Friday 12 April 2013

This guy reading the newspaper on the subway is Keanu Reeves.

He is from a problematic family. His father was arrested when he was 12 for drug dealing and his mother was a stripper. His family moved to Canada and there he had several step dads.

He watched his girlfriend die. They were about to get married, and she died in a car accident. And also before that she had lost her baby. Since then Keanu avoids serious relationships and having kids.

He's one of the only Hollywood stars without a Mansion. He said: 'I live in a flat, I have everything that I need at anytime, why choose an empty house?'

One of his best friends died by overdose, he was River Phoenix (Joaquin Phoenix's brother). Almost in the same year Keanu's father was arrested again.

His younger sister had leukemia. Today she is cured, and he donated 70% of his gains from the movie Matrix to Hospitals that treat leukemia.

On one of his birthdays, he went to a little candy shop, bought himself a cake, and started eating alone. If a fan walked by he would talk to them and offer them some of the cake.

He doesn't have bodyguards, and he doesn't wear fancy clothes.

When they asked him about 'Sad Keanu', he replied: 'You need to be happy to live, I don't.'

I saw this story and it made me feel really bad., no human being should live like this... If you can even call that living- I'd call it more existing. It's sad to think that someone who people would assume has everything (riches, fame and most things at their disposal) really has nothing. It's a prime example of money not being able to buy love or happiness. There's nothing more soul destroying than losing something or even everything that you hold dear to you. When some things go, they take your heart with it and it's a pain that you never ever learn to 'get over'... you just learn to live with it, move on and remeber the good times- because in the end that's all you've got left to hold on to.

I wish I could hug him! I hope we all keep him in our prayers and good wishes, not just him, but all the broken hearted people in the world. Unfortunatley, the world is full of broken people... people that aren't happy, or people with things/people/dreams missing in their life. We only see this story about Keanu publicly because of his fame, but some face this silent battle every single day.

Sometimes, I wish we could all go someonewhere where no pain, hurt, greif or loss existed... where everyone was happy, loved and kind to one another, life wasn't hard, stressful or painful and the only tears were happy ones; but I'm just a dreamer. That will never happen for that state is what they'd describe as Heaven or Nirvana and if life was like that, it'd be too easy. Sometimes, you have to experience hardship and pain in order to enjoy the good things properly and fully appreciate them. Enjoy life when it's good with what you have- be it people, things or whatever makes you happy and gives your heart a reason to beat... otherwise, time will make you appreciate what you had (or could have had).

Till next time,


Dalanda :-) xxx

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