love. 

Just step back for a second and see it like I do...

"BRETHREN, love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood. So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. Make love your aim, and earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy."


  1. Aw. I agree. Thank you for sharing this lovely post. I feel like a quote like that (the title) comes from somebody who is not ABLE to love unless there is an element of pain.

    Some people love in very bizarre ways. Some people can't help but love people who are violent towards them or had a disregard for their feelings. I've come across the weirdest things.

    Have you ever seen the Ted Talk, The Power Of Vulnerability? I like it because it talks about why the same vulnerability that allows us to be hurt is the same thing that allows us to be kind and love other people. It was very interesting, I hope you find it intriguing too.

    Take care!! <3

    1. I'm going to trash my iPad. It deleted the response I had for you! T_T
      Give me a but, ill rewrite it!
