Wednesday 8 April 2015

Miss this...

From a couple months ago... 

In the Arndale about to shop... I am excited to go back there soon & do it again because shopping is one of my favourite activities. :-D

Whenever my friend & I take those escalators, we always have to put our feet directly on the foot marks xD

I'll be going back this week, won't get drunk this time though (probably). I usually get juice but I really needed those drinks that day! 
NOTE- I DO NOT AT ALL ADVOCATE DRINKING ONE 'S PROBLEMS AWAY! As you might gather from my posts, I'm very much a 'deal with your problems & face up to them' person... Who doesn't always practice what she preaches. Heck, I'm only human but I pray you have more courage than me to actually act on the things I write about so you have a happier life. :o) 

On that note, I'm about to write on fear/apprehension... Stay tuned, it'll be up in an hour or less... Well, you'll probably see it in the morning as it's past 3am. Maybe I should write it in the morning... Anyways, I'm rambling & typing out what I'm thinking so this is a good place to end!

Take care!

Love always,

-Dalanda. X

I try my best with what I have. Even if I don't have strength or I'm beaten down & very hurt I will still do what I can to help, advise & encourage so you don't feel like I do (or cause pain to other people- many do this unknowingly because they don't think before they act), or you don't feel alone & you have a cheerleader, someone you can talk to that won't disappear or leave you & importantly the advice & support that I was never really given but I wish I had. But hey, everything happens for a reason sometimes it goes wrong & it's not always your fault so if anything, just have faith. I strongly believe that where there is life, there is hope. It's never too late to be a better person & create the life you've dreamed of so vividly...  :-)

P.S- thanks for the messages, I think I've replied to mostly everyone, check your tumblrs & DM's 

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