Wednesday 16 July 2014

We all strive to be as good people as we can. Many of us give to a charity, some volunteer at homeless shelters and soup kitchens. But still, when push comes to shove, many of us hold on to our wealth like our life depends on it. Why? Is it because of fear? Because of the thought “this is mine so you can’t have any”?
This video sadly proves this point and proves it well. Luckily though, we have among us people like the homeless man on this video.
After Sam Pepper went around, asking many many people who were clearly more “well off” than the homeless man to give him a slice of pizza, it was clear that people did not want to share something that they had. But the miraculous thing is, that after the pizza is given to the homeless man, who’s probably way more hungry than the other people at the diner, he decides to share it with Sam.
This reminds us about the simple facts of life and happiness. We gain so much more through giving, than we do by holding on and hoarding.
“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” 
And remember, “Be excellent to one another!”
Be kind, share. Real wealth and happiness has absolutely nothing to do with how much money is in your pocket and how 'high up' you are in society but with how well off you are inside, and whether or not you are connected to your heart. And I think the people that understand that most are those with seemingly 'everything' be it money, or fame, or the dream wardrobe packed to the brim with beautiful expensive clothes and accessories but are disconnected from the heart because in that case, really they have nothing. They're miserable inside, they long for those human things of the heart that money can't buy... Yet they keep trying to find this happiness with money and forged relationships and feelings trying to grab on to the broken fragments of their life, love... and they end up with shitloads of things and people they don't need in their life. And  worse, pain, emptiness and a constant feeling of something being missing along with the realisation that they'd be happy normal like you and I and they had a heart.
 Some people are really disconnected and they've no idea what real love is. Because of this they hate themselves. They try to change themselves in the hope that it'll make them feel better about themselves and their body and it makes them happy for a minute until they find something else to hate about themselves because everything in life is superficial and of course because this burning they have is insatiable. It often ends with them looking like, feeling like and being the monster that they always feared, and it's always by their own hand. 
If you disconnect from your heart, you lose your humanity and become and empty shell of a human being. able to hurt and wrong people and you then run off negativity,or pride, hurt, hate, chaos, narcissism, or all of the above (btw, that was by no accounts an exhaustive list). All of the opposites of what you would have and what you would feel if you let yourself have a heart.
It doesn't hurt to share the little you have and it doesn't have to be money, it can be your time, resources, and support, and you should do so with genuine and kind intent. Don't fool yourself into thinking you're something your not by doing kind things for the sake of doing kind things so that you look good or appease people. Just do good, there is a quote and I can't remember who it's from but it comes to mind... something along the lines of the greatest thing you can do is to do something for someone that cannot repay you.
Don't get me wrong, it's possible to fix it but it's not easy, living in the heart is hard which is why so many people disconnect. Feeling vulnerable and open to feeling hurt is hard, and some people or situations can hurt you so badly that you just don't want to feel anymore... but it's how you learn and become a greater person. What's life without lessons ey? You can learn for yourself and others so you can spread the message of love, acceptance, tolerance and joy. Although it's difficult, there is support and when you open your eyes more and seek with intent you will find things seen and unseen that will help you. Have the right intent in your heart, seek... and you will find.
In the end though, the decision lies with YOU and you have to be your own saviour, the journey can be pretty lonely too because maybe not everyone with think like you do. And if someone doesn't want to change and they're committed to misunderstanding you, they will most probably put you down for what you do, and that's okay because it's a personal journey and when they see and feel what you have they'll want it to, and they might join you (Or if they're really horrible, drag you back down (in which case you need to keep your distance because yes, people do harm others for no reason)... which is the bane of our lives). You'd be an absolute fool to think that you can rely on a person to be your safety blanket and always be there for you and support you because really they won't and can't. You are the one that has the answers for your own life and you have to be the one that decides things because it's your life and no one else's. And if you rely or are relying on someone that is disconnected from their heart, well, God help you... You'll be waiting forever. Seriously. Get out now and start taking responsibility for your own life. You're not a puppet, you're your own person and no one else can better you and your life but YOU.
Stay strong, be brave and open your eyes...
-Dalanda xxx
P.S- Maybe not everyone would make the decision to live in the heart, because as I said it's difficult (but very worth it), if you don't that's totally your choice. Just don't fuck with the people that have decided to not be cowards and live through the heart. Pretty much ALL of the hardship of not living disconnected is caused by disconnected people being bitter that you're happy that you have peace they search for... Or them simply not having a heart and so they try and fuck with you that does have one because it's amusing for them to watch and feed off of the negative energy, hurt and pain they cause (disgusting, right?). They turn their back to the positivity, and light in the world without realising that light is way more powerful than darkness ever was and ever will be and will give them real joy, and not this sick pleasure they seek. Plus, most importantly, God does NOT like it when you fuck with his people,  you don't have to believe in him to get burned. People that mess with good, innocent people like that pay very, very, dearly... In this life and the next. But whether one believes in it or not, there's a universal law of karma because the world must always retain some kind of equilibrium... you do  good, it comes back to you threefold, not always from where you expect which is why you just do good freely and you'll be taken care off.But if you do bad, it comes back to you even worse and no one wants that. Then again maybe people would learn if they could actually feel some of the pain they caused to completely innocent, blameless people and their lives for no real reason. 
Just remember to be the kind of person you need. And if you want to go down, don't drag anyone with you, even if someone wrongs you, let go and let God...
Remember that, "Let go and let God".


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