Friday 24 April 2015

The great taboo

Mental illnesses. 

I saw this post on tumblr and I thought I really had to share it because I've seen and heard some very ignorant things about mental illnesses. It's a lot deeper than what you see on the surface or what is sometimes very irresponsibly portrayed in the media. These are just a few and there are sadly a wide range of illnesses that effect the mind and interfere with ones day to day life. 

Don't make generalisations or guesses about what people are going through, even if you've had the same, everyone experiences them differently but to everyone it's crippling. If you know someone or suspect (as it's pretty taboo to talk about mental illnesses-hence the title as people don't like to mention their struggles for fear of being dismissed, not taken seriously or being seen as crazy amongst other things) someone is suffering with something or many things, don't turn your back on them. Even if they push you away or lock themselves up keep trying.  To reiterate the-inspired-lesbian, depression drains your energy and can leave you confined and sequestered, not getting back to people or talking to them, never fulfilling your potential as you hide with a constant ache, pain and emptiness in your chest. Anxiety makes you scared to talk to others and think everyone hates you & you're being judged constantly, it wreaks havoc with your stomach, chest and life. PTSD gives you those terrible nightmares and flashbacks that make you do anything not to fall asleep.  Triggers are all around and you're scared and defeated because you're so damn tired but unproductive and you really can't trust anyone. Anorexia is the very thing that nourishes you & gives you energy becoming the enemy. Never being satisfied no matter how thin you appear to others... Binging, purging, hiding, becoming secretive & tearing yourself apart. All whilst you have to smile, and pretend to be 'normal' because you can't really talk about it and people probably wouldn't even take you seriously anyway. 

It's not easy, not at all and these are just a few illnesses. People hide or mask themselves- look at famous and tragic examples like our childhood film hero Robin Williams who could give everyone joy but he lacked it himself, or the icon- my dear Marilyn Monroe who also suffered depression and ended her life... That is why you must always be kind. Make people feel special and reach out, be a good person and/or a good friend. Don't play games that will mess with peoples heads and make things worse or trigger something. Mental illnesses are a nightmare to live with so if you know/suspect someone, call to see if they're okay, talk to them, send care packages, write them letters and messages, let them know they're special and they have your love because mental illnesses are the loneliest thing ever and sometimes even people that want to be there for you don't know how so I'm giving some suggestions which I think will help greatly. Be a ray of light. Show them how life can be beautiful because you lose that vision when you're living in the shadows. And if they reach out to you, for God's sake grab them. 

 Finally, don't lose patience... These illnesses don't come up overnight and they won't be healed overnight. Be understanding and encouraging. Don't give up on the sufferer, try your hardest and then some. Don't just disappear one day like all the other disappointing people or things in their life that have let them down and possibly helped trigger their illnesses. That's really not cool, I'm not saying take on everyone's burdens because that will make you ill, but help lighten the load with simple, random acts of kindness. Make time for people, work will always be there but people won't. 

I'll say it again, always be kind. After some time, people become very good actors/actresses and liars. Don't confront them about their illness... Just be supportive. It really does make a difference no matter how small. There's nothing worse than feeling alone like no one cares, like there's no one you can trust and people turn away from you for things you didn't even realise you did wrong like accidentally pushing them away because the sadness was overwhelming.  

Remember, people aren't their illnesses. Try and see the person they once were or could be that's hiding behind the person they have become. The ones that seem strong are usually the weakest, don't be fooled... You never know when you could have been someone's saviour until it's too late. 

Take care, and if no one else is, I'm holding your hand. I'll walk with you, I promise. You're not alone even though I know it feels like it. You know how to find me & if you don't want to, I'll keep sharing things that may help you live a better life like I always do... It's just finding the strength to start which you do have. You're not forgotten. 



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