Friday 10 April 2015

Jeff Brown

I've recently discovered Jeff, and he's already one of my favourite thinkers. 
Often people are confused on the concept of soulmates, lessons and everything in between, because as with everything in life it's just not very clear cut (Hollywood doesn't help much either). Often people hold on to the wrong bonds instead of learning their lessons, letting go and perusing the real ties because karmic or otherwise, the deep connection between some that you may need to let go of remains till you cut off and it can manifest itself in this world, and in our minds in many forms. Unfortunately, the more you as a soul are with someone that you shouldn't still be with the more it becomes negative, destructive and intrusive in your day-to-day life and thinking. 

Paradoxically, the bond gets deeper and harder to let go of because obviously the more you are with someone, the more you know them, become familiar with them and so deepen your tie that should really been severed but has now become so hard to let go of. I guess in life we have to keep learning and growing and nothing is easy, but earth is like a school and some lessons hurt more than others- particularly those that involve letting go... but I guess one just has to step back, analyse the damage and realise it's not worth it. It's not worth your sanity, and it's certainly not worth losing out on something real that you can have with true people that fall into your path to make you grow and happy. Don't get me wrong, these fate mates etc, they will make you grow, but only once you get rid of them as when you do, you'll realise how much they in fact just stunted your growth as a soul and human being and drove you somewhat crazy, almost like you're stuck in this vicious cycle where the high is never really worth the pain but you don't realise and the only real benefits are from letting go. It seems really hard but you have a lot of strength and are supported more than you realise and once you are free, you can then make room for the right and best connections for you that will make you happy and help, support, encourage and not drain you or drive you crazy at the same time. Unfortunately not every seemingly good bond is meant to last forever, and the sooner you realise this and find the strength to know when the right time to say goodbye is, the sooner you'll be happy. Love, friendship, any kind of connection should never leave you feeling empty and lost. You should feel uplifted after being with someone, period.  When it's time to close the door I think it's something that you as a soul will realise, you know when it's real and you know when it's time for it to be over but it's whether you choose to acknowledge it, or switch off your gut and continue to be led by the ego... 


I've only discovered this guy yesterday, but I'm impressed, I think I might buy his books to read over the summer holidays...

Also, I really like what he had to say about the tragic plane crash, I completely agree and he even talked about masks, him and I are totally on the same wavelength and due to this synchronicity I feel like I was definitely meant to post stuff from him....

I'm sure this is useful to all of you in some way, if it's not useful now it will be. Ideally, I hope that these things I have shared with you are merely confirmation of what you already know and practice in your life so you can be like yes, I am doing the right thing! Because the best thing for you as a human and as a soul is by no means ever always the easiest and we all struggle with making decisions that may effect us negatively before we see the benefits but it's like taking a hike up a steep hill or mountains: you'll start but some of the way through, you might take a break or give up, you may have even spent weeks, months... Years of your life, hiding, taking rest in the caves, not wanting to climb, going back at it again, only to slip and fall back into those deep but comfortable hiding places, avoiding the steep climb, cold wind on your face and sweat on your back but when you get the courage, the willpower and the determination and you finally reach the top... My God, what a view. 

Take care, be strong & don't be stupid. Pls. Srsly. 

Lots of love,

- Dalanda :-)


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