Wednesday 3 April 2013

Music & the music industry...

Sooo, recently, I bought The Beatles "1" album- 27 number 1 hits in a CD- epic song after epic song! :')

I went to the checkout to pay and the dude laughed at me and was like you're too young for this! This is from my decade, like the 70's or so! I just laughed it off  told him the Beatles are great and went on my way.

Thing is, it's The Beatles, it's not about old music, it's about the CLASSICS, The Beatles reformed music and they were lyrical and melodic geninii. The music industry would be so much better if they acknowledged the older real artists that wrote their own material and didn't make number 1's from old recycled number 1's. Some of the Aborigini people of Australia don't believe in people taking their picture as they feel it's like a part of them and their soul and it should belong soley to them... I think we need to take this approach with music. People pour their heart out and slave hours in the studio, they have sleepless nights over melodies and lyrics etc only to have people like Nicki Minaj shit all over it with their autotuned poop.

I'm a 90's baby, so I do remeber some of the good 90's artists but they kinda died out, and now we have people like Rebeca Black. :-( It actually pains me that in like 20 years or so, people that don't even deserve the title of 'musician' will be reffered to as 'classics' alongside people like Micheal Jackson, Boys II Men, Sam Cooke, Slash, Guns & Roses etc. They shouldn't of even given them a mic.

Where are the legends? Where are the people that write their own music that comes from their heart? There are simply too little left... Sad thing is, some artists could actually be pretty good but the record labels make them write shit because that's what sells. Our new generation is refusing to acknowledge proper music. I really wish that they exposed them all to REAL music, the classics. Classic rock, R&B, Hip-Hop, Pop even Rap- 2 Pac was another lyrical genius. Maybe then they'll appreciate what real music is and make a stand for less autotuned, overly manifactured shit. That'll probably never happen... But I can dream.

Don't get me wrong, artists like Nicki Minaj are fun to listen to, but that's about it... They're more entertainers than they are musicians. Their music lacks depth, it doesn't touch you, they have lyrics like "You a stupid hoe", "Starships were made to fly" etc, WTF IS A STARSHIP?! But I digress, obviously, a few artists like that are good fun to listen to- what else would you dance to at a party? BUT, the music industry is being overun by them and we're losing the meaning and essence of what real music is- like in a few years people will probably grow up thinking a Mac is an instrument.

 I think the reason why artists like Adele are so successful is because they are original in the RIGHT ways- not cause she wears on leopard print weave, but because she writes her own stuff, it comes from the heart and she means every word she sings. Adele said herself "I write music for the ears, not for the eyes".

It's quite sad that we live in a society where young people get laughed at for picking up a classic over a Justin Bieber album... Maybe one day we'll discover true music, maybe soon a legend will be born and they'll teach us the meaning of music once again.

Till next time,


Dalanda :-) xxx

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